Reviews from

in the past

I remember this being fun and had some of the best cheat codes.

Loved playing this & Return of The King with my brother growing up. For a hack & slash title the gameplay has aged pretty well all things considered. Each character has their own playstyle to suit your preferences, and a variety combo attacks to play around with. The game also just has great aesthetics being drawn from the LOTR movies. Only thing this game doesn't really have compared to games like GOW & DMC is good bossfights, all of the levels are pretty linear with waves of basic enemies throughout. The game does have a few cool bonuses at the end but not much compared to other games. Also if you don't prioritize spending EXP on certain upgrades early (extra health, Bane moves, and sword/bow damage buffs), you're gonna have a VERY HARD time on the Helm's Deep levels. Not bad but Return of The King is easily the more refined game and lack of co-op is dissapointing.

Of course, what Tolkien intended with his anti-war story was for it to be adapted into a boring action game.

Gimli is my fave, but I remember that everytime I picked him he played worse than the other 2, and it felt like discrimination. Aragorn and Legolas (And Kili) are my least favourite Peter Jackson's Middle Earth characters.

Surprisingly good in hindsight, went underappreciated when I played it as a kid.

This game is not good, but I sure did play it as a pre-teen.

Easily the best LOTR game. And hard. Games used to be HARD.

All timer hack and slash, wish brawlers would go back to this style of combat instead of the Arkham style one button+directional

The second* instance of the Mandela effect that I can remember in my life was this game. I was CONVINCED that it had co-op. I had actual memories of playing the Mines of Moria segment with a friend. Maybe I dreamed it, maybe I played pretend fights of this part of the movie with my cousin in his living room, or maybe it was just because Return of the King supported two players, but returning to this and finding a single-player-only game was bewildering.

It's still a solid game, but it really just makes me want the sweet, sweet co-op action of RotK.

*The first was swearing that the animated movie Titan A.E. was based on a Sega Genesis game of the same name

Return of the King is a better game since it has co-op.

Tolkien's masterpiece on the ps2

A time where I would pay full price for a movie game

Dude remember when Jerma spent 4 hours on 1 level of this.

Combat is not bad. Atmosphere at war scenes is great but very repetitive and short.

Jogo bacana por ser de uma franquia incrível de filmes e livros.
Mas meu Deus do céu, que joguinho rrrrruuuim.

Surprisingly competent. Worth a play.