Reviews from

in the past

Atrocious “combat”, shitty movement, garbage enemies, stupid gadgets. Never beat it when I was younger, and now refuse to as a grown man.

Decent platormer with Luigi's Mansion style gameplay. Can't skip cutscenes or speedup dialouge so that gets annoying.

Jimmy Neutron is definitely hair over substance

Besides Spongebob's titles that usually are bangers, Nick games always vary in quality. I love AotT for being the one Jimmy Neutron game to not make everyone look like martians and to have a pretty well made recreation of Retroville; Not to mention I think its brilliant that his genius comes to play as a gameplay mechanic... BUT MAAAAAN FUCK RETROLAND! All my homies hate Retroland. I got stuck there for a good while. It wasn't until my second time renting the game a year later that I got passed Retroland. I really can just chalk it up to me being a dumb kid at the time, but yeah holy shit. lol. BESIDES THAT THO, I recommend this game if you're going through a licensed title binge.

Boss fights long, annoying and stupid. Rest of the game is fun

bootleg luigi's mansion, and not really good at all on a mechanical level, but the gadget-making was kinda fun and i admire how well it interpreted the source material.

also there's a level where you have to play old arcade games to advance. i loved that part.

I made the shoes that made a laser trail and they sucked

I had set the bar for this game pretty low, considering it's a game based off an episode of a TV show, but wow, maybe I should've set the bar lower. This game is basically discount Luigi's Mansion without any of the good parts of Luigi's Mansion. The game feels very frontloaded, as the latter half of the game barely has any levels at all and feels like "do one stage, then the resident bad boss fight."

Speaking of the boss fights, all of them are pretty awful, but I'd say the Frozen Lake Boss is the worst of the bunch. At least with the Playground Boss and Rollercoaster Boss, they're easy once you figure out their gimmicks. but with the Frozen Lake, you're fighting against ice physics. I also learned that if you die, you have to do the fight over again. Very much a 2004 thing, but not any less annoying to deal with ice physics. The final boss is just a combo of the previous three bosses and their skills, but with the same ice physics in the Frozen Lake Boss.

Most of the gizmos you can make are gimmick items that serve no use while others are more usable, like the Speed Sneakers for general speed and the Sticky Sneakers to handle those pesky ice physics. The Health Recharge is useful too when you need health and you're waiting for health pickups to respawn. Most of the inventions and super inventions felt like they barely had time in the sun beyond the VDR and the Sheenograph, as they're both mandatory for capturing the Twonkies Luigi's Mansion vacuum style. Goddard also felt very underused as well, only being used in a couple of levels and totally ditched after that for the rest of the game.

The only level I liked a bit is actually the one that gatekept me from beating it as a kid, the Retroland level, where you need to play the arcade games to get tokens to reach the rollercoaster, which goes directly to a boss fight after a cutscene level. The arcade games were a fun distraction, but I know why I never beat this game as a kid, and it's that you're required to get the high score on all the games to progress. It's not hard, but it may require a bit of patience, something child me didn't have much of.

All in all, it's a game based on a TV show, and these kinds of things generally aren't very good to begin with. This game is one example of that.

my mom got mad at me for scribbling all over my game case with crayon as a youngin', fuck you Neutron.

I was suprised to learn that this was a good game

Surprisingly solid licensed game. All the characters models all look pretty good with the exception of Sheen's 1000 yard stare and Cindy's movie design. All voice actors reprise their roles and do a fun job with it. The invention system is fun, but is only really needed in a couple specific areas of the game. Everything else about it is just extra fluff, but its fun combining items to make new gadgets. The bosses aren't anything special, but they do their job. If you're a fan of Jimmy Neutron and are itching to play a game about it, This is the best out of all the Jimmy Neutron games.

im not sure if i should be more concerned that i played this, or that it was actually good