Reviews from

in the past

The puzzle mechanics are nothing new but it's a cute and inviting world on the surface with a darker atmosphere the deeper into it you get. It's about keeping trying to maintain light in a world with widespread hopelessness and it's hard not to get on board with that idea.

a cute game with a few good puzzles, you'll enjoy it

Um adventure divertidinho, com visuais bem bonitinhos e um level design que funciona bem. O jogo te leva por várias áreas pequenas com puzzles que precisam ser resolvidos para avançar. Grande maioria dos puzzles são muito bestas, o bom é que o jogo se estende o suficiente para dificultar um pouco mais pro final, mas ainda considero ligeiramente fáceis.

O que me surpreende mesmo no design das fases é a simplicidade dos puzzles e como é fácil compreender, sem nenhuma palavra, o que tem que ser feito.

A história não é grandes coisas mas também não atrapalha, acho que da um compasso legal com o avanço do jogo.

Bonitinho, simples, rápido, vale a pena.

Game nails the low poly aesthetics and the world is beautifully thought out. Puzzles are hit or miss.

A cute puzzle game with a nice low-poly look, pleasant music and some really well thought-out but almost never frustrating puzzles. The message of the game is quite simple and also suitable for younger players. It had a really good flow and great level design. A nice, melancholic and entertaining game but nothing too special.

Absolutely loved this. (Got in on sale for $2)

I played this game in one sitting back in 2021. Very cute and charming puzzle game. The puzzles weren't so difficult they were frustrating, but they weren't too easy either. I think I only had to look up the solution to one puzzle, and even then the solution had made sense in hindsight. Ultimately, the puzzles were very well executed. The story was also very touching, and the atmosphere and aesthetic were really worth while. Ultimately, not the most memorable game, but I definitely enjoyed the time I spent with it. I'm not sure I'd ever replay it, but I do recommend it!

Such a lovely little game.. I really enjoyed the puzzles

Not bad. I play a lot of 1 euro sale games on the switch and this was one of the better ones. Cute visuals, puzzles weren't too frustrating. Interesting world

Nemám co vytknout... To nemohu říci. Papírově by přitom nebylo co vytýkat; skvělý koncept titulu založeném čistě na atmosféře "zármutku s jiskřičkou naděje" a logických puzzlech promyšleně integrovaných přímo do herního světa. Navíc v nádherné stylizaci "v jednoduchosti tkví se krása". Herní doba příjemná (pod šest hodin), puzzly různorodé i nápadité.

Jenomže na to, že jde o titul, který hratelností stojí čistě na logických puzzlech, tak tu není ani náznak výzvy. Ani náznak. A k čemu je, že jsou tu desítky a desítky skvěle nadesignovaných, sofistikovaně do světa umístěných a nápaditých puzzlů, když ani jeden nezabere více než pár (desítek) vteřin na vyřešení. A co hůře; ani jeden nedonutí se aspoň zastavit a zamyslet se "jak to ksakru rozlousknout". Tvůrci sice uvolnili časem nové puzzly jako výzvy, ale je jich jen čtveřice a platí o nich nemlich to samé co o těch základních.

Příklad titulu aspirujícího mnohým výše uvedeným na plné hodnocení, který sobě sama nesportovně podráží nohy nulovou výzvou. Ostatně logický titul, u kterého není třeba se zamyslet a roztočit mozkové závity aspoň na volnoběh, je čirý oxymóron.

Iniciei a aventura sem qualquer expectativa, e ao chegar ao fim, fiquei completamente surpreendido com o que os desenvolvedores conseguiram alcançar aqui. Descrever "The Last Campfire" é desafiante, mas é fácil de compreender: é um enorme quebra-cabeças, uma narrativa de fantasia, uma mensagem inspiradora e um jogo de plataformas, tudo ao mesmo tempo. O seu significado reside na simplicidade dos gestos e na bondade, capazes de fazer a diferença na vida daqueles que perderam a chama.

