Reviews from

in the past

A surprisingly solid party game given the track record of licensed party games. You play a bunch of minigames to earn points, and the winners of said minigames get to star in various scenes of essentially a spongebob episode written by someone who never wrote for the shows. The minigames are all varying degrees of fun with some standout good ones and some groaners here and there, but its mostly fun ones. If you get 3 other people (preferably those familiar with spongebob and moderately capable at video games) together with you to make a full party of 4 and play this game start to finish, yall are gonna have a good time.

as much as we wanted to enjoy this game, some of the mini games were absolutely infuriating so me and my siblings rarely played it


Lo pongo en lugar de SpongeBob SquarePants: Tighty Whitey Tumble

Fun mini-game collection with an original story that was like the show.

I loved this game as a kid, although I lost it before I could complete the game 100%.

Used to play with my cousins and sibling as well.

Surprisingly fun, thorough, and entertaining set of minigames set to a story mode with a banger hook, a story strong enough to be its own Spongebob episode or even a two-parter or TV special. There's something really validating about winning a set of minigames and then you get to see your character of choice star in a scene from the fake movie the entire game's plot revolves around. Some of the co-op stuff on here particularly rocks, so this is definitely something you play with a group of friends and not "a friend and two bots". There are a few problems here and there - this game is fairly ugly, as many tie-in products from the licensed game era of sixth-generation gaming were, minigames can go on for too long, and the bots are utterly insipid, braindead little goofy ass cretins that can't do shit on their own, hence why this game kinda needs to be 4 Players only because there's no chance of a bot randomly carrying the team or doing something hilariously epic like there is in Mario Party. Still, for a cashgrab party game, this is some quality shit. Some of the minigames from this hidden party gem live rent-free in my damn brain, like the crazyass paintball-on-unicycles minigame, or the Squilliam rock band minigame, or anything at the Krusty Krab (excellent opener set of minigames) or the weirdly intense and atmospheric Chum Bucket levels. Also the prison break minigame is fucking based. Really good party game, tbh. 3.5 / 5.

Its good but minigames can drag on forever


Just fun all the way, and really funny too. I finished it several times with every character because watching every cutscene variation was the closest to having new episodes of Old SpongeBob that I had back then.

Surprisingly fun party game. I remember having way too much fun with this when I was a kid

It's diet Mario Party with SpongeBob characters. Actually a pretty good time, and one I'm very nostalgic for. Also has an assload of rhythm mini games for some reason

Surprisingly not the worst party/minigame collection I've ever played. It's not gonna be the new Mario party or anything but if you were a kid back in the 2000s (like me) then I'm sure you'd would have loved it.

I remember playing this game as a kid and thinking it was a decent time-waster. That's about it.

Very generic and boring mini-game collection. Nothing very fun but you might be able to get some fun with 3 friends to play with. Lots of wasted potential given the creativity of its source material.

Banger party game as a kid. As an adult, it's still good fun but not top tier.

better than some mario parties

I bought this game today because it had SpongeBob on it and didn't realize it was a party game until I got home.

The story mode isn't something I really care about but the cutscene animations are honestly really good for a PlayStation 2 game.
The games themselves are honestly really fun sometimes. The burger flipping game at the start gave me a good first impression, but most of the other games get really stressful until you realise the shortcuts.

I feel like this game would be more fun with friends rather than on my own but it'd probably be hard to find people who'd be willing to play this with me, especially in person.

Just play mario party, it has mario,not sppongebob,actually wait this has squidward its better

this game went so incredibly hard and the story mode made me feel like I was watching spongebob so cool!

Juegos que jugué en su momento y les tengo cariño pero seguro estaban culeros.

A Spongebob Squarepants party game similar to that of Super Mario, is a great party game but I can see people getting bored with in terms of a regular party game mode, but not in terms of Story mode, where the winner of each minigame who has the most points appears in the cutscene (Context wise explained in the games beginning). I recommend this game if you want a game similar to Mario Party but Spongebob.

With so many fun party games, it blows my mind that this is not just as Mario Party or even Battle for Bikini Bottom.

Taking off points because when I was kid, I was too stupid to understand how to manually save the game.

Every cutscene has a different version for the character who won? That's pretty sick.

Extremamente divertido, jogaria de novo