Reviews from

in the past

Quando eu era criança eu amava, mas AGR...

Eu quando tinha 13 anos fiz uma lavagem cerebral para eu amar este jogo


I guess this is better than the last one since it has Kingpin and Carnage in it. Also, I find it funny that Black Cat is in this game because Sony/the developers thought there would be more films and she would have a bigger role is subsequent sequels. Either way it’s a forgettable game so there isn’t much to say.

Caso vc já tenha jogado todos os jogos do cabeça de teia de cabo a rabo e esteja desesperado por qualquer coisa do amigão da vizinhança, então recomendo que volte a jogar os jogos da Insomniac, pq na época do lançamento esse carinha aqui já não era muito bom, hoje em dia com os lançamentos da Insomniac, ele definitivamente não vale seu tempo

Alright. Time to review this game again, and after playing it again for the 6th time, this game is an underrated gem. In my previous review, I said the web swinging was slow and the web rush carried it, but playing it again, I was actually kinda wrong, the web rush does carry it but the web rush combined with the web swinging is surprisingly fast and satisfying to do, the mechanics involved are fun and I really like how traversal works in this game, is it better than the insomniac games, probably not but I haven’t played them but based on what I’ve seen the insomniac games are leagues above this one in every way but anyways, the games combat while not the most complex, especially compared to the other games, is very fun, yeah it’s a little button mashy but the spider sense mechanic tests your reflexes, and a full skill tree gives you plenty more options for combat, the boss fights range from “oh just a normal enemy with a spider man villian skin” to “oh this is actually pretty good”. So for the negatives, of which there are many, the reputation mechanic is a pain in the neck to keep up with, especially with how fast crimes go down and how many crimes there are happening at the same time, and then when you get to a menace level, you have drones, the task force, guns attached to buildings all after you, which is such a pain to deal with, especially if you just wanna swing around the city for fun, if the devs wanted to integrate this reputation mechanic, that’s fine but did they have to make it so stupidly intrusive for the player? The story is mid too. So anyways, the fire missions suck on higher difficulty, how in the world am I gonna find 5 people in 1 or 2 minutes in such a huge building? It just feels impossible to accomplish! But overall, this game is a 7.5/10, reccommened.

Maybe I didn't know what I was missing out on and also maybe this has to do with my clear Spider-Man bias (see my favorites), but I really enjoyed this game. It was the closest that I had ever gotten to what was perfected in Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) and it had some really fun and touching moments (I'm thinking of Stan Lee's shop in particular).

I definitely remember certain aspects of the gameplay being really frustrating and I couldn't tell you much about the story, but I enjoyed the Peter Parker gameplay and ultimately felt like it was good enough.

Лучшая итерация персонажа Человека-паука. Сценаристы создали глубокий запоминающийся образ знакомого героя, подобных которому не увидеть. Геймплейно ничего примечательного. Проходить стоит ради сюжета.

This game is a guilty pleasure for me, it’s not great, I just think it’s neat and I love it. Not just because I’m a Spider-Man fan who doesn’t have a PS4/5 and wanted a substitute for it, I just think it’s a pretty good game in my opinion that deserves more love, I like the web swinging (even if the web rush carries it) the stealth, while a bit jank, is still pretty fun! But the cons do kinda outweigh the pros somewhat, asides from the rubbish story, the web slinging is kinda slow. The open world missions are just repetitive, and once the main campaign, the arcade machine challenge and Russian stealth missions are over with the game becomes boring, especially after you’ve seen every variant of the missions, the games biggest flaw is the lack of replay-ability and variety. And also that very weird morality bar thing, it’s supposed to make the game more interesting I guess but not really. So yeah. That’s my thoughts on this very flawed but underrated game!

