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This game has some interesting ideas, but at only four hours of playtime, it doesn't really have the time to build on them. There's just so little meat on the bones here. And there's so little replay value in this game. Some of the roguelike stuff is interesting, but again, the game is too short for it to be developed.


In Stick of Truth and Fractured Asshole, you're hurled from grand setpiece to grand setpiece. GIANT NAZI ZOMBIE FETUSES. TRAVELING THROUGH TIME WITH THE POWER OF FARTS. SHRINKING DOWN TO BATTLE UNDER YOUR PARENTS AS THEY FUCK. Fuck YES.

In Snow Day, you begin in a grassy field covered in snow. Then, you travel to a grassy field covered in snow. BEFORE GOING TO WAR WITH KYLE, STANDING OFF IN A GRAND BATTLE FOR THE AGES IN a grassy field covered in snow. Ehhh maybe I'm not being fair. A TRAIN. I SAW A TRAIN AT ONE POINT. It didn't do anything but THERE WAS LIKE HALF OF A TRAIN KINDA STICKING OUT OF THE GRASS AND SNOW LET'S FUCKING GO WOOOOOOO

What's square, the attack button and square all over? SQUARE, THE ATTACK BUTTON, THAT YOU'LL BE EXCLUSIVELY PRESSING EVERY GODDAMN BATTLE. I accidentally pressed L2 at one point, triggering my ranged weapon. It did barely any damage. I went back to mashing square.

EVEN THE CUSTOMISATION. Do I want a hoodie with no colour whatsoever, or a hoodie with colour... WITH THE WORD “SNOWBOARD” ON IN THE BIGGEST FONT THEY COULD FIND. Now I gotta pretend to be passionate about snowboarding everywhere I go. I've never even snowboarded. I HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED SNOW SINCE 2017. Well I have now, IT'S ALL THIS GAME HAS.

And while shopping, THE CHARACTERS. DO NOT. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Despite you only being in the shop for 20 seconds because there's five t-shirts to browse, you WILL hear Tweek and Craig say the same joke three times consecutively.

BUT THEN THE CHARACTERS GOT NOTHING WHEN YOU ACTUALLY WANT JOKES FROM THEM. There you are, slogging through the grassiest, snowiest field you've ever seen, in DEAD SILENCE like the past 20 minutes, and OH SHIT! CARTMAN'S ABOUT TO SAY SOMETHING. YOU'RE ABOUT TO FEEL SOMETHING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AN HOUR. “Remember you can press R1 to put down a healing totem”...

This game is the most early 2000s licensed PS2 game of all time. It's not as bad as you've probably heard, it's perfectly FINE… but just watch the cutscenes on YouTube dude.

Not too bad, but nowhere near as good as Stick of Truth or Fractured But Whole.

The absurdity of the first 2 games, the south park humor, the role-playing elements and the fun turn-based battle system that made south park south park are gone, replaced by a 3D rogue-like action system. Unfortunately, not only are the other features gone, but the combat system is also terrible, resulting in a failed game. The style of 3D graphics is very nice. I wish it was a 3D turn-based rpg game. Then it could have the potential to rise above the stick of truth. After all, it's a south park game. Better than not coming out at all

It's fun if you have people to play with, but it is a pretty big downgrade from Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole.

Finally a new South Park game! Im a huge fan of the show and love the previous two games so lets see what this one has to offer.

The Good
- The dialogue is funny as always.
- The 4 player co-op was surprisingly really stable when I played online.
- The story of the game heavily ties into the ongoing plotline in the show. You don't really see ongoing games that tie into the show as much as South Park games do. It adds to the charm tremendously. There were many times during the plot where I'd be all like "HEY I REMEMBER WHEN THAT HAPPENED IN THAT EPISODE. NOW I GET TO BE A PART OF THE STORY?". Cool stuff.

The Meh
- Generic gameplay
- Repetitive Rougelike combat system
- Other than Cartman, the bosses were kinda mediocre.
- I'm not really fond of the 3d art style. Like I don't think it's bad but compared to what came before, it's not the best.

The Bad
- The game does a bad job at explaining how the online matchmaking works.
- If you join a game, you have no control over where you get dropped into the chapter, inevitably leading to you getting confused about where the plot is going.
- A lot of what the game tries to do gets old after subsequent playthroughs which is not good for a roguelike game.

