Reviews from

in the past

Played it for a little bit and got bored, but I didn't give it that long of a chance. Just makes me want to play ror2 tho.

One of the first roguelike games that really sucked me in was the original Risk of Rain. I put so many hours into that game across all the different consoles. And I'm glad to say I'm probably going to put even more hours into this one. In my eyes, this is just a straight improvement of the first game.

I never played the original Risk of Rain so I can't properly assess how the remake compares to it, but I can say that I absolutely loved sinking many hours into playing this one, both alone and with friends.

Aside from some survivors not really lending themselves well to this game (Chef mostly), I can say this is a proper quality title. Pick it up if you're a fan of Terraria especially

unrelated to the game i need to start smoking

lvl 1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game

I genuinely dislike this videogame and everything it stands for.

Thought it was average and got over it real quick, too difficult and progression felt slow. Not exciting enough for me to put in heaps of hours unlocking stuff.

Divertido e viciante definem este jogo aqui.

Não acho que ROR envelheceu mal ou que precisava de um remake ou qualquer ladainha do tipo, o original está na minha lista de jogos favoritos por um motivo.

Mas o que fizeram aqui foi putaria das brabas. Simplesmente incrível.

2 is way better but this ones still fun

Reviveu o Risk of Rain como um 1.5;
Bem divertido de se jogar com amigos.

if gearbox add those stinkbugs and blighted enemies in the new dlc, I'm obliterating myself irl

eu sou muito ruim nesse jogo ou ele é ridiculamente difícil

It's fun but kind of just makes me want to play Risk of Rain 2 instead.

i hated it at first but then got into deeper runs and this shit is kinda goated

still gotta finish this game tbh but damn its addictive its just like. theres so much bullshit that they should have totally cut like the cremator even existing and the weirdness of certain elemental stuff spawns

This is MUCH more difficult than the original risk of rain. Its greatly improved though and just a wonderful game to boot and give a few runs. As with all ROR games, its better with friends.

you are the biggest dissapointment and gift i have ever been given ever i hate you 10/10

Admittedly I haven't extensively played the sequel, but Risk of Returns is a fantastic remake of the original. Providence Trials can be hit or miss, but a lot of the alt abilities you can get from them are pretty fun.

Game doesn't feel as good in 2D, but still pretty fun. I only plyaed RoR2 previously

everything I like about the original version of the game is intact and it has more to it
art is better

Comprei no lançamento. Virei 2 semanas.

I never played the original, but I am a massive Risk of Rain 2 fan, so I gave the remake a try, and although I do not have many hours yet and have only beaten the final boss once, I still wanted to write this review. 

To start with, the visuals are a massive upgrade with the details that were added, making the pixel art lovely to look at. And Chris Christodoulou, the composer, came back to remake the soundtrack, and my god, he is underrated. The OST slaps so hard. Anyway, the actual game itself is where I may be a bit more critical. Unlike its sequel, this game is 2D, and it can be hard to see in a way. In RoR2, you can see farther because it's 3D compared to this game, where I have to scour the land more, which takes longer and makes the game harder as the difficulty increases over time. The game also feels slower and more restrained compared to its sequel, where one of the main reasons why I and almost everyone else love it is because it lets you become an agent of chaos, demolishing everything in your path. I am assuming Hopoo wanted you to be an actual survivor, so you have to fight and scratch more. I am also comparing the two games instead of judging the game on its own, but what I am trying to say is basically that Risk of Rain Returns did not give me an addiction like RoR2 did.

Bottom line: Perchance of Drizzle Comes Back is a great game with stunning visuals and a baller soundtrack, and though the gameplay does not do it for me as RoR2 did, it is still a competent game.