Reviews from

in the past

Que experimento tan curioso, el juego se ubica en Ohio, EEUU en el año 1962, este setting no es casualidad el juego se basa en un incidente ocurrido ese mismo año, el departamento de policía de Mansfield, Ohio, instaló una cámara de vigilancia oculta detrás de un espejo de dos vías y filmó en secreto a hombres teniendo sexo con hombres en un baño público.
El juego se basa en ese incidente y tu trabajo es... chupar pitos, bueno, no son literal pitos, el juego los cambia por armas para evitar la censura y el resultado es bastante bizarro, el juego consiste en ver entrar a hombres al baño, tu debes mirarlos para saber si quieren o no contigo mientras vigila que no te vea la policía, después de unas cuantas miradas, si lo hiciste bien, el sujeto se te acercara y tu comenzaras a limpiarle el arma mientras escuchas una canción, debes mantener el botón izquierdo del ratón mientras lo mueves de arriba hacía.
Y eso es todo, no tiene mucho más, es bastante simple aunque tengo una queja con el juego, el juego tiene un sistema de logros por el cual si logras chupar x cantidad de armas te dan un trofeo, es innecesario, el juego no lo necesita, parece que lo metieron al último momento para alargar el juego artificialmente, pero salvo eso esta bien, es un experimento curioso, sencillo y bizarro

i feel the same way about this as everything else robert yang has made: interesting but too short for it to really do anything for me besides make me go "huh." frankly more interesting reading about the context behind this game than actually playing it, and it probably took longer too.

i believe this game is a perfect length, though i will not share to you, dear reader, which gun-penis is MY perfect length, for fear one of you freaks may contact me.

the tearoom gamefies a moment in time. a 1960s tearoom in rural ohio, where men seek sex with other men. it's perfect because it is already play, it's impactful because the consequences are dire. this dirty bathroom can be transformed into a place they own, separate from the outside world. both the player and the various men who come in are in this for fun, and it is fun! there's a tenseness when the player looks up at the man beside him, and looks down again. the tenseness comes to a head when he approaches the player. the music gets louder and you are now sucking gun-dick and it feels right and you can get lost in the moment

except you can't, because what if the cops come in? in my first time playing, on the second man, i got busted by the cops. the music stops, the lighting changes, and both of us are in deep shit. so then, the player must constantly keep watch of police activity. while at the urinal, it is easy to look out the window, it is easy to hear a car pull up, but in the moment, licking that cocked gun, the player is turned away from the window, and the music and sound effects drown out outside noises. one must be vigilant to keep playing -- and it gives off this feeling that no space can truly ever be safe, at least in a world with people who police the public.

the tearoom. 5/5 stars

i will never stop giving robert yang games 5* reviews, this i promise.

honestly tho 'sex game made partly to fuck with Twitch's community guidelines that turns into moving and sad exploration of institutional homophobia' is really something so special it demands 5 stars. what an amazing piece of work!!!