Reviews from

in the past

In terms of a strategy roguelike walking in FTL's footsteps you can do a lot worse. There's a lot of decent variety in playstyles provided by the different leaders, although you'll need to grind a bit to unlock said variety.

I think what prevents this from being truly great is the repetitive nature of the runs. Now, this kind of game has repetition as a core element, what makes it bad here is the core story elements. See, in FTL the only thing that is guaranteed to be featured is the boss fight against the falgship at the end of the run. In WaWB there's several mandatory boss fights with no variation, not to mention the landmarks appearing in the same place with the same choices each time.

A turn based roguelite where you choose from a selection of leader characters and travel across different sections of a world map fighting yokai, bandits, and soldiers before arriving at the final battle you are making your way to. Collect food to fuel your movement, money to purchase new items and followers, and gear that allows for ranged and powerful weapon use and an item that allows you to level up your leader and followers. Start with one leader but unlock more options and alternate starts by completing achievements. Each leader has three different starting options that will change up their starting equipment, followers, items, levels, etc. As you unlock achievements shops begin to sell new weapons, items, and follower options for subsequent playthroughs. This can create the issue of there now being more randomization and certain characters constantly being offered things that they have no use for.

Base gameplay is fun enough and replayable due to all the unlocks and varied leaders that come with unique items, but it offers nothing different event, locations, or main storyline wise with each playthrough really hurting the replayability once you quickly see everything. None of the characters are even different when it comes to their success or failure with events and they all follow the same story, ending, and say the same things leading up to the end. There is event and battle randomization but the total number of them is so low that you will run out of things to see in only a few playthroughs, and while many unlockables are quick and easy some are fairly ridiculous in how out of your way you will have to go to get them done. Multiple wins on easy and normal showed very little difference between the two modes and no real change on the traversal side of the game.

Fun for a bit but just not enough content to keep playing after a few wins.
