Reviews from

in the past

killing голую вампиршу and drinking вино

Throw a grouchy aging Slavic man into a new country, a blend of France, Spain and Disneyland and watch him grimace his way through a delightfully fun, humorous and violent adventure. The Witcher III's best bits, the exploration, the detective-work, and the monster killing, are all honed to their best here.

The main game's grim dark fantasy is replaced by palace intrigue, vineyard industry politics, and vampires. It’s so wildly out of left field for a game like The Witcher III that it’s all the more breathtaking how killer the execution is.

Finalmente depois de muito e muitos anos que tinha abandonado o jogo resolvi retornar para finalizar e foi ótimo ter retornado.

Tão bom quanto a história principal foi esta DLC,

Witcher is so good and so is this DLC, play it!!

Туссент прекрасен!

Witcher 3's Citadel DLC, essentially. Wraps up the modern Witcher saga with an engaging and occasionally-self-aware story that concludes on a wistful, yet satisfying note. It's a bit inferior to Heart of Stone in regards to its gameplay pacing, though it's no surprise given that the new areas, easily the most visually-striking yet, are almost a 1/3 of the size of the base game's combined. It's disappointing that this will likely be Geralt's last outing, but at least it was an excellent one.

Me parece peor que hearts of stone pero sigue estando bien

Review in progress:
Some of the best writing and storytelling I've experienced in a game. I felt compelled to do every side quest because they all had intestering stories to tell. Unfortunately, the gameplay itself has its shortcomings. The combat feels stiff compared to other action games like Dark Souls. The frequent "detective" segments don't require any actual thinking and feel like a missed opportunity. There isn't enough incentive to explore the world outside of quests. Despite these flaws, I still had a really good time.

As a Botanist i was impressed with this map =)

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The new Toussaint Kingdom is gorgeous. Even though it is not a good fit for Witcher's overall dark theme, the middle-age France inspired map is literally the best place in the entire game. Not to mention the side content it adds... As it already was in the main game, they are great. Alas, the story isn't the forte of this DLC. Because apparently, CDPR leant on the content much more than telling a good story. Not to mention that it get ruined when you have to fight Detlaff as the final boss. First of all, in regard to the story, it was ridiculous. Secondly, it is ridiculously hard. Even From Software bosses feel a lot easier comared to him.

vampiros pica e grandes gostosas

Ganhei uma casa própria,muito foda


Отличное дополнение к шикарной игре

just flat out the best dlc ever, this shit smacks so fucking hard

Esse é o meu Crepúsculo. Amei o mapa novo, os personagens q vieram e a minha fazenda q eu posso passar o tempo admirando a Yennefer

A fantastic end to the current Witcher saga and wraps up Geralt's story very nicely. Blood and Wine adds in a new playable area which is absolutely the best looking area in the game. The contracts and side quests are loads of fun and Geralt even gets his own house which you can customize and make your own. The story is dark and full of conflict and I loved a lot of the characters. Decisions you make are conflicted, there may not be a right answer, and that's extremely realistic and engaging to me. Overall, a great expansion to an already amazing game.

The best part of this whole game

La mejor expansión creada nunca en un videojuego

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some thoughts

- The best use of expansion in any game; they can totally make a spin-off game out of this.
- So beautiful and vibrant, with a darker tone in the story aspect.
- The Wine War quest line is incredibly tedious.
- That Geralt and Syanna scene kinda reminded me of The Creation Of Adam painting.

- The epilogue is feels somewhat cut short. after dealing with Dettlaff and returning to Corvo Bianco, you get a surprise visit and have a brief conversation with either your romantic interest or Dandelion – and that's it. like literally, just some dialogue that you can choose to ask. No celebration, no meeting with other main characters, no special cutscene.

Instead, they toss you back into the game to do whatever remaining quests or explorations you have left. At this point, I'm just nitpicking, but imagine if they included a gathering with other main characters, a feast, or some form of celebration. Geralt finally has a place to himself, a whole vineyard, with the possibility of retiring from the witcher life, venturing into the wine business (which the game hinted at) and just enjoying a peaceful life. Or, at the very least, having more than one person visit you at the end. it'll be soooooooo so much more satisfying.

- Best game and expansion of all time 🗣️🗣️

another good example to not trust games that are widely popular for its “writing”

Story-wise not as good as Hearts of Stone, but man Toussaint is pretty.

Фантастическое дополнение к и без того отличной игре. История с большими контрастами, на первый взгляд светлая и игривая, но с течением времени глубокая и темная. Мир прекрасен, саундтрек потрясающий и наполнен эмоциями. Диалоги такие же потрясающие, как и в основной игре, и я не думал, что они смогут сделать отношения более значимыми, но им это абсолютно удалось.

Easily the best expansion I’ve played.