Reviews from

in the past

Tolto gurren lagann, daitarn 3 e mazinkaiser, le altre serie non mi hanno dato molto in questo titolo.
Come al solito bellissime animazioni e musiche, ma fra quelli che ho giocato, questo è uno dei srw più deboli.

Talk about extreme but subtle on the story on X. At least it's a nice run and a 1st impression.

The funniest fucking thing about the game is how they mainly follow the plot of a children's series (Wataru in this case) then tied in a hyper-violent show with heavy emphasis on shock value through violence and sex like cross ange into the same plot

also gurren lagann is there like they're kinda JUST there

maybe banpresto's most earnest attempt at crafting a straight-laced, black & white mecha story a la Toei's mazinger z anime. i mean im firmly in the camp that says pessimism is mecha's strongest quality but its hard to not to smile when a 3 foot kid climbs ontop of a 4 foot mecha and yells 'CANT YOU SEE THAT YOUR BEING RUDE'!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡' then cleaves the literal CEO of pollution in half with a dragon. the common criticism against this game is that wataru flattens all the other plots but i honestly though it could use more wataru: lil jit should be everywhere and in both route splits. if wataru isn't on screen other characters should ask 'what would wataru do' etc etc. he's the only true child written in mecha because he sees past deception with an ease that can only come from naivety and engages the future without any concern about hedging against calamity. "children have a stronger reality principle than adults" as they say.

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El juego podría estar bien si no fuera porque su setting isekai hace que todas las series involucradas sean "Oh, llegué aquí por un portal mágico" y ninguna esté del todo involucrada en el plot del juego hasta cierto punto, joder, si no fuera por el tramo final facilmente habría olvidado que Gurren Lagann estaba en el juego, y lo mismo pasa con series como Gundam Wing
Controla horrendamente a sus series fuera de Wataru pero los OGs y la historia en general están bien, básicamente la antítesis de T

The only thing that stopped me from struggling through hours of boring maps to feel like I haven't wasted my time was the event of my switch becoming unusable. I got until the end of Chapter 43 and I doubt I'll play it to the end, maybe I'll watch playthroughs to see how the Reconguista route will end since it was the only good part of the game.

The interactions had souls for around 1/4 of the game, when it started cramming series with huge casts like Cross Ange it became hard to get interested in. The best part was the Gundam/Buddy Complex route since it expanded on lackluster characters from BC and even expands the G-Reco plot since it provides details that weren't properly conyed in the TV series, so it can work as a supplement for the anime. The interactions in those arcs are pretty good since it works with mostly Gundam characters and has the future of humanity as it's central theme.

Unfortunately, playing even the best parts is hard not due to difficulty spikes, but due to the maps being awfully designed. Most of the times you see the same space map with a new huge thing, or the same plains map but with a river, or the same forest map but with the darker green in other sides, and I can go on. It feels like a huge asset flip, completely uninspired to the point where I don't feel it's worth my time.

This was my first SRW game and if it wasn't for playing a bit of J as a side-game I would've dropped the entired franchise. This is just a bunch of ramblings that I wanted to make, not a proper review.
I hope this wasn't hard to read.

Super Robot Wars the Isekai Version.

Basically Isekai Super Robot Wars. Lots of fun woth some very cool picks, (also the most exposure I've had on Gurren Lagann up till now). Definitely recommended.

Gameplay: Good
Story: Good
Controls: Great
Graphics: Good
Length: Great

A game that's held together by having a couple of good series inclusions. G Reco makes it good though.

These games aren't for somebody looking for a hardcore difficult strategy rpg. It's purely for eye candy with the attacks and different mechs. It's also part visual novel, story leaves much to be desired but can be skipped.

Turn based strategy series that combines different anime/manga shows. Very similar to the previous title, that came out a year before, with some balance changes and changes to how the protagonist gets upgrades upgrades which were a good choice. Gundam Reconguista, Mashin Hero Wataru, and Buddy Complex are good additions with good main units and a variety of enemy types and named opponents. Nadia Secret of Blue Water is an uninteresting choice for units and characters, the series two main character do very little and aren't part of either combat unit. Often poor use of story and series, enemies from each series aren't used, and some characters get almost nothing to do, are found too late, or stories are over at start and used as an info dump for that character or their world. Focus on Cross Ange and The Brave Express Might Gaine was done worse than in the previous title Super Robot Wars V and unfortunate to focus so much on the two series that were a big focus of the previous game while more than half the series in this game have next to nothing to do or contribute.

PC port is horrendous, don't buy it/support it.
The game itself is "fine" in the purest sense of the word. The animations are great, can say that, they always nail the hissatsus and overall presentation. In the other hand we have yet another SRW that doesn't even compare to OG entry's. The interactions stopped being fun a long ass time ago and I can't enjoy this basic bitch writing anymore, being a mecha fan for god knows how long. If this is your first game in the series I would recommend just giving up playing the rest of the main entry's and switching to OG's, I mean, if you are playing the games for mecha content to begin with.