Reviews from

in the past

Jogado no Sonic Gems Collection. Tem uma proposta melhor que qualquer outro jogo de GG da coletânea, mas ainda sofre pelo desempenho do Game Gear. Uma pena.

Tried to learn the run of this game and in the process discovered my limits as a human being

I played this as a kid and forgot to put it here, along with some other games I’m adding after this.

Tails Adventure is probably my first experience with a Metroidvania style game, if a more simplistic take on it. I enjoyed the game a lot, especially being young and unfamiliar with a lot of other Sonic games.

To me, it’s really what Tails needed to stand on his own. Having him be his own character with strengths attributed to his inventive mind. Seriously, I pray someone remakes this game in a modern style (cause I highly doubt Sega at all cares about this one)

O melhor jogo da série no Game Gear e um dos melhores spin offs da franquia

A pretty overlooked gem. Hardly ever see anybody talk about this game which is a shame, it's definitely worth a couple hours of your time.

toma nu cu sega essa porra era boa e tu não fez sequencia

You play as the worst Sonic character in an extremely mediocre Game Gear game. It's as good as it sounds.

i dont know if i really want to play this game again but its definitely the most interesting game gear sonic game

Took the game gear's limitations in stride and tried to do something that would fit the system. Had a good time playing through it, even if it was very easy.

This game has alluded me for a very long time. I first found out about it on the Sonic Gems Collection, every time I tried to play it, I put it down before even getting through the first level. I believe the issue back then was my lack of patience for spin-offs... all I saw was, "This is a Sonic game, but doesn't play like one."

Fast forward to now and I truly appreciate how different and Metroidvania this game is, sure it's a very early example, but it's pretty fun none the less. Tails goes through levels using gadgets to get around and fight enemies, I really think Sega should do more with this, or even a remake adventure would be nice.

I'll admit the game is a bit slow and requires patience to search around for power-ups, and the game could REALLY use a map, the music is actually pretty decent and different from the average Sonic game, and all the power ups are pretty creative...even if nothing in the game itself tells you what the item does or is for.

It's a decent short game that deserves a bit more credit than it gets, but really feels like it could use a bit more to it.

How did Tails get two games in the span of months what.

Either or this one's much better than the other Tails game on the system, as it actually has something to offer: a game!

mid game starring tails, that's it

I’m kinda torn about this one!! On the one hand, it’s still not really delivering what I would want out of a solo adventure starring me. (Heck, at this point I think my story in Sonic Adventure 1 is the closest I’m ever gonna get.) But on the other hand, the main mechanic of the game is me unlocking various gadgets (sorta Metroid-esque) and using them to progress, which is I think the first time the series has really suggested that I’m the resourceful gadget guy! Plus the Sea Fox makes a return which I’m extremely here for.

I just wish so many of the gadgets I use weren’t various forms of bombs!! What am I, Bean the Dynamite???

But, yeah. This is at least something! When I first started playing it I was rolling my eyes at it as hard as I did at Skypatrol, like, “Ah, yes, running around slowly and throwing bombs, precisely what I’m known for.” But the longer I played it, the more it grew on me, and the more it really did start feeling less weird.

Except for the freaking bombs!!