Reviews from

in the past

dark soul con armas, en cooperativo es la polla

The games kinda fun if you play with friends. The game is a survival shooter where you explore different areas, kill enemies and bosses while obtaining materials, cash and other stuff all the while progressing the main story. Problem is the difficulty scaling. Anything that's on hard or above is absolutely ridiculous. Everything can literally kill you in 2 to 3 hits usually and in some cases just straight up 1 shot you. That doesn't make it hard, it just makes it super tedious. I'm someone who enjoys difficulty so it really sucks that I have to play on normal to have some sort of an enjoyable experience. It's not a super long game either even with the DLCs so that kinda blows but oh well it was fun while it lasted I suppose.

Esse jogo é um cocozinho de cachorro na moral kkkkkkkkk, movimentação tão fluida quanto um tijolo na água

This game can get a little boring in the beginning but the further my group gotten the more fun it got. The bosses in the first areas are very dull and okay for a start but I think other games have better beginner bosses than this game. The gameplay is definitely the best part of this game. The game also has some cool locations to explore.

Played this in co op, just because my husband really wanted to play this ... so as per usual I got dragged into it, and boy was I bored to death. He really liked it, I did not. I did not play solo, tried, but could not stand it.

Story was non existent, I couldn't care less. Characters were boring, uninteresting. World was bland, empty. I did minimum to finish it and collect the trophies and that was it. Could not be bothered to finish the dlc.

omg vandal vingança de gaia variação vermelha e branca!!

Não sei se foi porque joguei sozinho, mas acabei não gostando do jogo e o abandonei. Raramente deixo de jogar, mas este exigia um esforço extra para gostar e não proporcionava retorno.

Uma boa ideia com uma execução ruim.

This game is like eating a bag of chips. Filling in the moment and quite tasty but not a crazy amount of substance

Played coop on normal. Probably would have had more fun on a harder difficulty as I found it pretty easy. The campaign felt too short also.

play with friends and have fun

at the same time that the game feels short and pointless, i feel like that if it was even a bit longer it would overstay its welcome, thats what you get with procedural generated games most of the time, a soulless level design. Fun to play with friends tho

if you want to play this game play it coop

This is basically a dark souls with guns.
The gameplay is simple and even better.

dog shit game dog shit gameplay dog shit level design dog shit bosses dog shit game

ho preferito di gran lunga il 2

Melhor jogado se você não tiver amigo merda.

thanks for letting me trick my friends into playing a souls game

enjoyed the combat & visuals, but only up to a certain extent, with each combat encounter feeling indiscernible from the last five. while the foundation may be there, it never expands further, as you shoot a group of 4 enemies, walk, shoot another group, walk, watch for traps, and eventually go somewhere else. while the visuals got the job done, the empty world you're meant to explore went above and beyond - in that there was nothing to look at or find that felt worth while.

story felt like it didn't matter, felt like anywhere i was i was in the wrong spot, and no matter which character/voice was speaking, i just couldn't care less. at a certain point, just noticed that the whole rigamarole was for naught.

noteworthy that i played this on my own when it seems clearly designed for groups.

Good game, not great. Replayability is minimal as your character can be anything you want since all the skills are available at any time and you can get all the traits. Didn't like the swarm of enemies.

Nada mais nada menos que um bom soulslike, de tiro. Remnant from the ashes, é uma otima adaptação do genero para o FPS, eu joguei a muito tempo atras no playstation 4, e voltei a jogar no pc, pretendo platinar no pc mas não estou com tanta vontade de continuar jogando. Se Você gosta de soulslike e jogos FPS, Remnant From the Ashes, é uma otima pedida pra você, e as DLC's deixam tudo melhor.

poha pensei q ia gostar mais, so deu raiva continuar jogando essa bomba

A world building to my taste, but the overall execution of the gameplay wasn't all that. Didn't get accustomed to either the shooting mechanics or the close combat fighting.

Its not bad I like the overall feel of the game

jogando o 2 eu percebi que ele tem MUITOS PROBLEMAS, mas sempre vai ter um lugar no meu coração.

meu dark souls do ceara

An amazing third person shooter combined with soulslike mechanics. While the story is pretty bland and forgettable, the game is carried amazingly by its shockingly great gameplay loop of exploring areas, finding better guns, and mowing down enemies in your path. With that great gameplay and a lot of room for replayability; I’m glad I was finally able to play this game.