Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay is too simple, I would like a little more from it. The plot is made for show, the authors did not exactly make it as the basis of the game. I liked the unusual music and characters. The dialogues are pretty good. Eloquence 100

not what i wanted from the game

I could see the devs trying to be innovative with this side scroller. It was terrible.

Shing! is a game that I think has solid ideas in theory but in execution and design it's a frustrating mess. The idea of sword swings mapped to the right stick is an interesting and different idea for a scrolling beat um up until you actually start playing it. A game like Metal Gear Rising where you also swipe a sword in multiple directions based on the direction works better because you are locked in place. This game however while a belt scroller beat um up is on a 3D plane. A lot of the time trying to pull off 360 motion spin attacks my character would turn around and swing in the opposite way. Or if I even slightly tiled up I jump up to start an air combo unintentionaly. Enemies have large pools of health on normal and I found the best strategy was to simply just mash right on the stick to just keep repeaditly slashing in one direction. Being any fancier doesn't actually help much at all, in fact I found it put myself in more danger than anything. Game overall felt very clunky.

Also the game was frustrating in it's enemy design. Lots of the same enemy just recolored and packaged in annoying ways. Really small ones where only low attacks would hit, enemies that have armor on their head or ones that would just throw grenages from afar. But the worst one was the one what has a full on shield which can only be destroyed by deflecting his projectile back at him. Again like on paper that sounds fine but even getting remotley close to this guys bubble knocks you down and all he does is spam fireballs. So I have to stop attacking and just concentrate on this one annoying enemy. Slows gameplay down a ton. Then his sheild goes back up and i'm instantly knocked down. Levels are really short and often times more talking and short puzzles as it is fighting and it's not good.

The tone is really off. The game looks on the cheap cartoony side but then has blood and gratuetist cleavage on the women with a story that would rather move along than create any depth or character. No winners here.

I think I'm gonna have to recommend a pass on this one. To many better options.

[European Portuguese - Xbox Series S - Dated 02/02/2021]

"Com poucas qualidades redentoras Shing! salta, por um triz, para fora da mediocridade graças ao seu sistema de combate divertido. Apesar de ser reconhecido como um título indie, não serve de carta branca para menosprezar a narrativa no geral, a interface gráfica ou até a ausência de multijogador online cooperativo. Certamente não irá surpreender ou quebrar a mente de quem o joga, mas também existem piores formas de gastar o dinheiro."

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I hate the writing and controls.

Shing! is an innovative beat em' up where blade attacks use either the right stick or mouse movements to perform different attacks depending on your input device. It's a bit hard to get used to, but the system grew on me eventually and it's hard to complain when a developer tries something new.
However, because of this I think it's hard to recommend Shing! to the general public, newcomers to the genre probably want something more standard to start out. Also, new mechanics must be hard to implement so it's not gonna be as refined as a standard 3 button setup right away either.
Besides that I think the presentation is good, the designers use lighting and color to great effect and there's decent enemy variety which helps make each encounter feel distinct. Not to mention an abundance of different power-ups.
Another notable aspect are the writing and voice acting, the humor even gets a bit lowbrow at times, but I think it's good for the most part, I have to admit. It's never pretentious or annoying and the actors do a great job. I also like the character designs and there are plenty of unlockable costumes.
To conclude, I think Shing! is pretty good. I'm unsure of how to judge a game that's so different from the norm, but I think it's very fun and I'm glad I played it.