A narrativa baseia-se fortemente nessa ideia, enquanto os visuais notáveis, a envolvente banda sonora e as personagens, que personificam várias emoções e sentimentos, solidificam este jogo como uma experiência imperdível para quem procura algo único. Ember, a personagem que controlamos ao longo da aventura, torna-se imediatamente identificável, pois reflete o sentimento humano comum de por vezes não compreendermos completamente o nosso lugar e propósito.

O jogo pode ser concluído em cerca de 5 a 6 horas, sendo os quebra-cabeças o principal desafio. No entanto, há a opção de jogar apenas a história, sem a necessidade de completar os enigmas, embora eu acredite que talvez se perca um pouco da experiência dessa forma.

The Last Campfire é uma notável combinação de quebra-cabeças inteligentes, uma direção artística deslumbrante e uma narrativa maravilhosamente contada.

This game has some interesting ideas and some really great characters. However, it's ultimately a bit forgettable. Nothing special, but nothing offensive.

É um jogo de puzzle bonito, simples, divertido e muito relaxante. A narração fez uma baita diferença na jogatina, somando tudo o jogo merece a nota 10 por ter sido muito divertido.

Recuerdo ver un Nintendo Direct allá por 2020, creo que fue, y ver a Sean Murray presentando un juego. No sabía muy bien como sentirme en ese momento, pero el trailer me llamó mucho la atención.
Esta fue una de las compras que hice durante las rebajas de invierno de 2022 y ahora que lo he jugado puedo decir que lo he disfrutado mucho. Un titulo interesante de jugar si te encuentras perdido y tienes unas pocas horas para hacer los sencillos puzles que te plantea.
Con este me ha pasado algo parecido a Cloudpunk, lo he empezado queriendo dedicarle un ratito y he seguido del tirón hasta acabarlo, así de enganchado me tenía.

I enjoyed it. Not too demanding when it comes to the puzzles but they are fun to solve. All tied to a cute looking but surprisingly depressive theme.

Other than that, very basic. The puzzles are the only thing that feels in some way innovative.
The game is short, linear with too little depth. It could've hit a lot harder emotionally, which seemed to be its main deal but it didn't bother to go much deeper into this except for some short quote-like (voice acted!) bits of texts sprawled across the game.

Rating it above average because I'm personally into the type of game it's trying to be so I dig it. If you're not much into walking simulators with puzzles, I really can't recommend though.

sUPER CUte and very sad. the puzzles are a perfect level of difficulty where they're very doable but make me feel smart

Great little puzzle game, with a heartwarming story. Not very difficult, short and simple.

Perfect for a palate cleanser.

Muito bom, os puzzles são tranquilos, a arte do jogo é linda e a história é muito boa! Recomendo <3

This is a game filled with all of the melancholy of our most difficult goodbyes. It’s a commentary on grieving and letting go, but still overflowing with hope. It’s like a celebration of life when you lose someone dear to you, and how we best honor our loved ones (and ourselves) by carrying on the joy and warmth that they left us with.

With no combat, and puzzles with a healthy level of challenge, the developers seem to be focused on the struggles we face internally; and to great effect. With one of the most touching and beautiful endings I’ve ever seen, all of these emotional beats felt so well-earned.

The Last Campfire é um jogo fofo e com uma mensagem dahora. Um simples jogo de exploração e puzzle onde devemos termina a nossa jornada que é chegar na ultima fogueira.
No caminho do jogo encontramos estatuazinhas de pessoas como nós, que são chamadas de lamúrias que são pessoas que perderam a sua esperança, vontade e tudo que as que amaram se tornado por sua tristezas e medo em uma lamúrias nosso o objetivo é ajudar elas e guia-las para a ultima fogueira.

O mundo do jogo em minha opinião é bem bonito são bem diferentes cada parte uma da outra seja adicionando uma mecânica nova, ou puzzle que resolvemos ou mudamos que pode afetar ou até alternara o caminho

Sobre a gameplay do jogo é bem tranquila tipo você explorar uma parte e faz puzzle, bem um ponto que eu acho fraco é que certos puzzles são bem fácil a ponto de só você ir chutando e acerta sem precisa , mas lembre que não são todos afinal tem bastante puzzles criativos e interessantes que prometo farão você pensa por um tempinho e até se divertir, agora sobre a exploração achei ela bem feita até tem bastantes puzzles e até lugares secretos pra descobrir, realmente você vai querer explorar cada canto e ver cada partezinha.

