Reviews from

in the past

It's funny how utterly terrifying every video game is when you're a child. Even this silly semi-educational droid building Star Wars game spooked the hell out of me because it made you traverse dark, deep passageways below the moisture farms of Tatooine, all the while being hunted by battle-droids who were out to incinerate you. Now that I say it out loud, that still sounds like a nightmare.

More like DroidDon'tWorks am I right guys.

This game is kinda broken and when it does work it isn't fun, just a boring chore. Unfortunate cause it's a very creative idea.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

DroidWorks is a definite contender for Coolest Game Ever. You get to build your own droid (to exacting detail), then enter a 3D environment in order to solve puzzles utilizing one's scientific knowledge. There's a lot of reused assets from Jedi Knight, but that actually adds to the game's cool factor. It's a true shame that the game is incompatible with newer operating systems.