Okay so obviously this game is not as good as the previous two but for what it's worth, it's a pretty fun time. Of course, the game has its problems and comparison to the 2d games are inevitable due to how much charm those games had but I feel like a lot of people are overreacting a bit. You pay $30 for a short and fun romp through a snowy south park with witty dialogue and decent combat. I personally had a good time with it and am glad we're still getting new South Park games. Now if you excuse me, I got other games to get back to so screw you guys I'm going home.

Oh my god this game is cheap, the most basic rudimentary button masher styled beat em up a-la Senran Kagura with stat and weapon modifier cards paired with shockingly safe humor for south park standards and a sound design that feels REALLY slapped together and I found myself bored out of my mind before the first mission was even complete.

for a $30 south park game, it’s ok 🤷🏻‍♀️ nothing can top the last game’s casa bonita dlc

I really wanted to LOVE this game but it's just super underwhelming and frustrating.. the only thing that makes it bearable is the South Park humour and the cutscenes, but even then, it's still pretty lame. an ok game at most. If you're not a huge southpark fan, this is not really worth your time tbh.

See, I understand the disappointment towards this game and, to an extent, I feel it myself. I never got around to playing The Stick of Truth and The Broken But Whole (I absolutely have to though!) and the trailer for this when announced at (I believe) The Game Awards last year left me awfully mild because of its focus on the co-op aspects of the game rather than its roguelike elements. After playing through the campaign, I feel it deserves just a little bit more than that.

Snow Day is a budget game retailing at only $30 and honestly it shows. The game's campaign features only 5 chapters and nothing else to do around the main map of South Park officially, each ranging from about 20 to 45 minutes and the only reason to continue playing are a free horde DLC, a difficulty modifier postgame in the form of "infernal maps" and a perk system using an in-game collectable. With the entirety of South Park at your fingertips, the hub world really is ultimately limited to just a little headquarters and that's a shame. Bosses are entertaining, but usually hinge on a single gimmick, such as the forced use of cannons or said boss hiding and giving sound cues to find them amongst decoys.

The story of the game is played surprisingly straight. South Park falls victim to a blizzard that claims the lives of many of its occupants but, more importantly, causes the titular Snow Day. Cartman, the New Kid and friends find themselves at war and begin to find out that something else lurks near, causing the blizzard to be eternal unless they team together. Cutscenes are honestly brief and the game seems to rely pretty heavily on its 3D atmosphere, which is barren of anything that separates each chapter as it's just South Park covered in snow every time. Some of the comedy in its short focus gives a decent chuckle but there really isn't anything signature here to write home about.

Gameplay is actually quite enjoyable and scales well with the roguelike elements, but genuinely could benefit with more card variation; every weapon (of which there are three melee and three ranged) and every special power (of which there are 8) has 2 or 3 upgrade cards available through Jimmy and scaled with toilet paper currency. Once in a while you come across Henrietta who deals with dark matter, which also is used to buy perks from Mr. Hankey, and offers you limited choices to do with your current upgrades in a run, from sacrificing one upgrade to boost your others to removing one entirely for a small sum in order to speed the tedious levelling process when you get back.

With so little in the way of changing gameplay it's honestly a wonder why they decided to make it a formal part of the marketing in the first place, because the only thing that ultimately changes the base gameplay are the addition of "bullshit" cards that alter how you (in about 4 ways) are able to gain an advantage and several ways in which normal enemies are able to operate to make your life harder cast sporadically or permanently through a run, such as a timed upgrade to enemy protectiles that cause AoE explosions or a permanent 5-10 second invulnerability on every enemy upon spawning. There is also a third currency exclusively used for cosmetic purposes and collected exlusively through an achievement system but it's honestly not worth talking much about, as the selections are entirely uninspired and don't really amount to anything more than a throwaway gag in the late game.

Honestly there is a lot to like about Snow Day but it feels incomplete, even for a game of its budget price. After beating all five chapters there really is little to keep you around because the expectation is to grind variations of those same five maps to a tee but with modifiers and a randomisation of the same tired upgrades you've already mostly exhausted. Perhaps if it put more faith in its own roguelike abilities and really tried to make the experience more procedurally generated there would be more to do, but in its current state Snow Day is fun, yet brief and disappointing in its applications.

The story is fun, continues the other 2 games scarcely, really short campaign, 5 missions 2 hours it took me, roguelike elements with new cards unlocked via achievements.
Sad follow up from the other 2 South Park games tho.

