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Have you ever wondered what it's like to play a game as the actual code or program inside the game? Well, now you can! TING is a game in which you embark on an adventure with the game's code. You start out at the title screen and must dismantle the entire screen to get the code's attention. In this process, you discover a "glitch" that is trying to destroy everything. You get sucked into other dimensions and try to find your way back. The entire game is in the style of a point-and-click adventure, but instead of controlling a single character, you are the "user" that the code talks to. He gives you hints along the way as well as being able to unlock actual hints, which makes some of the more obscure puzzles easier.

You have to really think outside the box with this game, as you can take down parts of the UI and completely break the smaller games inside to progress. You will end up with a classic adventure title and a JRPG that makes fun of Zelda tropes. The game also pokes fun at other games and mechanics, such as microtransactions and free-to-play mechanics. I don't want to spoil the Easter eggs, but the game has a great sense of humor, and anyone who has watched a few behind-the-scenes videos on how games are made will appreciate this game and the message it's getting across.

Every area is new and different, and no two puzzles are the same. Some areas have multiple screens, and you can manipulate them in interesting ways, such as unscrewing the computer monitor you're playing the game on and getting the back of the scene through the back panel. You have to also be okay with dragging the objects onto everything and trying combinations. Some things may not look obvious, but they make sense once you get the object or discover its use. Things like a mouse cursor popping a balloon, a metal letter T being used as a screwdriver, and the sign to a game title being used as a bridge. Almost every puzzle can be figured out with a bit of thinking, but a few were so obscure that I had to use all the hints available to me. When you press the hints button, it will show locks over the object that has hints. This can also be useful just to figure out what objects can be interacted with or what your focus should be without even using a single hint.

There are cutscenes in the game that can't be interacted with, and this is shown with filmstrips going up the sides of the screen. Because this is a "joke" game and you can break actual games inside, you need other cues as to what's a joke and what is not. Sometimes I didn't know what was a joke and wound up restarting the game, but you also need to trust the game. There isn't much else in terms of gameplay, but there doesn't need to be. This is a very clever idea for a game that I have never seen before. The story is interesting, the characters are likeable, and it's just an overall fun time and something really unique. The visuals are charming and switch up all the time, which makes you think outside the box.

Eu me lembro de jogar o primeiro There Is No Game em algum site de jogos em flash por ai, muitos anos atrás. Eu fiquei maravilhada com a metalinguagem e o senso de humor. Especialmente por ser uma época onde jogos com essas características estarem aparecendo pela primeira vez (ao menos na minha vida, certamente existiram outros que eu nunca tive acesso).
Faz uns dois ou três anos que eu joguei novamente ele no celular. Ainda bem que ele foi portado e não se perdeu no limbo. Foi ótimo perceber que realmente era um jogo legal, não era só um produto do seu tempo ou uma memória falsa minha.

Corta pra 2020, com um jogo novo da franquia vindo, aparentemente, do nada. Não fosse um amigo recomendar, teria passado batido. O que me deixa triste, pois é um jogaço que merece mais atenção.

Assim como o primeiro, as quebras de quarta parede e brincadeiras com a metalinguagem e com a própria linguagem de jogos estão presente. O senso de humor também.

Foi uma experiência que me deixou sorrindo do início ao fim e eu adoraria dizer tudo de legal que ele faz, mas parte da graça é descobrir por si só e eu não quero estragar a experiência de ninguém.

Se você gosta de puzzles, point and clicks, metalinguagem e /ou jogos bem humorados, por favor dê uma chance para esse título.

theres no easter bunny
theres no tooth fairy
theres no queen of england
and theres no game

this is not a game don't be fooled

Nota 9

Não faço ideia do porque colocaram isso no site, claramente não é um jogo, óras.

Más se fosse um jogo... Eu poderia falar que ele é maravilhoso. Muito bem bolado nos enigmas e nos puzzes, muito bem humorado, bem produzido, e com uma história muito boa.

Fantastic Point and Click Adventure that turns the genre on its head. Breaks the fourth wall, is legitimately funny, and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Never in my life did I think I'd be attracted to a gruff voice that's just the personification of a game code but here we are.

My indie game of the year 2020! It’s got a hilarious and charming narrator and some outside of the box thought provoking puzzles. It takes it’s original GameJam concept and adds more and more and more. So many creative ideas and well made puzzles. Special shout-out to chapter 5 it’s my favorite part of the game. Or uh non game. Funny gags and lots of rips at the game industry as a whole. Coolest part is that this game still came out despite its failed Kickstarter. This was a passion project to the very end and I’m so glad at how amazing it turned out. Check it out please!

A very clever, silly and emotional experience that goes through a good handful of game genres and represents them very well (so much that now I want to play some graphic adventures that I haven't played yet)

Despite the awkward voice acting and sometimes quite dated or obvious humour, There Is No Game is a charming love letter to a wide variety of video games with some fairly clever (and some overly obtuse) puzzles. At around 4-5 hours long it's certainly not a slog, although some gags and segments run on just a few minutes too long sometimes.

