Reviews from

in the past

- Chess 2 (now it's personal) -
Me encanta la idea tan rara que es mezclar algo tan tranquilo como lo es el ajedrez con una shotgun.
El juego es un Roguelite, puzzles y shooter.
Su forma de ser es muy cruel, cada mejora viene junto a una desventaja que vuelve todo muy difícil y muchas veces no basta con intelecto sino con una buena mezcla de suerte.
Lo unico malo como tal es eso, la suerte, las cosas se pueden poner terribles en cada cambio de fase al darte desventajas muy gigantes + que los disparos suelen pegar muy poco junto con la dispersión toda rara de las balas.
Por cierto la Reina esta Rotisima, más que en su versión normal xd.

Interesting concept but not very fun to play.

Not much variety, but the concept is killer. There's simply nothing more to say.

Мало разнообразия, но концепт убийственный. Просто больше даже сказать нечего.

I like it a lot but the bullet spread rng puts me off it too much, especially in the more difficult throne mode levels 7+

Satranç ama silahlısı. Elinde çifteli var vezir, şah, piyon dinlemeden geleni geçeni vuruyon. Keyifli.

A thoroughly enjoyable rogue-like to pick up and play. As someone who sucks at chess but really enjoys the concept this game fulfilled my desire to be a pseudo-pro. The characterisation of the various chess pieces is really charming and the game has a surprisingly interesting setup given that on the surface it seems like a simple concept. I really enjoyed the upgrade system and how every buff comes with a debuff, it gives the game a lot more strategy and causes you to adopt a various play-styles to match your current strengths. Overall the game is a lot of fun and it succeeds in making you feel like a powerful tyrant but its worth noting that its quite short, I managed to beat the main mode in under an hour.

The gameplay isn't bad, everything surrounding it is. The Quality of Life is abysmal, now ay to speed up the slow animations, most items/new abilities not being explained to you, you can't see enemy attack ranges, you have to be able to memorise all the different modifiers you've given them and notice all the possibilities every move, The "Shield" mechanic doesn't take into account your shotgun killing targets, so you can just die when trying different moves out. It feels like complete ASS that enemies can kill you when they can't move yet.
Needs more QoL to make learning the game actually fun.

i played it for a few hours and liked it and then put it away. not everything needs to push 1000 hours playtime i guess

é o xadrez 2

xadrez virou um roguelike tatico nesse jogo e ele é simples no que se propõe a fazer, e faz com excelencia.

Shotgun King's concept is so clever and genuinely feels fresh. A chess game where you play as a piece wielding a shotgun is just such a ridiculous concept and I love it so much.

I had a lot of fun with it. I beat it 6-7 times, I think? I think it's great but the novelty of it's premise lost it's luster quicker than I had expected. Eventually the runs feel same-y. I found it especially frustrating how often I would die because I killed a piece that was in front of a Rook or a Bishop. Seriously, it just kept happening. That's probably a skill issue but it annoyed me enough nonetheless.

So yeah, Shotgun King is a very fresh Roguelike to spend a couple of hours with. I don't think it has lasting power but I also think that's fine. Not every game needs to be replayed forever.

Shotgun King (2022): Me ha gustado mucho que utilice las normas de un juego existente como el ajedrez para construir a partir de ahí una identidad propia. Apenas tiene trama, es corto y se puede romper con facilidad pero la premisa es tan buena y divertida que se le perdona (7,85)

Concepto muy original, duracion correcta y algo de rejugabilidad con los elementos roguelike.

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 3
Stars: 3

Exactly what would happen if the king had a shotgun.

Interesting twist on chess with a pinch of roguelike elements. Good pick when you don't have that much time and want to play someting quick, plays great on steamdeck.

Increíble como con una idea simple y una tonelada de ingenio se puede hacer un juego tan bueno.

Estrategia pura, con la dificultad perfecta y simplemente perfecto si te gusta el ajedrez.

It's a clever idea for a little roguelike but after only a few runs and unlocking every mode you've pretty much seen all this game has to offer.
After the novelty wears off the game just isn't interesting enough for me to want to come back to it and do some runs.

has a lot of interesting ideas, particularly with how you choose both your upgrades and the enemy's upgrades, and it's got a very addicting gameplay loop

however, i really wish the folly shields worked on all "accidental suicide" moves. it's aggravating to lose a run by accidentally shooting a piece to death that was obscuring a rook or a queen when you are given grace for other moves such as stepping into a checkmate or shooting when you're in check. it's a minor point but it's the cause of at least a third (if not half) of my lost runs and that's quite frustrating when they normally give you warning about these things

still, its quite fun overall and that's really the only big annoyance i have with the game.

Looked quite interesting but not for me in the slightest.

gimmick game with a boring gimmick. easy pass

Прикольная маленькая игрушка, очень много из неё не выжать, но несколько раз пройти самое то. Для полноценного «рогалика» не хватает вариативности твоих действий. Стреляешь или режешь)

actually a great rougelike and a great twist on chess, great game, give it a try

The worst thing in this game is that it doesn't check if there is a rook behind that queen you just killed. Don't worry, you can always just start again . . .

An incredibly good, elegant roguelike with a rock-solid gameplay loop

Petit roguelike avec un concept sympa.

Le quito estrella y media porque está en catalán 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