This review contains spoilers

Le Jeu est jouable mais l'histoire un impeux bancal comme la Saison 25

(PS : Pour un AAA entre 21 et 30 euros c'est pas cher)

Overall a decent game I didn't regret my time with but compared to Stick & Whole this was a bit of a disappointment in terms of a follow up. I don't hate it but I wish I liked it more than I do which is unfortunate. Not awful thankfully.

Joguei o recém-lançado SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Eu sou um grande fã de South Park, porém somente os jogos, principalmente os da UBI, são maravilhosos e eu adoro. Além desses, existem outros diversos jogos da franquia que basicamente se sustentam pelo nome, porque de qualidade eles não têm quase nada. E aqui, nesse game em questão, ele se distancia da fórmula RPG que, por sinal, eu achava maravilhosa e tenta algo novo.

No game, uma enorme tempestade de neve atingiu a cidade de South Park. A tempestade foi tão forte que as pessoas ficaram loucas e começaram a estocar papel higiênico, mas isso não importa para os nossos personagens que, basicamente, são crianças e dia de neve significa não ter aula. Eles partem então para brincar e assim começa nossa história com você, um personagem criado se juntando à turma de South Park nesse dia nevoso.

Como dito antes, os games anteriores tinham uma pegada mais JRPGs e nesse game em questão agora a gente ainda tem alguns elementos de RPG, porém ele evolui mais para um RPG de ação. Aqui em Snow Day!, tudo é mais simplório, desde sua própria gameplay, que basicamente não tem nada demais, é somente vários inimigos vindo em um combate meio genérico, e também não há XP para evoluir, apesar de existir uma árvore de talento com habilidades. Suas armas no game se resumem em armas corpo a corpo na maioria das vezes e algumas armas de longo alcance que não são muitas como cajados e arco e flecha. Todo o estilo de gameplay, basicamente em grande maioria do tempo, lembra muito um hack slash da vida onde vários inimigos vão ficar vindo em grupo e você deve matá-los enquanto executa movimentos como esquiva. Como dito antes, é um sistema de combate bem simples, fácil de pegar e bem divertido ao menos no início.

Apesar de depois de um tempo eu achar a gameplay um pouco enjoativa, no geral o game traz com ele uma experiência bem sólida e objetiva e em grande parte de seu tempo consegui ser um game bem divertido. Uma coisa que me deixou com o pé atrás quando joguei ele foi o seu tempo de duração, eu demorei somente 5 horas para zerar o game, o que é um tempo bem curto bem abaixo da média convencional.

Outro ponto bem negativo aqui também é em relação à dublagem presente no game, até porque nos games recentes anteriores a gente teve dubladores originais da série animada dublando o game, o que faz uma total diferença na hora do game até porque o game é uma adaptação da série e não ao contrário e além disso toda a dublagem original da série é incrivelmente icônica. Aqui, tudo isso foi substituído por uma dublagem OK, porém sem a alma do elenco original presente na série, o que me deixou muito decepcionado.

Graficamente falando, o game ele não é feio, porém como o game se trata de uma série de TV, onde o estilo de arte simples que ele tem o torna icônico o 3D apesar de transmitir bem aquele sentimento do desenho mas uma vez ele não é feio mas deixa a desejar, até porque os jogos anteriores novamente como exemplo fazem um trabalho excelente somente brincando com essa "arte simples" que a série tem.

South Park: Snow Day! é um jogo ok de South Park, mas é apenas ok mesmo. A ação é boa, assim como a inclusão de elementos roguelike, a inclusão do multiplayer é ótima, mas a falta de jogo local é decepcionante. Apesar de supostamente parecer ter um fator replay bem legal, a presença de apenas cinco fases faz com que o jogo seja bem curto; mas no geral é um jogo divertido, mas não chega nem perto dos games anteriores.

Pontos Positivos:
- Game Divertido

Pontos Negativos:
- Curto demais
- Pouca variedade de armas
- Dublagem deixa a desejar
- Senti o jogo bem mais leve em seu tom

Versão utilizada para análise: Xbox Series S


The Stick of Truth: The Thousand Year Door. Both are some of the most highly revered RPGs of all time. They have charm, wit, and very good gameplay.

The Fractured But Whole: Super Paper Mario. They differentiate a little bit from the traditional gameplay, but are both well liked to stand up on their own.

