Reviews from

in the past

a good episode though kinda weak compared to the others iirc.

I enjoyed this episode and felt that the decisions in the game were pretty fun. I liked some of the interactions in the episode as well and were fun to do.

Tales from the Borderlands falls back on a more traditional style in this second episode. While a little less satisfying than the first, Atlas Mugged still shows off an impressive level of quality that still hints at this potentially being Telltale's best series.

The story in this episode feels a little more like filler. The events are smaller and the really meaningful stuff doesn't happen until the end. I still found myself engrossed in what was happening though, because of the strong characters and funny moments. There are also more significant choices to be made this time around. The kind that are going to add to the replay value of the overall game. One thing that's begun to worry me though is that of the two playable characters, I only like one. I enjoy Rhys, but not so much Fiona. It's to the point already where I'm somewhat disappointed when I'm forced to be her.

On the gameplay side of things we see the return of the expected Telltale "puzzles" where you wander around, interact with stuff in the environment, and occasionally move something. Simple, but fun. The action sequences are just as exciting as in Zer0 Sum.

It's not quite as good as its predecessor, but Tales from the Borderlands is still going strong in chapter two. That more cinematic style is still there and the soundtrack is impressive. The opening credits scene was great. Telltale manages to impress once again with their sense of humor. There are a few issues with the pacing of the story and I don't care too much for one of the protagonists, but overall I found myself enjoying Atlas Mugged and am anxiously awaiting to play more.


a good episode though kinda weak compared to the others iirc.

pacing is ever so slightly better and i wouldn't say any of this episode drags. at the same time, i am fucking b o r e d. i don't hate these characters, but i'm really not that invested in them, especially rhys. i'm kind of fucked off because with a story like this, i feel no urge to put myself in either character's shoes and make choices based on that. instead, i feel like i'm just making choices as a very othered third party. sure, i'll trust fiona because i have the metaknowledge of knowing that trusting jack is stupid. speaking of which, what was that ending? a whole lot of nothing meant to really squeeze the hype/anticipation out of players.

currently waiting for this to get good. not great, not stupendous, just good. i am on episode 2 and motivating myself to play this feels like i'm hyping myself up to do household chores.