Reviews from

in the past

Excellent, brutal, tough as nails! I am experienced with this genre and action games in general but, Resistance 2 amps it up from Fall of man in terms of encounters and sheer force. You'll be thrusted into gun fights with the toughest of chimera. There is plenty of satisfaction with the gunplay to be had and checkpoints are much, much more prevalent. Trust me, you'll be glad for this addition.

The Auger is the gun you want the most and the worst gun when in the hands of enemies. My advice is to try your dam nest to kill those guys first before anyone else. I played on the normal difficulty (two stars) and it was a moderately challenging experience so if you were to lower the difficulty, I don't blame you one bit.

I must agree with the other reviewer and their comment about doing something with Nathan's chimera infection as a source of powers. That would have been cool and something to truly expand upon. I think that’s what’s really keeping me from giving this a 5 due to the seriously missed. There is a segment that gives wishful vibes for the whole game but yeah. Still, I quite enjoyed this one.

Kinda bummed out how the game didn't go hogwild with Nathan's chimeran genes. Could've had him use crazy ass powers but oh well.

I was so into the 1st one that I immediately went out and bought this one and started playing it. This also started my trend of not buying new games anymore.

A shift in the style of gameplay for the franchise, choosing to be more in line with other FPS games, making the game more accessible for new players, but an element of personality was lost in that transition. The game has an aesthetic that is wholly unique to it, with some really good weapon design (no surprise considering this comes from Insomniac), great enemy variety to keep encounters feeling varied and engaging, and some breathtaking cinematic set-pieces. Those set piece moments however do hinder the game a bit, leading to a much more scripted campaign with less unique gameplay moments when compared to the game that came before or after it. It dumbs itself down a bit too much a times, when it would have benefitted from a bit more freedome to use the sandbox at hand.

The uniquely chaotic multiplayer of this game was interesting, with a huge amount of players in each match, creating just this absolute cluster of a time to play. A lot of fun, but not really much depth to be found there. The real treat was the co-op mode, which saw 8 players pick between 3 classes, each with their own role and weapon choice, fighting through gameplay scenarios similar to how Left 4 Dead structures its campaigns. It was surprisingly deep from a strategy point of view, with a progression system tied to it to keep it engaging. The co-op mode was definitely the better of the two multiplayer offerings.

Overall, the game was a solid sequel to the first game, though it did lose a bit of its identity by sanding off some of the edges that made the game unique. A fun game, just one that couldn't stand out from the pack enough at the time.

I think after playing Halo my expectation for PS360 era first person shooters got shockingly low. This game, however, managed to be better. Not in terms of gameplay, mind you. It's still as clunky as the FPS on console could be. The plot is capturing the essence of simple times when nobody expected anything good from video games. It's your typical military gung-ho we good they bad we shot they die story. But with a little something prepared for the end. And that something made it rise above all other garbage shooters from two thousands' in my eyes.

But it is still a console shooter from PS360.

Me faltaba jugar este de la trilogía de PS3. El 1 fue un juego que salió a inicios de una consola que quería competir contra el jefe maestro (uno de los intentos) y terminó siendo un juego con grandes ideas, pero terminó para mí siendo muy regulero, tanto en sus niveles, así como que se quedaba a medias en su historia, donde los controles podían ser mejores y que su dificultad era muy errática, el 3 en cambio me pareció un gran fps que conseguia lo que quería muy bien y que incluso me platine por lo genial que me resultó. El 2 se queda en un punto decentillo porque tiene cosas bastante erráticas como el 1, como esos pinches pendejos que te saltan de la nada con nada de aviso y son instakill, y que las situaciones podrían ser más variadas, aparte de que se nota que empezó a usar la vida regenerativa total tratando de ser más cod, pero me gusta más como se sienten las armas así como el gunplay.

decent sequel, interesting series

I don’t understand why this was popular/well received. even by 2008 standards it doesn’t look very good, the ‘story’ sucks and it plays… fine? I like the bits where it leans more into horror but it feels pretty creatively dead; I wish they’d done something more with the time period

slowly but surely starting to dig at my ps3 collection the reason I stopped before was actually on this game because I didn't have an original ps3 control anymore and 3rd party controls are so bad for first-person shooters also if a game demands you use the Sixaxis functionality but a few months i caved and bought a used Sixaxis controller ps3 control both Sixaxis and DualShock 3 are getting prohibitively expensive imo especially the latter

as for this game, it was ok but I dont miss this type of fps I did eventually get in the Grove of it and enjoyed my time some of the guns are fun but idk there's a reason none of these ps3 exclusive fps got to the status of halo
also i really really really do not miss health bars being this small

This is underrated. At first we were dissapointed that you couldn't play the regular story mode in coop splitscreen like the first game. Instead there were seperate coop missions which at first seemed way too difficult. But that is exactly what made them great.

