Reviews from

in the past

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Esse jogo é um absurdo, no final consegui entender o lado das duas, mas acho que nunca vou perdoar eles por matarem o meu mano Joel

Open-mindedness will really take you a long way when your critiques of a game come from non-sensical arguments surrounding plot and characters that feature extreme depth that you arrogantly choose to ignore.
Tears were shed, eyes were opened, play this game.

Can we not have Joel dying? I'll give you five stars, I promise.

While the first game was a masterpiece, this one is more like the master's piece.

Esse jogo junto com o Red dead 2 mudaram o padrão de qualidade dos jogos e mostrou que podemos ter experiências surreais com os nossos atuais hardwares

I was going to give this game five stars cause I thought everyone hated it but I saw it had a 4.1 avg

The story truly is atrocious, but goddamn does it look AMAZING and somehow runs on the base PS4 at 1080p.

I know The Last of Us Part II is amazing and looks amazing and it's got amazing acting in it and it's amazing and everything, but it's all a bit bleak innit.

Vai além do visual, do áudio, vai além de tudo.
Pra gostar do jogo precisa usar o cérebro e quem sabe, você entende a real mensagem do jogo.
Tlou 2 não é um jogo pra gente burra.

“Revenge is bad”, not the story I wanted

This game is close to a masterpiece, the gameplay is great and the story some may not like but I think its a perfect representation of grief, revenge and a mix of some many things . This game is meant to make you sad and show what the apocalypses is truly like.

I suspect detractors think it's too long and brutal, and I wouldn't blame anyone for struggling to get all the way through it; but despite sharing those exact feelings frequently throughout, I think it's a masterpiece and an essential experience.

Mais de 20 horas de história para conseguir transmitir o que o Seu Madruga conseguiu em uma frase.

enter buff girl who avenges her dad's death, but kills a girl's surrogate father.
two lesbians face off plus there's infected

wah wah wah Joel dies, playable angry women. Get over it and you'll see why this game is a masterpiece.

Isso aqui é perfeição. De verdade, o ritmo, os personagens, o universo, a apresentação de um novo plot
É tudo perfeito.
É mais um jogo que salvou a minha vida e me deu um proposito, de verdade mesmo.

Eu nao quero nem escrever muito porque é dificil expressar em palavras.

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Encore une masterpiece. Naughty Dog nous avait déjà régalé avec TLOU 1 mais alors le 2 est encore meilleur. Gameplay en troisième personne. On commence à jouer avec Joël, évidement, on était déjà attaché à lui depuis le 1, il a pas beaucoup eu de screen time dans le 2 car il est mort tôt, mais putain qu’est ce que j’ai chialé pour sa mort. Je ne m’y attendais pas du tout. Et évidemment, je detestais Abby. Puis après on joue Ellie, j’aime bien le perso, mais je préférais Ellie du 1, évidement qu’elle a vécue des choses traumatisantes c’est pour ça qu’elle est comme ça. J’aime le fait que Naughty Dog l’ont poussée à chercher la revanche. Puis après on joue Abby. J’avoue que je ne m’attendais pas à la jouer, mais en fait on se rend compte qu’Ellie est Abby sont pareils. Abby est devenue ensuite mon perso pref de TLOU 2. Elle est très bien écrite et complexe, bcp de gens ne l’aiment pas, parce qu’elle a tué Joel, sans comprendre vraiment ce qui l’a poussé à faire ça. J’ai aussi aimé comment l’histoire amoureuse de Ellie et Dina de forment tout au long du jeu. Bref, jeu incroyable avec un gameplay et un lore incroyable, j’attends le 3 avec impatience car ça ne PEUT pas se finir comme ça.

Somehow exceeded the first game in many ways. Most notably they improved on the combat experience while maintaining the high bar of a cinematic experience. Unfortunately this game was treated very unfairly when it was released, ignore the haters.

I remember in High School and my English teacher said some dumbass shit like “If you look at the world, you can see how life imitates art”, and I said something like “that’s some dumbass shit”. Then this game came out.

Yo solo quería entrar en el barco...

Cruel, thrilling, technically flawless, that definitely defines this game, which may not be perfect, but is a must-play experience for gamers.

There's so much I could say about this game, and it did, indeed, teach me a lot. Perhaps I could talk about how drummed-up controversies affect our perception of games, perhaps I could talk about how expectations of "uh it's Oscarbait AAA stuf it's going to be 'good' standard good great even" can make things seem less appealing - after all if you know something is just boilerplate good, then you know, why bother?

I could talk about the modern 2 hour video essay, how they serve often to give a person a wikipedia summary of a game and prepackaged opinions so they can take part in Discourse. I can talk about people complaining about emotional manipulation, about The Gamer Struggles, about all that.

None of it matters in the face of the primacy of experience. Of going through a massive work of art like this yourself. How did this get made. How did this get made with a AAA budget. How is it twice the length of The Last of Us One. How is it all killer no filler. How does it manage to tell a story of such violence, emotional vulnerability, and depth. I don't know. People and the discourse around it could not tell me.

A masterpiece. Play it if you liked the first game. Play the first game to play this game. This will be an enduring, all-time classic.

O Joel, que atropela um cara ferido esperando uma emboscada, vai num chalé com um grupo de desconhecidos e morre. Isso tudo porque a Ellie tá sendo lésbica num sofá fumando maconha. Plot foda

"what have i become" ahh ending

The Last of Us Part II is a brutal, gut-wrenching, and absolutely unforgettable experience. The graphics and gameplay are top-notch, and the story... well, let's just say it's controversial. Some choices will make you love it, others will make you hate it. It's bleak, violent, and forces you to think about tough themes. The Last of Us Part II isn't for everyone, but if you're ready for a game that sticks with you long after you finish it, this one's a masterpiece, even if it's a flawed one.

Have not played it but I just wanted to say that Yo-Kai watch is better.

oh yeah totally negate all of that buiild up you have to start the game again from the point of view of another character. that will totally make people sympathize with both sides and NOT have them hate the second protag