Reviews from

in the past

Beautiful graphics and soundtrack, but really not much beyond that.

The world looks amazing but is much bigger than the game needs, and so feels very empty. Some games such as Journey can pull this off, but this game doesn't in my opinion, as you'd expect these environments to have things like wild animals in them.

The gameplay is also fairly tedious and mostly consists of finding walking sticks and jumping on switches to unlock doors. Again, I feel like adding more stuff to the world would really help here.

I can't express enough how good-looking and atmospheric this game is, but it has all the depth of an interactive desktop background. Disappointing, especially for this price.

This game needs a polish. Weird graphics and movement at times. Good art design but I'm afraid it's just that. I had trouble understanding the point of the story or getting into it at all. Some puzzles didn't make sense and seemed very pointless. Recharging the power constantly and getting out of the water had repetitive and annoying animations that you had no choice but to wait. The game would probably be shorter if the parts where the fox was sick or hurt were sped up.

Visually great but very frustrating gameplay...

Voll von Bugs und Szenen die keiner braucht.
Wer sich gerne auf spirituellen Mist einlässt, kann dem Spiel sicher was abgewinnen, aber für alle anderen ist das keine Empfehlung.

Das Spiel ist langsam, die Spielwelt tot, Story gibt es keine (vermutlich soll sie "tiefgründig" sein, aber faktisch gibt es keine)

Der Soundtrack ist nicht über dem Durchschnitt.

Keine Ahnung, wie man sowas produzieren kann.

Pretty fun/beautiful puzzle game but lacking direction at some points. If you enjoy puzzle games it is a short and relaxing game.

Really, really boring. The graphics, atmosphere, puzzle design, soundtrack etc...none makes the tedium worthwhile or interesting.

absolutely beautiful! but i started getting frustrated when the fox started limping. the game got boring for me and i stopped after that. may return to it soon, though.

I am sorry I got so bored, concept is cool but I had to limp with that broken paw for like 20 mins and just never recovered from that

It has it's charm, certainly a beautiful world visually. But it's not polished.

You're constantly fighting the terrain (felt like I was playing Death Stranding at times) which sometimes could work in your favor as I found you could sometimes scale some walls and get to the next area without going the intended way. I did also manage to get to one area (the intended way) where I had no way to recharge the spirit, so had to reload to my last save.

Probably the thing that made it less enjoyable for me was how it didn't seem to respect your time. The biggest offender is recharging the spirit (which is a thing you're constantly doing). You can't just activate a flower and continue, you had to activate it then stand there while it opened and have the spirit recharge you. Key sections where the fox would become sick or hurt would slow the fox right down to a crawl while still making you walk massive distances like that. Falling into the water meant slowly dog paddling your way out and then watching the animation of the fox shaking before you could continue. Key scenic sections where you're just running forward, I get that I'm meant to be taking in the music and the visuals in those parts but I'm just holding forward in those parts and they just go on for a bit too long imo.

Last criticism would be that I found it a bit too directionless in parts.

Having said that, there were many moments and aspects that I also enjoyed. For a short game it was an ok experience.

Is a wonderful and beautiful game but is a bit short either that or a just zoned out of time from the awesome looking surroundings.