Reviews from

in the past

متعجب من الكلام السلبي عنها و كيف انها مب شيء جديد لكن ابغاك تطالع في عيوني و تقول لي انك كنت تتوقع شيء جبار لما لعبت هذا الجزء

might be better for fans of street fighter, but what this game represents as licensed fan media is so much more important and interesting than the game itself, i unfortunately have to admit. it’s even more hyperfocused on Mega Man 2 than 9 was, and it’s generally just not super fun, with art ranging from questionable to terrible.

Não gostei, o level design varia de sem graça pra insuportável, algumas fases dificilmente se encaixam como Mega Man. Os bosses tem padrões muito frenéticos e nenhuma das armas é realmente interessante.

Rage quit no Vega... lol. É bem legal como homenagem e tal, mas como MegaMan é um título fraco, os poderes e o level design são desinteressantes. Eu não me considero um jogador ruim de MegaMan mas esse Vega eu levaria muitas horas retentando ou teria que arranjar um passwords com 4 tanks (coisa que não estou interessado pois perdi o interesse em terminar).

Conheço esse jogo há vários anos e sou super fã de MegaMan então valeu a pena matar a curiosidade.

hallways of mild and inoffensive enemy placement: the game. the creator definitely fell for the "bullshit spike placement is bad" meme, and every enemy is either piss easy or you can just move past them. weapons are pretty lame.
one good thing i can say about this is that the akuma fight is kino, though having to redo sagat and bison if you die is obnoxious .

it's fine i guess
most levels are just kind of empty hallways with enemies littered throughout and any levels with some interesting gimmicks end before they can really escalate
the bosses are cute but the screen freeze when they do ultras gets really annoying
most weapons are very deriative which sucks, you could do so much more with these

Sincerely very fun and charming, way more solid than you'd expect a cute collab game to be.

Great idea but it's a little clunky in its execution, mainly towards the end. Lots of love for Street Fighter here, and the game feels like Mega Man! I do wish Capcom stepped in and lent a hand rather than give them a thumbs up and call it a day.

The Goes with Everything code is pretty cheeky and I liked that too.

While there is still a lot of untapped potential and small fixes that should be made to Street Fighter X Mega Man there is still enough there to give any fan a few glees of excitement over. With lots of good music, some great level design, awesome homage to franchises, and wonderful boss battles: Mega Man is back.

It is a cute megaman game, the crossover is sweet and contains some very fun references, but is a kinda standard megaman, nothing too special

honest to god, this is the best mega man game that isn't from the main 11 or the 5 gameboy games


Feio, chato, e extremamente frustrante. Porra eu sei que isso é um fangame, mas pra um que teve a moral de ser PUBLICADO OFICIALMENTE, porra capcom dava mais suporte aos caras.

A maioria dos cenarios são tenebrosos, tem alguns chefes, fases e escolhas de level design horriveis, e o jogo é muito muito amador, principalmente em programação.

Eu curto os 8 bosses principais (acho que rendem lutas fodas) e gosto da trilha sonora, tirando isso, que jogo chato do caralh

It would have been best if this stayed a fan project rather than getting an official greenlight that forced comparisons to the late 2000s revival of the classic games.

It's been a while.

I remember really liking it.

El mejor Mega Man. Está muy bien como han implementado los poderes y la temática de los personajes de Street Fighter a Mega Man.

i don't think it really does enough to sell the whole street fighter crossover shtick and it doesn't feel very good. level design is either barren or overly-annoying. same deal with the boss fights.