You would start to be very defensive and strategic. But if you would run away the enemies would follow you through the stage more than you would expect. This is what made this into a very stressful but amazing splitscreen coop game. Possibly the best I've played. The only problem is that it didn't allow for 3 Player Coop. Only 2 Players allowed.

Never played the single player story mode but people sleep on this as a coop game imo

This was the best teabagging game.

Going into Resistance 2, I had high expectations that it would surpass its predecessor, but while it may not have exceeded my expectations, it certainly did not disappoint. The gameplay has been noticeably enhanced with a more modern feel, and the addition of health regeneration is a welcomed improvement. However, I did notice a shift in the tone of the game, with less emphasis on horror and tension and more focus on waves of enemies. That being said, the different locales are visually stunning and the game is a joy to play. While I do miss the weapon wheel from the previous game, which allowed for more creative solutions to combat, Resistance 2 is still an exceptional first-person shooter. Overall, while it may feel a bit generic at times, Resistance 2 is a great-looking and highly enjoyable game.

It's Sony's gears of war, and it's better. Amazing that the PS3 was able to do these kind of graphics. The gameplay is a bit repetitive, but it's the genre's fault.

Sony really loves making Halo killers

This is probably the worst FPS I've ever played, and one of the worst games overall that I've ever experienced.

Every encounter was an exercise in frustration. From the invisible enemies, to cramming 3 minibosses at a time into tiny playing fields, to getting downed by 3 or 4 shots, this game felt like it hadn't even been play tested.

The shooting is marginally better than the first one, but everything else that made the first game slightly interesting is gone. The setting is replaced by generic sci-fi, the plot is somehow even worse and more convoluted, the characters are boring, the boss fights are laughable, and the level design is the equivalent of a 10-year-old's Halo Forge creation. There's no flow to anything, and the game throws you from area to area without ever really telling you why you should care.

For the first third of the game I was enjoying myself, but once I hit the spaceship the quality control fell off a cliff. I can't believe the spaceship level ends with someone accidentally setting off explosives, forcing you to evacuate, it felt like they just gave up. That's how the rest of the game felt to me, too: half baked levels with vaguely interesting ideas marred by terrible enemy placement and boring, plodding plot.

I'm in too deep with this series now and bought both 2 and 3 when I played 1 so I'm going to have to see it through either way. I have truly run out of anything good to play.

Une suite dans la droite lignée du premier opus. Les graphismes ont subi une amélioration qui rend le jeu bien plus immersif. Enfin en théorie, car comme le premier celui-ci contient des passages excessivement durs et casse le peu d'immersion qu'il pourrait y avoir. Le système de gameplay change en passant à un système d'armes limité (au nombre de deux) ce qui je trouve nuie au jeu. Malgré des passages prenant et impressionnant le scénario est quelconque.
Même si ce deuxième épisode contient de bons moments, le jeu frise le médiocre avec sa difficulté en dents de scie, on approche plus du Die and retry frustrant que d'un véritable FPS immersif nous emportant dans son scénario.

A big surprise that I got bundled with my PS3. It's a pity this series went the way it did.

game's a personal classic for the coop mode alone - which i truly believe to be the greatest coop multiplayer shooter ever. the wildly entertaining campaign and massive, robust pvp multiplayer are just cherries on the delicious cake

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Great sequel that improved, and amazed, just as much.

One of my favorite FPS titles. Still holds up well today

Some elements from preducessor were scraped which sucks but nevertheless this is a solid entry in the series.

Big gameplay improvements over the first game. Some issues with map and gunplay glitches as well as design issues. But overall much improved over Resistance: Fall of Man

does pick up a bit in the latter half but man it's kind of a lame followup, drops a lot of the unique stuff 1 had going on and is just kind of a generic futuristic military shooter

Overall this campaign is better than the campaign of the original. It has much better graphics, it has more epic set pieces, and the characters have more personality. The invisible enemies freaked me the hell out back when I played this. The only reason it has a lesser score than the original is because you can't do the campaign in co-op mode.

Lost the will to play an FPS with a controller.

Shooting down a colossal alien in Chicago was one of the best feelings ever.

While I do prefer FoM overall, Resistance 2 had some crazy fun multiplayer back in the day that I still remember fondly of. However, the campaign is a step down that leaned with following first-person shooter trends of the day; removal of weapon wheel, health bar and vehicles didn’t do it any favours. Graphics are pretty good especially for the ps3, and a step up from FoM. R2 had its time and place but I don’t think the campaign is worthwhile to go back to.

This game isn't bad, but it's a big downgrade from the first game.
The lack of a weapon wheel and only being able to carry a max of 2 weapons at once removes a lot of the fun and makes certain encounters way more difficult than they should be.
The lack of campaign co-op is quite unfortunate.
The final boss is also quite disappointing and underwhelming (possible lore reasons don't excuse a bad boss)
On the positive side, the narrative builds towards something pretty interesting (even if you might have mixed feelings on the ending) and the graphics are better than the first game.