Reviews from

in the past

very cool idea for a twin stick shooter, bonus points for making it music-based

Yeah I mainly don't like this as much as the first one because the new soundtrack kind of blows compared to the first one.

Very short arcade style action game, beautiful pixel art and BANGIN' soundtrack! Not really for me though.

Where is the skip intro button?

game's perfectly playable and enjoyable so i dont wanna say this feels like a test launch exactly but that the devs are still to add obvious features like skipping boss intros is funny. they shouldve just kept it in the oven for a while longer. enjoyable though, mostly cool new content, don't really care about the music but it works

An interactive album basically.

Ok, for real, the shoot'em up is kinda fun, but it's way too short.

its alright
i dont understand how the valchemist fight works