Reviews from

in the past

The flow state that this game gives me is so good. Absolutely amazing (satisfactory)

industrial revolution and its consequences

De los survivals más divertidos que he jugado

Play this with friends and take a shot any time someone uses the phrase "bottleneck"

Cant stop. Cant stop. Cant stop

Esse jogo é incrivelmente completo.

the factory do be satisfying

Played on Steam Deck, was a struggle trying to get used to the unintuitive controls, even with community mods. If gamepad support were properly implemented, it would be a lot easier to get into. I wanted to love it; guess I'll check back in a year or so

Note: Only last played since Update 7. Game is still in early access to take this review with a pinch of salt.

I found myself getting very addicted to this game. I love the whole resource management and creating your own factories in regards to exploiting the resources of the world and making advanced components to send up the space elevator.

Lizzard doggo is best doggo.

The wildlife are interesting and also quite dangerous too. I do love the different options you can get for power, but that you also have an issue with nuclear power plants producing Nuclear Waste and also certain other resources that can be used for all kinds of things.

No matter how many hours I've spent on the game, the world is so interesting and impressive. I'm often so lost, but not in a bad way. I find myself spending hours just observing and destroying nature to get wood and leaves for biomass. Not to mention looking for power slugs that can be made into energy cores that speed different machines, finding hard drives to get alternative recipes (some being much easier to produce than the others) and the artifacts that the voice desperately requests the items in a way that comes off as nefarious, but at this time they have no actual function, but I assume they will in the future.

I made a video in earlier development, around update 5 or 6 I think:

Great coop, always hit a wall

Big sweaty masked woman with hammer and wrench and coal... coal everywhere...

Played a lot of it in early access 2019, waiting for its full release

When I first started playing last summer I got addicted and played like 10+ hours a day.

Oyun güzel hoş, şehir kurma havalarına giriyon tr deki skim sonik cumhurbaşkanından daha iyi şehir yaparım diyorsunuz fakat aşkımız gote geliyor. İlk aşamalar çok iyi gidiyor ooo baya bi düzenliyiz falan filan derken oyunun ortalarına doğru oyunun yavaşladığını çok hissediyorsunuz. Bitirmek için gotumu yırttım ve bitirdim. Bu oyun türleri bana göre değilmiş fakat oyun türü ayırt eden bir insanda değilim. Rdr2 vs satisfactory gibi gibi... yani bu oyunu beğenmedim arkadaş BEĞENMEDİM ! yurak yürek oyun uzatılmaya çalışılmış. Gereksiz yani.

why is every update of this game its own separate game on this site lol. This game hits my dopamine hard, but i do wish there was more incentive to go explore instead of staying at the base. I get the sense it's coming later but my god how long will this game be in early access

I don't know anything besides THE FACTORY MUST GROW

need a god damn calculator just to play this game, 10/10

minecraft moddé si c'était un jeu appart lol

I am suffering from severe and chronic decision fatigue, and playing this game almost killed me, making any progress just made me feel like a new born baby again and I dunno I didn't enjoy that. Waiting for my Darwin era to truly appreciate this game.

Not too much to say here. If you love factory sims and automation, you'll love this game.

Not Trypophobia friendly. Arachnophobia friendly! Eventhough the sounds of the spiders remain :(

Fine automation game. Good automation mechanics and a fun environment to explore. Otherwise nothing majorly interesting.

there's something in my brain that just likes pseudo-linear advancements. for example, I LOVE Skyfactory in Minecraft so much, that it paved a way for me to enjoy games such as this. Cant wait for its full release, and to restart a new world. Here's to automating nearly everything!

i really liked the alien planet setting. however i didn't like trying to navigate 3d space when setting up my production queues or the repeated force back to manual crafting even when I was trying to set up my automation. i'll probably come back to it later?

awesome automation/factory building game, very excited what future versions bring contentwise but as of v8 its already a very fun game. I don't really get why there are enemies tho, as they dont destroy anything, dont pose a thread, are so easy to kill...

those little spider freaks deserve to have their planet taken over by the Industrial Revolution