Reviews from

in the past

one of my fav memories as a kid is staying up all night with a friend playing this eating cough drop after cough drop bc i was sick but had way too much fun to put this down.

I like fighting games ok but I very rarely purchase them. But their marketing got me and I had to get it because Link was in it. I played the crap out of this game. Loved the Weapon Master Mode with the different unique modifiers on each battle and all the different weapon choices for the characters, especially as a nerdy kid who was obsessed with swords and weapons.

Wouldn't you believe it that after all that time playing this game, I'm still not very good at fighting games.

É... Bacana. Talvez eu esteja um pouco saturado depois de jogar Edge e Calibur 1 em sucessão e isso tenha afetado minha impressão. Tem muito o que se gostar em SCII: o fanservice é legal, a apresentação tem a qualidade fenomenal da franquia e a fórmula da série está preservada quase verbatim. Mas até pelo tempo que dediquei nesse aqui fica claro que gostei mais dos antecessores.

how can spawn be in 2 really good fighters and not have 1 good game for himself

Highpoint of the series for me

I own this on all three consoles but Link is still the best bonus character

When I think of famous Xbox mascots I think of Todd McFarlane's Spawn

This is probably my go to fighting game for casual fun times. Its hard to get really frustrated or sweaty with this. It has the perfect balance of very easy to pick up mechanics but it has a proper skill cieling to where it isnt just mindless. Everything about it is classic to me. And I still pop this one in every now and then for a great time

El modo weapon master es un poco basura, no nos vamos a engañar.

let's you play as link, spawn and heihachi so that's a win

This is the first fighting game I ever played and the only fighting game franchise that doesn't make me wanna tear my fuckin hair out.

Really enjoyed this game back in the day, and was especially excited for the GameCube version since Link was a playable character.

a classic and one of the best in the series.

Un juego de peleas que cumple y trae personajes exclusivos por version, un concepto interesante antes de la llegada de los DLC.

Really fun, easy to learn fighter that has Link from The Legend of Zelda in it, so it's pretty cool

A big shame the main legacy that one of the best fighters ever and its franchise left off were the focus on weird guest characters.
No other 3D fighting game series has come close to having so much depth while also being this easy to get into. the movement is extremely fast and fluid thanks to be able to run and move in all 8 directions by holding a direction compared to tekken which requires KBD to be able to move around fast. the execution for a lot of combos is also very simple. No meter to take care of either. What's there are Characters that can be played whoever the player wishes due to how versatile each moveset is and focus on mind games positioning.
With the main producer gone it's unlikely to ever see another game in this series. Kinda sad to see the only 3D fighter that I liked die away.

literally anybody can play this game on a whim and learn it from the ground up, and every inch of it drips SOUL like you couldn't believe.
Spawn and Link are still the cheesiest characters ever but I still love to see them.

One of my childhood favorites, I put hours into this game. Story mode was simple but fun, and the combat is a blast too. Cool characters as well in this one.

I suck at SoulCalibur games, but I don't care. This thing is very fun.

gots lots of memories of this one on the gamecube

Spawn > Heihachi >>> Link >>>>>>>>>>>>> Necrid


Gameplay mechanics are solid, but single player modes are lacking. This is definetly geared towards competitive multiplayer which isn't a bad thing, but if you're just looking to play for fun there are plenty of fighting games with better single player content. If you want to play against other people I'm sure theres a Netplay community out there if you look for it.

The most fun you can have is inviting friends over and playing Soulcalibur II