Reviews from

in the past

Actually really good and fun shooter. Got the Celebrations Edition so i got to experience the game in a state where i wont have to grind full time the game or spend tons of money. Though after a while it gets rather boring and sometimes the lobbies are rather empty, some modes are straight up dead. Its super cheap and regularly on sale so its really worth a shot.

Went to replay the story on this one and while it's decently written, it's so short and feels boring. Just a bunch of the arcade mode missions strung together with cutscenes. That Luke Mission still slaps though

The best Star Wars shooter out there! Great game overall and with kyber 2.0 coming it got a great future.

Where it Shines:
Fun with Friends - 7/10
It's Star Wars - 6/10

The Good:
So of course on release this game was infamously derided, and well deserved. But years later, with all the content unlocked and the game dirt cheap or available on gamepass, it's actually not a bad game.
Just squading up with some pals and playing on vc is a fun experience, and the game can really be a great quick jump in and play with friends game.

The Bad:
Unfortunately, that's kind of were the good stuff ends. It's a shadow of the original, especially in terms of the single player, and there's a lot of jank and unbalanced stuff at the core of the experience.
To top it off, there are a lot of wonky things to try and even party up and play. It's not as straightforward as you'd think, and sometimes it just doesn't even work.
It's EA so there's also the stinking turd residue of that company all over it.

If it wasn't a Star Wars game, it would be DOA. But it has survived off of that alone. Is it worth playing? Maybe, maybe not. You're not missing anything by skipping it. But if you just want to shooter bro with your friends, it's not a bad choice.

Note on my ratings:

Treat my stars like Michelin Stars - just having one means the game is worth playing in some way.

1/2 ⭐: hot trash garbage, since you can't do zero stars here
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite

se eu ganhasse 1 real pra cada vez que a EA mata um jogo online deles que eu amo, eu teria 3 reais

Fun for a little bit but gets boring fast. Not very interesting.

EA keeps killing things I love

dont fuck with me when im playing chewbacca

So many hours playing this with the boys. Some of the most fun I've had playing online. I'm also a sucker for Star Wars

Despite the rocky release, I'd say this is my favorite of the EAfront games. Sad that EA decided to pull DICE from updating it in favor for the underwhelming Battlefield 2042, but still it's nice to see that they left it in a playable state, with lots of fun to be had. The game's absolutely gorgeous and has aged like wine. A must play, specially with how cheap it goes for these days.

Man i love this game so much! Going back to play this and it still has a consistent player base. That alone shows how many people still rock with this game. Recently, got final fantasy last month and I can't play it because I got addicted to this again. Its just so fun with friends and just being in the world of Star Wars again is always going to be exciting. That is the selling point of what makes this game so fun. It always make me wonder how this game would of turned out if Dice continued to support it... Adding new heroes/villians, maps, and weapons like their last big update... One of my favorite multiplayer games along with Halo 3, GoW 3, CoD BO2, and L4D2. Easily playable if you get Xbox game pass. Would highly recommend.


Yes this game had a rough start and the devs took the piss when it came to bringing out new characters either way though Darth Vader is goated.

I love this game, why the fuck was is stopped.


Man………. This game is such a complicated one; it gets a hard time due to no one’s fault but its own. That being said, what the game became; what it turned into was nothing short of amazing: I wish we could have seen more. The multiplayer was massive, with various heroes, units and vehicles and the game looked beautiful it was truly magical. To tell a story, I had been playing the game since launch but understand my my friends stopped playing the game after a while bedside of the initial lack of content and lot boxes but I stuck with it hoping for a change. Change this scale rarely happens in gaming: but it did. After waiting for a year I too was almost ready to give up but then I saw the announcement of Grievous and new context planned and slowly, one by one, my friends started coming back and when conquest came out we played for about a month straight: it’s a memory I will never forget. The campaign loses points for being predictable and rushed though.

Ótimo para quem é fã dos filmes, péssimo pra quem quer apenas dar uns tirinhos. A história é boa e preenche lacunas que falharam em preencher entre os filmes, porém pode ser confusa pra quem nunca assistiu os mesmos.

Mecânicas divertidas e variedade de gameplay compensam a história curtíssima, fazendo com que seja uma experiência gostosa de ser jogada em uma tarde com bastante tempo livre.

Única ressalva são para os bugs (Muito obrigado EA Games) que tornam a experiência algumas vezes frustrante, mas MUITAS vezes engraçada, principalmente por causa do ragdoll.

Muito divertido e intrigante, mesmo com o real final da história vindo por uma DLC (Pelo menos é gratuita).

Watching the development of this game was like watching an ugly duckling fly to the peak of a mountain before getting taken away by an eagle.

apesar de vc não controlar um jedi, eu curti dms o jogo

campaign is good shame its impossible to find a decent multiplayer match

What a horrible gaming experience man

You just play EA games wrong. You have to wait a minimum of 3 years for them to completely finish the game and remove the stupid P2W progression systems.

This is disgracefully underrated. I found the story to be (while disturbing) very exciting, and all the other game modes are brilliant.

’ve been playing this game on and off since launch but have never finished the story. The story is very generic bad guy gone good in Star Wars. Nothing compelling but it looks and plays great. Going to get all the achievements now.

the multiplayer is awesome i just wish this game didn't take up so much god damn space

release and campaign weren't great but multiplayer was fun sad it was discontinued

Se solo non fossi una pippa con gli fps

I've only played the newer version of this, so I had a pretty good time.