Reviews from

in the past

First time playing a horde shooter, and it was really fun. Decent weapon variety and banger soundtrack, enemies are fun to encounter too. But the bosses, and the kleer suck, so I would say this rounds out to a decent experience rather than an incredible one. I enjoyed it nonetheless

It's the first game but HD. I have little complaints other than I didn't think the first game was a 5/5.

i would give this a higher ranking but kleer skeletons exist

I prefer the original, but this one ain't too bad.

this game has a boner for skeleton horses

One of the best classic PC shooters, period. Super solid in every aspect, plenty of beautiful Egyptian vistas to play through and fun & varied enemies to fight. An integral part of my childhood. Wish the deathmatch and co-op modes were more active these days.

Beautiful visual upgrade of the first game. Sand never looked better.

Excellent shooting, great variety of fun weapons to use and diverse enemy design. However, often uninspired and repetitive level design can make this admittedly short experience drag at times.

sometimes, your shoot bangs don't need to be complex, story driven, or even popular. sometimes, a billion enemies appearing on screen to kill you is all you need.

Man, these people sure fucking love skeletons huh

Serious Sam, but in HD! A pretty damn good looking remaster, although I personally prefer the original still because I think the simpler aesthetic makes it easier to see enemies. Other than graphics very little if anything seemed to be different, kinda would've liked some more changes for variety, but oh well. Still a dope game.

Paguei o aluguel ✅🤙

Apesar de ser bem longo, feio, massante, ter uma OST chata pra krl e ser um FPS, é divertidinho o suficiente pra falar que valeu a pena, tem umas mecânicas legais e o jogo até que tem personalidade mesmo sendo bem tosco.

11.4 hrs at review time
Serious difficulty
Gameplay 5/10
Music and sound 7/10
Screenplay 4/10
Technical 5/10

It's playable but extremely generic and repetitive. I expected a lot more and maybe that was on me.

You can have some fun with the first levels, but then it becomes a "more of the same", just more hardcore, and it becomes boring.

Also, Zeb89 is a n00b

its fun playing this with friend

Broke: "Serious Sam is First Person Touhou"
Woke: "Serious Sam is First Person Smash TV"

A lot of chaotic fun to be had as far as gameplay goes, but these games can put you up against some Serious bullshit, to the point where the only ways to succeed seem to be just glitching out or reloading the level. A very unique experience, if not the most pleasant

First Encounter tiene uno de los diseños de niveles más raros que me topé en un FPS, tanto que no sabría bien cómo hablar de él. En ocasiones llega a ser muy creativo con sus secretos usándolos como atajos y el hecho de que haya usado los antiguos glitches out of bounds del original como lugares totalmente legales para acceder hace que el juego se vuelva un survival bastante estratégico, encima tienes mecánicas muy curiosas como jump cancel que sirve demasiado para llegar a lugares altos sin usar el rocket jump o estar safe de los enemigos en las oleadas, pero otras veces se pone muy tosco con algunas oleadas y abusa demasiado del chiste de las trampas en ocasiones que era mejor no hacerlo, rompiendo muchisimo con su curva de dificultad. Entiendo que el juego tenga un toque humoristico y haga estas trampas, pero llega un punto que quema muchisimo el chiste y prefieres evitar cualquier item de vida o armor oculto.

Los enemigos son un hit or miss también. Es muy popular la opinión de que los esqueletos se ponen super bullshit en grupos y es algo que comparto también, y la combinación de enemigos no suele ser la mejor. Pero adoro los clones del ATAT, los kamikazes, las harpías y los escorpiones, fueron enfrentamientos muy buenos, y en cuanto jefes la oleada de sapos y la primera fase del jefe final son muy buenos.

Otra cosa que si bien no me molestó cuando me acostumbré al juego, pero sí es muy grave para un jugador que recién empieza es que la velocidad base de Sam, sabiendo lo adrenalínico que es este juego le faltan cosas como el dash del Unreal o una opción para correr.

Se nota a leguas que es el primer juego debido a estas irregularidades, y espero que en las próximas entregas esto mejore de alguna forma. Estuvo corto y entretenido al menos.

Lo importante no es el tamaño, si no como usarla

S key + left click = credits rolling 4 hours later.

Jokes aside, I really do not like Serious Sam: The First Encounter. I get that this was made by a considerably tiny team of developers, and despite its small budget, was rather impressive at the time, but it's not fun to play in the slightest.

Some of this distaste might come from the fact I played both Amid Evil and Blood: Fresh Supply right before playing Serious Sam, but even then, the slow movement mechanics, boring weapons, annoying enemies, and the combination of boring level designs with the philosophy of quantity over quality hit all the wrong notes with me.

There are a few fun moments laced throughout The First Encounter that are rather fun, yet they're only peppered in what's otherwise a boring experience.