Snow Day: Color Splash. Both are boring, have annoying gameplay, and just aren't all that fun or interesting. They look good graphically though.

Oh man how I am disappointed in this game, from the trailer I really wasn't that excited since it didn't really show much besides the new 3D look and combat/hack & Slash and right after finishing chapter 2 I felt bored because the gameplay gets repetitive, the audio sounds weird, the mechanics feels so weird and clunky and also I hate how they changed the gameplay like they did. I loved Stick of Truth and The Fractured but Whole but this wasn't it. Also this game is what like 3-5 hours long? This game is worth $20 on sale nothing more, thanks to steam for refunding my money.

Now onto the actual game:
Gameplay: For the first 15 minutes it's alright but after awhile it just gets repetitive and boring. You are doing the same thing again and again it also feels clunky as well even when you are slashing some of the elves.

Audio: The audio in some parts sounds so weird and off putting even with some of the characters it sounded weird.

Combat: It's your typical hack and slash and they also added in cards that can increase your bow damage, shoot more arrows while charged, increase your sword damage and added in bullshit cards. The combat looks alright but when you start playing you will get bored because half the time you just doing the same thing with such little story.

Characters: Loved seeing some of my favourite characters even the first boss fight was cool, wish they just sticked with the first 2 games mechanics though because this just wasn't it even with the characters.

I would not SUGGEST THIS GAME with the current price tag it has, when it goes down to $15-20 I would suggest buying it but even then this is just mid and honestly shouldn't of got released even with this new 3D format and gameplay it sucks. Thankfully Steam gave me a refund. In all honesty I would finish this game but like I just can't be bothered sitting there mindlessly spamming the same button again and again while being bored out of my mind due to the repetitive gameplay.

South Park Games Ranked:

My Review On Steam:

como vas a tener miedo de hacer humor negro en un juego de south park si en el ultimo especial randy se abrió un onlyfans

nao diria que é uma continuação digna dos outors jogos, mas é um jogo até que bom desconsiderando ele como um jogo de south park

The saddest thing is that even the atmosphere failed, childish games in a snowy city - this could have been really cool, and the devs had already managed to immerse the players in the world of the game in their previous project - "The Blackout Club", it was not very successful, apparently that’s why they they forced to do this nonsense based on the film license, it doesn’t look like a snow-covered city, it’s some kind of empty biome-forest, from which the tops of buildings stick out in places, i can’t believe that there is some kind of infrastructure under the layers of a snow storm, can`t belive in this world, can`t feel than this is some kind of cartoon universe.
In terms of gameplay, this is a very strange mix of a 2-button Beat ’em up and card abilities, which, paradoxically, turned out to be more boring than ordinary 2D bitemups games, the animations of hits are crooked, while the animations of the effects are normal, things often use childish drawings, I understand that this copies the drawings of the TV series, but still Steam is already full of games with cheap designs and interfaces, for 30 bucks you want some kind of “expensiveness” in the game.
All the activity in the story missions seems to consist of defeating a bunch of enemies and bringing an items, with a banal boss at the end, for 4 hours of the entire campaign.
But still, this is far from the worst co-op game if you have nothing to do with a friend.

😊 Sub to my Steam`s Curator`s page:
Самое печальное, что не удалась даже атмосфера, ребяческие игры в заснеженном городе - это, могло быть действительно прикольно, а у разработчиков уже получалось окунуть игроков в мир игры в их предыдущем проекте - The Blackout Club,
он был не очень успешен, видимо поэтому их заставили делать ерунду по кинолицензии, так вот, это не выглядит, как заснедженный город, это какой-то пустой лес с иногда торчащами верхушками зданий, не веришь, что под слоями снежной бури находится какая-то инфрастутура.
По геймплею это очень странная смесь 2-кнопочного битемапа и карточных способностей, что, парадокасльно, получилось скучнее обычных 2д битемапов, анимации ударов кривоватые, при этом анимации эффектов нормальные, вещи часто используют детскую рисовку, я понимаю, что это копирует стиль сериала, но всё же в Стиме итак полно игр с дешёвыми дизайнами и интерфейсами, за 30 баксов хочется какой-то "дороговизны" в игре.
Вся деятельность в сюжетных миссиях вроде бы заключается в победи кучку врагов и принеси предмет, с банальным боссом в конце, на 4 часа хронометража всей кампании.
Но всё же, это далеко не худшая кооп-игра, если вам нечего делать с другом.