Os gráficos são bonitos e tem seu charme com cores bem bonitas e agradáveis pro olhos parecem até a aquela sensação de você está sentando em um banco e aprecia a paisagem, tem bastantes partes relaxantes por causa disso.

Sobre a trilha sonora eu falaria que é boa, não se destaca muito mas faz sua parte :D

Agora sobre a historia do jogo, vou evitar de conta ela aqui mas digo que tem uma mensagem bonitinha sobre seguir em frente e esperança.

Eu minha opinião final recomendo demais esse jogo ele é bem relaxante e tem uma mensagem boa, para nós que estamos cansando ou até mal devemos jogar algo que nos relaxar e mostrei um jeito de continuar em frente.

A very cute game, one of the first puzzle games that I've finished. The game atmosphere makes you wanna explore more and more from the world. So good!

Really loved this neat little game. As a big No Man's Sky player, I picked it up because it's by Hello Games and really enjoyed it.

This review contains spoilers

very cute ; big chicken

The Last Campfire was colourful, charming and chock full of puzzles revolving around the movement of objects and pieces of terrain. I found the difficulty consistently went up and down throughout, which wasn’t a bad thing as it kept up the pace as well as held my interest. I loved coming across the other wacky characters while exploring, the artstyle and design just lovely.

There was only one thing I disliked about it, and it’s not even something that tends to bother me. The narrator who voices everything, including every character, got on my nerves. They weren’t bad at their job or anything, it was just the accent and I feel terrible for saying so. The problem with a game having a narrator is that you better damn well like their voice because you'll be hearing it a lot.

Ugh...I didn't particularly care for it. First of all I found the narrator simple annoying. It was a fun gimmick in Bastion, but I can't stand it anymore in games. Thankfully you can muted it.
As for the game itself is an average puzzler with no sense of progression at all. The difficulty of the puzzles is all over the place. For example the final puzzle is easier than some of the first ones.

Sights & Sounds
- The graphics are cartoonish and 3D. Not a visual powerhouse by any means, but still looks nice
- The music was fine, but I didn't find myself humming along
- The voice acting was serviceable

Story & Vibes
- Without spoiling anything important, you play as a little being named Ember who wants to help other little beings make their way to the end of a mysterious set of caves to find rest
- It's a sparse story with few plot points, but a definitive narrative isn't really the focus
- The game focuses much more on the philosophical tapestry you weave together yourself from your brief encounters with strangers and the journal scraps you find along the way
- The mood is pensive and mysterious, and rarely strays from that throughout its length

Playability & Replayability
- The game takes place around 3 main environments, each with a central hub with a campfire in it. Your goal is to help guide some requisite number of lost souls to go sit around it before you're able to progress
- Each so-called "forlorn" you encounter transports you to a puzzle you must solve to save them. Some are surprisingly easy, while others take a bit of trial and error. Some of the tough ones are pretty cool
- It's not horribly difficult to 100% this game (just rescue all the forlorn), so many players may find a lack of motivation to replay it

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game ran flawlessly on the Steam Deck
- I ran into a bug where I actually squished and trapped myself with a column. Quitting out and loading back in fixed it

Final Verdict
- 7/10. If you like the idea of going from puzzle to puzzle while a bittersweet little story plays out in the interludes, this is a pretty worthwhile experience

I didnt expect to like this, not something I usually play and I was pretty bored at start but I'm glad I sticked to it. It only got better as I proggress thought the game and by the third campfire I was invested. It's themes really resonated with me. The puzzles and navigation were really simple.
However a lot of puzzles were simple yet just tedious, where you just go back and front-back and front to complete a simple task. The progression was purely linear, everytime you needed something to progress it was just around the corner.
Either way I enjoyed my time and would recommend it.