Reviews from

in the past

A top down action platformer that feels like an evolution of the original Legend of Zelda's combat.

Games I was reminded of immediately: Pocky & Rocky, Legend of Oasis, Vampire Survivors. Those are some pretty sweet games.

Absolutely still has it's arcade claws piercing right into my veins because after my first time through my first immediate thought was "I want to play that again!"

This is one of the coolest Namco games out there and also one that I see next to no one talk about. Valkyrie no Densetsu is an arcade adventure game that plays like a mix of Legend of Zelda or insert early console ARPG here and a top down run and gun shooter. The visuals of the game are cute and charming and it just generally plays really well for a game released in 1989.

A quirk of this game is that all of your weapons/powerups have limited ammo and you'll need to constantly be searching for or purchase other weapons as you progress through the game. This becomes a engaging system of resource management once you get past the initial obtuse nature of it, and learning which weapons/spells are best for certain parts of the 8 stage journey is a pretty major aspect of routing the game.

Valkyrie no Densetsu is by no means an easy game and you'll have to spend a lot of time learning the bosses, stages and item collection routing if you want to make good progress without constantly dying, but most of the game feels surprisingly fair and balanced (besides the last stage, which is just crazy with its enemy spam and precise platforming).

One of Namco's most based games. And sadly one of their most underrated.

Twitter informed me it's her birthday, so I guess I had to play the game. Think I made a mistake by playing it on PC-E, I had fun with the simple slash-mashing but there's a lot of issues with the visuals and hitboxes that I doubt were in the arcade.

Above average for arcade standards since it doesn't seem repetitive and has some depth. I wish I had someone to play in co-op with.

L move on Bandai Namco & Hamster for not providing the PS1 translation for the Arcade Archives. Would be a huge shame if I couldn't understand some crucial information because SOMEONE didn't want to provide the sauce! Good shmup x jrpg hybrid, might look into the PC Engine port in the future.

Eu adoro a ideia desse jogo, eu só queria que ele fosse melhor. Talvez um remake no nível de Blaster Master Zero funcione.
A Valkyrie é uma tchutchuquinha.