Reviews from

in the past

Pretty awesome, actually. Showing its age, but merges action and tower defense well enough; scales up the difficulty pretty intensely as I recall. The gameplay isn't quite as tight as Orcs Must Die or Iron Brigade (formerly known as Trenched!) but it stands out from those games by having a rich atmosphere and a unique aesthetic inspired by Canadian folklore.

Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves es un juego que abarca varios géneros en un solo título como son el Rol, Estrategia, Tower Defense y Acción. Nos cuenta la historia de dos hermanos que pese a sus diferencias, unen fuerzas para liberar a su hermana del mismísimo diablo. El juego nos propone planear nuestra defensa durante el día, donde podemos comprar y equiparnos diferentes ítems y armas como también mejorar nuestros “perks” en nuestro árbol de habilidades. También tenemos un mapa donde colocaremos las trampas, que más adelante durante la noche nos ayudaran a cazar a las bestias endemoniadas enviadas por el diablo. La dificultad varía dependiendo de qué hermano O'Carroll elijamos, pero a la larga durante el transcurso de los días los enemigos irán aumentando, como también las instalaciones que deberemos defender.
La banda sonora que nos acompaña durante la planeación y los momentos de acción, es fantástica. También cabe destacar como el juego entrelaza muy bien las diferentes mecánicas y la variedad de opciones que pone a nuestra disposición. Un juego Indie muy recomendado y sobre todo rejugable.

I am so pleased that I got this game greenlight, it's a amazing game. You play as one of the O'caroll brothers who ends up defending their sister from werewolves. In this game, the story of these werewolves and wolves is that they are under the control of the devil. Werewolves are created from souls of sinners that are expelled as they sleep and then merge into a wolf, creating the humanoid wolves you fight, but there are a range of other creatures to fight which have their own weaknesses and strengths in regards to how traps effect them, in lures work and what might do more damage.

The story is very good and the switching between axes (holy for one type, silver for others) and preparing traps makes the strategy all the more interesting. There are also three types of bullets. normal, holy and silver which have their uses, however the rifles they use are old fashioned musket rifles so you will need to make sure that one shot counts and kills whatever you are shooting at. The only things that let it down is it suffers from Brutal Legend's idea of replaying missions where if you do it, you erase all data of the missions you completed after that and so you can potentially farm xp or cash to help you in the final battle or just to improve yourself in the events, however unlike Brutal Legend you are given a clear warning before doing this. Buy this as soon as possible, I highly recommend it!

Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves belongs to the rather uncommon action/tower defense hybrid genre, it differentiates itself by pinning the player against fewer, stronger enemies that require the use of particular weapons or traps to take them down, all of which cost money and time, both in limited supply. This helps create a feeling of helplessness which I found made me take planning before a level more seriously and helped me immerse myself in the experience.
To add to this feeling, the map is also a lot more organic than what you see in Orcs Must Die! or Sanctum, featuring forests, frozen rivers and other natural barriers. Even sound and, impressively, the wind play an important role while playing. Also, I would be amiss if I didn't mention the story because it's very good for a video game and a rare sight in the genre.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this game and I wish I had known about it sooner. Also, it's complete free.