Reviews from

in the past

The epitome of short but sweet, it's clear why this game is another foundation of the RPG Maker horror genre. It's incredibly creepy and maintains a constant tension, but has a sense of humor about it too. Graphics and music aren't anything to write home about, certainly lacking the aesthetic identity its closest companion game Ib has, but they do the job. The whole arc with the frog companion was really great, especially with the punchline towards the end of the game. Yeah, the punchline was me being murdered, but I couldn't even be mad about it.

I wish the cat that acted as your save point throughout the game didn't say "Yo." every time you met them though. It's an incrutiably small nitpick... but it was still a kinda unfitting choice!

Puzzles are the focus and generally well done, aside from one or two I had to look at a guide to figure out. Interestingly, one of the last puzzles in the game was removed in the version I was playing--no clue what was up with it. The game also LOVES throwing in chase scenes with instant death conditions, ratcheting up the tension of course, but felt a bit overplayed by the end of it.

Probably the only other thing of note was the true ending, nothing truly mindblowing, but it still got me! I am not immune to a concise yet effective twist, or a concise yet effective game!

białasy myśleli że fight club miał najlepszy plot twist a potem zagrali w to

the true ending was 10 year old me's 9/11

Scary game, a nice retrò graphics, and a cute protagonist. Some levels made me very scary. One of the best for it's genres.

RPG Horror just how I like it. An intriguing story yet very minimal exposition! All the scares are clever throughout the game and it always keeps you wary. This is the bar a lot of RPG horror struggles to achieve for me.

Fun rpg with a little story. To me, its not a masterpiece though

Highly influential title, with creative use of RPG maker tools to invoke horror game staples such as jumpscares.
While it would go on to inspire many future titles, the game itself has not aged particularly well, and can come off as quite cheesy or amateur in hindsight.

cara. emoções. eu nunca consegui jogar esse jogo sozinha por achar as perseguições e puzzles que dependem de destreza difíceis demais, mas tudo se encaixa tão bem: a reviravolta foreshadowed, as alusões, e cá entre nós o design da viola e ellen são adoráveis. talvez a ost pudesse ser mais memorável, mas ela cumpre seu objetivo!

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: 7/10 | OST: 5/10 ]

So a clock fell on me ingame and it killed me and I was like 'oh my gosh that was really scary' except I didn't say that specifically and I screamed instead.

scary and the puzzles are interesting

Frog bros, how we holdin up?

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Gostei muito do jogo, só achei ele muito curto e não da nada de medo. O plot no final sobre na verdade voce estar jogando com a Ellen o tempo todo e o proprio pai da Viola matar sua filha é muito bom e algo que eu não imaginava

in a way, it's an escape room haunted house simulator.

it's among the classics for RPG maker stuff nowadays, but I feel like it's mostly because this game is one of the firsts to do this concept.

Um belo rpgmaker de terror com suspense um dos primeiros que joguei , mesmo sendo curto foi uma das melhores experiências que tive
Junto com o final muito triste me marcou demais.
Descobri depois que tem mangá contando a história sobre a bruxa e seu passado que fez o jogo ficar ainda mais maravilhoso.
Simplesmente um clássico dos RPGMakers

The true ending utterly obliderated me.

Game is good but the chasing scenes were incredibly hard when my character accidentally moved one centimetre to the side, frustrating!!! Especially the last chase. But overall, everything is great and the ending caught me off guard (amazing twist). Another classic!

When they do the scary stuff during screen transitions that's genius. Best RPG Maker Horrorgame gameplaywise

this was one of my introductions to horror games as a kid, as simple as its story is its twist caught me so off guard it stayed in my brain forever. i really loved its puzzles also

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My 11 year old self was so apalled during the ending that she had nightmares about it
Such a cool game, honestly

i forgot how much i liked it i like didnt intake any of it i think it was good though

o primeiro plot twist da vida

A classic... great twist at the end. Fantastic pacing and puzzles. Has a wonderfully oppressive atmosphere of malice... Just a good fucking game

It managed to scare me despite it being a 2D sprite-based game

acho que o que eu mais gostei nesse jogo foi o plot twist imenso envolvendo a casa e a "dona" dela .....

Funamusea aprenda e melhore
nunca sera isso aqui

shoutout to this game for fueling my edgy 14 yr old brain