Прокачка Костюмов часть 2...

it improves on very little from its predecessor (swinging through the city now requires that webs actually stick to buildings, that’s it) and adds a bunch of stuff that actively makes it a less enjoyable experience; the story throws a thousand villains at spidey and and the incessant threat of being hunted down as a public menace if you choose to not complete the wildly repetitive side content that appears on the map literally by the minute. the whole thing feels janky as fuck but it’s still a playable and mostly engaging spidey game and sometimes that’s enough

Honestly they had a lot of the design down but it feels awful to play and the story is just a bit of a joke cameofest. Just find it funny that Emma Stone was in Sleeping Dogs but wasn't in this.

Nothing more to say, just play the good ones and use the TASM2 suit (definitely not worth the £30 to buy this from CEX)

The swinging is pretty much the only thing this game has going for it, everything else is worse than it was in the first game. Peter's character here is very inconsistent compared to its prequel. The stealth feels worse, the combat feels worse, the gameplay feels worse overall. I thought the menace/heroic system wasn't that bad at first, but it quickly became annoying... I thought the boss fights were a step up from the first game and I had some fun doing them. As a Spider-Man game I do NOT recommend this game, it's a mess. If you don't know much about Spider-Man then maybe you can have a better time than I did.

Cold swinging n suit collection. Carnage as the main villain is different

Used to think this was the best thing on this earth

I played this originally when I was 14, and had such a hard time on the Kingpin fight that I stopped playing forever. But now 9 years later, I came back and showed Kingpin who was boss, in ONE attempt. 😎

it's not really a great game... but it's the only way I can swing around on Xbox so :/

"Herkesin nefretini bu kadar nasıl kazandı anlamıyorum..."

Oyun inanılmaz kötü değildi, gerçekten ciddi derecede canımı sıkacak hatalarla karşılaşmadım ve örümcek adam olma hissiyatına sahip olabileceğimiz en iyi oyun da zamanı için bu oyundu, rakibi yoktu direkt olarak.

Oyunda birden fazla kostüm, bu kostümleri açmak için yapmamız gereken görevler vardı, ancak bu görevlerin hepsinin aynı stilde olması evet kötüydü, her bir kostümün tarzına özel olarak bölüm tasarlanabilirdi, teknoloji buna gayet rahat izin veriyordu.

Ağ atma mekanikleri kötü olmuş dedirtmiyor, baş düşman dövüşleriyse tam olarak eğlendirmiyordu, tam olarak ortalama denebilecek, örümcek adam seven birisinin o zamanlarda oynayabileceği en iyi film oyunlarından birisiydi, şimdi birisi gelip bana "Hayır bu oyun inanılmaz kötüydü, bilmem ne zamanında özgürce şehirde dolaşamadığımız, havalara ağlar ağlar attığımız oyun daha güzeldi!" demesin, ben de ona derim ki "Aynen, en iyi sensin, en farklı sensin!".

I don't understand why people don't like this. Other than the camera being too close to Spooder.
The web swinging was tedious but when people talk about swinging from buildings instead of Uncle Ben, everyone seems to forget... This did that.
It is decently fun, especially when you make fun of it.

the web does adhere to the buildings.

Not the worst game ever, but wtf is going on graphically

I can see what insomniac took inspiration from tho


Sinceramente, eu não sei se foi a nostalgia de jogar um jogo que eu adorava tanto quando criança e se perdeu no tempo ou o que mas eu gostei do jogo. Ele definitivamente não é tão ruim quanto falam. Claro que não é nenhum Marvels Spider-Man 2 mas ainda sim vale a pena. E diga-se de passagem, a história dele é bem melhor do que a do filme The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

loved them as a kid, but looking back at these games now they’re kinda janky

Even though, their is high levels of nostalgia for games based on films this games shows why this model has faded and no longer exists

Even my spider-sense couldn't save me from this one. Pretty neat that it had some of the comics in the game tho.

идеальный пример одновременного улучшения ошибок, некоторого ухудшения хороших вещей и паразитирования на старом материале

Spider-man Spider-Man does whatever a spider can

Yeah, this one was awful. Swinging is the only thing that is better than the first game, and even that is not good. Story and dialogues are terrible and combat system feels bad now. It was one of the most boring 4 hours in my life and I wish I could take my time back.