Reviews from

in the past

It's fucking good.

This game starts with a Planet Terror-style scene of a stripper with a gun pole dancing.

Also, the soundtrack is straight fire.

They met as adversaries.

Isaac Washington is the coolest name.

The game just takes your ass and throws you right in there.

"Varla Guns. A voluptuous vixen vowing violent vengeance."

Isaac and G is the greatest duo in video game history. I don't remember laughing this much while playing a game ever before.

It's motherfucking good.

Easily the most entertaining of the series. It's definitely worth at least one playthrough. While the old HotD games are infamous for it's laughable dialogue this one laughable in the right way. It's a fun ride all the way. Gameplay can get tiring if you try to play it all in one setting though.

mais uma vez isso não e the house of the dead e twd disfarçado

Awful gameplay, visual, cutscenes, the worst rail shooter

Peak House of the Dead. Self-aware and over the top cheesy. Everything a rail shooter should be.

I honestly forgot how fun it was to play arcade light guns shooters with my friends.

This reminder was a blast. Don't try to play it without move controllers or friends though.