Reviews from

in the past

It's a pretty cool puzzle game

Have you ever wondered what it's like to play a game as the actual code or program inside the game? Well, now you can! TING is a game in which you embark on an adventure with the game's code. You start out at the title screen and must dismantle the entire screen to get the code's attention. In this process, you discover a "glitch" that is trying to destroy everything. You get sucked into other dimensions and try to find your way back. The entire game is in the style of a point-and-click adventure, but instead of controlling a single character, you are the "user" that the code talks to. He gives you hints along the way as well as being able to unlock actual hints, which makes some of the more obscure puzzles easier.

You have to really think outside the box with this game, as you can take down parts of the UI and completely break the smaller games inside to progress. You will end up with a classic adventure title and a JRPG that makes fun of Zelda tropes. The game also pokes fun at other games and mechanics, such as microtransactions and free-to-play mechanics. I don't want to spoil the Easter eggs, but the game has a great sense of humor, and anyone who has watched a few behind-the-scenes videos on how games are made will appreciate this game and the message it's getting across.

Every area is new and different, and no two puzzles are the same. Some areas have multiple screens, and you can manipulate them in interesting ways, such as unscrewing the computer monitor you're playing the game on and getting the back of the scene through the back panel. You have to also be okay with dragging the objects onto everything and trying combinations. Some things may not look obvious, but they make sense once you get the object or discover its use. Things like a mouse cursor popping a balloon, a metal letter T being used as a screwdriver, and the sign to a game title being used as a bridge. Almost every puzzle can be figured out with a bit of thinking, but a few were so obscure that I had to use all the hints available to me. When you press the hints button, it will show locks over the object that has hints. This can also be useful just to figure out what objects can be interacted with or what your focus should be without even using a single hint.

There are cutscenes in the game that can't be interacted with, and this is shown with filmstrips going up the sides of the screen. Because this is a "joke" game and you can break actual games inside, you need other cues as to what's a joke and what is not. Sometimes I didn't know what was a joke and wound up restarting the game, but you also need to trust the game. There isn't much else in terms of gameplay, but there doesn't need to be. This is a very clever idea for a game that I have never seen before. The story is interesting, the characters are likeable, and it's just an overall fun time and something really unique. The visuals are charming and switch up all the time, which makes you think outside the box.

Point & click que tiene sistema de pistas, que no te dicen específicamente qué hacer. Te ayudan a pensar en qué deberías fijarte para pensar en una solución.
Usa el humor y le saca partido en los puzzles meta muchos de ellos.
Muy sencillo point & click con soluciones a puzzles y entornos surrealistas para una aventura point & click. Le encanta romper la realidad del juego, dando constantes sorpresas a quién esté tras los mandos.
No cuesta más de 3-4h.

Tries sooo hard to be funny, but just ends up being annoying.

Isso não é uma review pois isso também não é um jogo.

can be annoying but so much heart

Esta no debería ser una reseña en el sitio web para hacer logs de juegos llamado Backloggd, porque este claramente no es un juego.

Definitivamente no vas a encontrar nada maravilloso en este jue- no juego.
Sal afuera y haz cualquier otra cosa.

What started off as clever and fun became tedious and frustrating. Could have been just as much game (or non-game, I guess) at half the length. Wore out it's welcome and I wish I hadn't tried to push through because I could have spent that time in much better ways.

Juego de puzles muy bien hecho, historia interesante

Fun, idk what else you want from this game. Maybe a bit too long, but very good moments that occur over the course of playing

Amazing throwback game, lots of fun references. I got the physical copy for Switch from Limited Run!

não existe um único ponto nesse jogo do qual se pode reclamar. muito engraçado e criativo, além de não ser tão longo

Played and finished this in two sittings, a story that got more and more compelling as you explored this meta game. No spoilers, but a treat to play.

Por que a parte musical vai tão duro?????

I feel like a fool but it was so well made

Juegazo de visual novel. Es simple, su historia es sencilla y no busca hacer nada mas que entretener pero realmente lo logra. Su forma de jugar es facil pero sus acertijos son complejos. Sus dialogos, personajes y momentos hacen que este juego sea una parodia de los videojuegos perfecta. Muy muy divertido

There is no review because there is no game.

Juegazo. Súper divertido y emotivo. Es increíble.

angry Russian narrator screams at u for 5 hours. play the non game rn

Não é um jogo. Definitivamente, não é um jogo.
Dito isso, se fosse um jogo, ele seria mais arrastado do que deveria.

this is not a game don't be fooled

Sometimes, there wher to much thing to tkink about, but overall good thing, definitely not a game.

Um dos jogos mais criativos que eu já vi

Sights & Sounds
- The game has a very charming visual style to it with the occasional FMV
- The voice acting is pretty great. There's not a huge number of voiced characters (and in fact, two of them share a VA), but they're still good performances all around
- The music is mostly just serviceable background noise up until you get part where you get two vocal tracks in fairly quick succession. Both are fantastic, particularly the second one ("My Actual Code")

Story & Vibes
- The story mostly involves you trying to play the game while it tries to stop you from doing so. At some point, you release a dangerous glitch that you have to stop at all costs
- The whole game is hilarious. I haven't played a game that got me laughing this hard in a while. Genuinely entertaining throughout its entire length

Playability & Replayability
- For the most part, this is a puzzle game. You'll have to get pretty creative and aggressively mess around with everything to progress. Not all the solutions are obvious, but they're not so obscure that you'll get frustrated
- I'm not sure I'm going to replay it given that I got all the achievements, but I might revisit someday if I need a laugh. There is a chapter select after finishing the game, thankfully

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Won't tax your system badly
- It's a pretty short game, so take that into account when setting your price
- Played perfectly well on the Steam Deck thanks to the trackpads

Final Verdict
- 8/10. A hilarious game and well worth a playthrough for those needing a laugh

Humor maravilhoso, história legal e gráficos lindos.

Pode ser um pouco confuso, mas tem um botão pra ver dicas, me ajudou muito.
É um jogo bem criativo, muitas coisas podem não ser fáceis de entender.

Прикольный стёбный инди-квест с типичными для жанра головоломками. Сюжетно выделяется не просто ломанием 4-ой стены, а её отсутствием. Ну и сюжет тут хорош, юмор классный, загадки с поиском способа продвинуться вперёд максимально оригинальны, также ломают 4-ую стену и радуют разнообразием. Каждый уровень отличается своей механикой и изучать её интересно. В жанре квестов это действительно крутой проект, но я не выношу жанр квестов из-за всех этих порой нелогичных головоломок и никакущего геймплея в целом. Моя сугубо субъективная оценка - 6/10.