Reviews from

in the past

was shit but i played it anyway

Adorava o jogo, construi várias cidades, tentei até convencer meus amigos a jogarmos em um estado juntos para fazermos grandes construções e etc...

Espero muito que tenha uma sequência

My favorite city builder. I have yet to play city skylines with all DLC so I dunno but I like it.

Mediocre experience and a flop of a launch.

I think I do not need to explain that SimCity was a bad game.

The main argument for this was of course, the disastrous launch in which many players could not even play their eighty dollar “EA greed” deluxe game, because the servers could not handle it and you could not play the game locally. Although the issues were eventually fixed, the fact that you must fear a new outage on the EA servers at all times, was a terrible taught and immediately killed the fun of the game (or what was left of it).

Another big issue was the save file corruption. After the billionth outage of the servers, I (and many others from what I understood) lost my save file and could start all over again. Why? Because the servers could not handle/register the file of course.

In the basis, SimCity is just a reboot from the SimCity series, running a new engine. Of course, the new engine offers more simulation, functionality and features than the last one from ten years ago, but it did not perform as well, which resulted in multiple issues. But besides the technical and “always online” issues, the game itself was also really bad. The mechanics were broken, the game looks ugly and “blurred out”, sound is “OK”, and the feeling of a alive and flourishing city was not present in my opinion.

Anyway, you start with an empty plot of land, place your first piece of road, and start building a neighborhood. You earn some money, build extra facilities, needs for your citizens and expand rapidly. You create industry, commerce, keep an eye on your citizen’s demand for electricity and water, the pollution levels and overall, manage your city into success.

The trading system with neighboring cities (other players) was really cool and, despite my dislike for this game, the best feature of the game. You could choose for yourself what kind of city you would become, which specialty or resource made your city famous and trade that resource with other players.

My worst experience with this game, besides the technical problems, where the graphics in this game. SimCity has relatively detailed structures, landscapes and facilities, but when zooming in, to watch your glorious city, all people and cars are under some layer of smog, bloom or blur. It looks terrible. It is just like I am watching a colored river of excrement, moving in the bottom of my screen. When zooming out, it looks kind of okay but compare this to Cities: Skylines, and the difference is night and day.

The sound is just “ok” and has nothing to offer, besides the memorable “SimCity ping sounds” from the previous installments.

The controls, interfaces and reports are simple to understand and a little less detailed and complicated then some other city builders.

To summarize, my fun with this game was killed right at the start, with the launch issues, server issues, always-online crap and save file corruption. When I could finally play the game properly, the motivation to do so rapidly dropped, and when the player base died out soon after that, and the trading with other cities became obsolete, I was done with it.

Although it does not matter that much anymore, I would not recommend this game to anyone. With the knowledge of today, the only way to go is Cities: Skylines.

Always-online crap that deserves to be forgotten forever.
Stay away from it for your own sake.

Może i burmistrzem byłem chujowym, ale za to kasyna pierwsza klasa

Worst game of the entire SimCity history, it was a major disappointment, I still regret buying limited edition of this mess.
The gameplay was awfully simplified compered to the older SimCity games, and E.A servers were very unreliable.
Thankfully we got Cities Skylines, CSL is the successor of SimCity 4 in our hearts.

Okay, hear me out. I loved playing this game back in the day. Maybe because I was 13 when it first came out and I didn‘t care about how broken and unpolished it was and also, Cities Skylines wouldn‘t come out for another 2 years. Yes, it‘s a mess. Yes, once your city grows to a certain point everything falls apart. Yes, the multiplayer aspect is kind of lackluster. However, I have a lot of great memories with this game. Not the most objective take, but who cares.

(Winner of "Blunder of the Year" Award, speech below)
What happens when you take a beloved franchise, and shove always-online DRM right up its ass for no reason than to force people to play online? You get Diablo III. And that’s the point where EA looked at Activision and said “We’re not going to make that mistake, no sir, we are not launching with a broken online service, We’re going to do one better and break the whole fucking game AND the service ” and so in 2013 EA gave us Sim city, a bloated shambling corpse of a game that hardly worked even if you could get it to run during the launch. And sure, the game works -now-, but the damage is done, after many people’s saves were deleted or ruined by griefers using exploits, we all moved on, and Sim City will forever serve as a reminder how Electronic Arts got its name, because their ability to fuck up electronic entertainment is truly an art form.

(Winner of "We're Sorry®" Award for most egregious technical problem, speech below)
Did anyone NOT see this one coming? SimCity took the same route as Diablo 3, and believed that, in a vain attempt to stop online piracy, they would release a game with an always-online internet connection. Here we are not even a full year later, and they’re already patching it out due to their idiotic mistakes.

Getting down to the meat of why this game was chosen, it’s fairly obvious to say that the always-online DRM didn’t work. The game was unplayable on launch, for up to three days afterward as well, and finally started to open up after everyone returned their copy and gave up. Even after the servers came up, the game was unresponsive, and usually had a 500+ ping for even the best, and closest connections to the servers, and wouldn’t even refresh neighboring cities, the major feature of the online functionality, for several hours at a time. Overall, it’s just the game that should have never been, and as a fan of the SimCity franchise, it really does hurt me to say that.

But hey, at least… they’re “sorry.”

I’m the only person who dug this game!

you probably know this already but middle class or intermediate or whatever doesn't pay taxes and they never fixed it

It's funny, but way easy. Sim City games were always very hard, and this one is a piece of cake.

I remember this game being REALLY BAD and having awful DRM and unnecessary multiplayer. Plus, the charm of the previous games was gone.

Its fun, but the plots for your city are so fuckin small you run out of space way too fast.

the cities of tomorrow dlc is the peak of fantasy city building

Ironically, the online aspect is the best part of this game. It's a lot of fun with friends. Alone? Not so much, but if I didn't have friends I'd just play Cities: Skylines.

edit (23/10/26): I have increased the review score from 3.5 to 4.5 to piss off the toxic commenter below even more.

Cities Skylines deixa esse aqui no chinelo só pela jogabilidade

I played this game religiously when it first came out so I recently replayed it, but now that I've played other city builders I just can't enjoy this one anymore. The maps are tiny, but despite this you have a very limited ability to optimise your city - and that's meant to be half the fun of these games!

An early indicator of what would become of a lot of modern gaming. Axed a lot of player agency and options from Sim City 4 and was required to always be online. Showed how predatory EA and Triple A developers were going to get. Diablo III was just the beginning. Sim City helped get the snowball rolling. Had I known what was going to happen, I would have spoken up sooner, but now we're stuck in this hellscape we've made for ourselves.


While the game was cleanly designed and looked very nice, something wasn't quite right here. On paper and in trailers, everything looked good. The way you design cities is nicely streamlined, and they did a lot of work to make sure the various systems didn't get too complicated. Problem is your cities are all very small, and you run out of room quick. This means you reach the late game fast, and in said late game there's not a lot you can actually do. The game just falls apart quickly.

i enjoyed the multiplayer aspect of it but it was a little too simplified

It's an amazing game, but it sucks that you have little space to build. It's incredibly frustrating that you have to destroy buildings and roads to build new things.

ukuratnie ograniczone, okrojonq, spierydolony oszukany, komunistycznie i zdradzieckq, idz sagrqj cities: rpelines s modamj