It is starting to tiring me the premise of a story driven by the game being conscious of his condition and trying so hard to make a story out of it. Honestly, this one doesn't overcome the cliché, even though the execution is slightly different from other games that I have played. I mean, the concept is great and the first hour is enjoyable, but when it comes to the execution, it just fades away the more you play it. By the 4th chapter, I was already tired because the story was dragging for way too long. If the developers had shortened the content and went more straight to the point, this would be better. Also, the art of the game is not quite my style, but that's not my major complain about my experience (excluding the parody of The Legend of Zelda and the graphic style of Lucasarts games).

+ Very creative and unique puzzle design that is a breath of fresh air for a point and click adventure game.
+ Tiered hint system helps the player out bit by bit rather than leaving you stuck or completely spoiling the answer.

- Awkward and slightly distracting voice acting.

It's not perfect but also I spent a lot of a Sunday playing this game to completion so it was at minimum pretty good

A short, but fun and emotional puzzle game. Very reminiscent of the Ron Gilbert school of point and click lunacy with a couple of oddball puzzles (One of the first chapters feels like it was ripped straight up from a classic SCUMM style game and it's a fun send-up of the genre.) The game does drag a bit much in the middle when it makes you replay a level you just beat, but now integrating "Modern" Gameplay and design, and while it was cute at first, it definitely wore out it's welcome fast. Still, the game has a really strong emotional core to it that it's able to pull off really well, not to mention that it nails the ending really well and even made me a bit emotional. The game is usually $12, but seems to go on sale pretty consistently, but whether on sale or at full price, it's definitely an experience worth it that I'd still recommend.

Não é um jogo ruim, mas sei lá, não curti a comédia dele, muito auto explicativo e piadas sem graça, o narrador também é chato pra caralho, não faz muito meu estilo, mas eventualmente eu tento de novo

This is one of the most creative and clever point-and-clicks I've ever played. Unfortunately, there's a large portion lampooning pay-to-win idle clicker mobile games, and the game's commitment to the bit just ends up being a bad time.

As the title states, there is no game here! Nope. Just a locked-down title screen. But while you're there, you might as well play around to see if you can find something to do.

If you're a fan of classic Lucasarts or Sierra adventure games, and if you enjoyed the meta humor and story of The Stanley Parable, you should definitely go into this game without learning anything else! The story is fantastically clever and engrossing, and the whole thing is only about 4 hours long. I waited for a sale ($9 instead of $13) and I honestly feel stupid for waiting that long to save 4 dollars. This game is absolutely worth it at full price, though you can get it for $5 on mobile. Since you're just clicking/tapping, it shouldn't be an inferior experience on a phone. Just be ready for a tedious middle segment (though the tedium is meant as a joke) that overstays its welcome a bit, and trust that the ending will absolutely be worth it.

O brilhantismo da sátira. É incrível apreciar uma obra feita com tanto amor. A criatividade deste no-game é absurda, produzindo momentos únicos e tão bem arrojados. É uma extensa crítica humorística a indústria de games, que adentrou em uma pauta individualista e gananciosa, perdendo o conceito de que jogar é coletivo; jogar é união. Impressionantemente o no-game discorre economicamente, porém com precisão com seu tom humorístico o declínio do mundo dos games, o introspectivo de um Dev e as consequências de uma falha. É excelente, e saliento que não gosto de puzzles, mas a criatividade deste me pegou.

Não é um jogo. Definitivamente, não é um jogo.
Dito isso, se fosse um jogo, ele seria mais arrastado do que deveria.

All the meta and 4th wall breaking this game employ are pretty worn out tropes at this point, but this ended up being a solid game regardless.
Point 'n click games are a genre I typically don't enjoy, but this had creative puzzles, which oftentimes required out of the box thinking to solve, making them in equal parts fun, but also a little frustrating in places.
Luckily, the game gives you the option of looking at hints, so even if you're stuck, you can see the solution and move on to a part you're more likely to enjoy.
I overall enjoyed most of what it had to offer in terms of gameplay, even finding the idle clicker portion to be fine.
The game is also pretty short and can be beaten in 5-6 hours. The last 40-45 minutes could've been safely cut though, as they felt unnecessary and kinda drag the game down.

"There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension" has some of the most creative puzzles I have seen recently. You quickly learn to think outside of the box and having the right idea to solve a conundrum almost always gives you a sense of accomplishment. The game's got a generous hint system, which I didn't had to use often, but when I did, I always realized that I was already on the right track and just missed a small detail. A lot of Point&Click games have those moments where you look up a puzzle solution and your immediate thought is: "How was I supposed to know this?" and not "I probably could have figured that out.", which is an important differance and I'm glad this non-game never had a situation where I had the first one of these thoughts.

Another thing I really liked about There Is No Game is the charming pixel art look, especially in the second chapter, where it looks like LucasArts during their best days.

But all that being said I've got some minor criticisms here and there. For one, this game relies too much on pop-culture references for it's humor, I laughed maybe twice during the entire playthrough, which isn't great for a comedy game. Then there is the plot that isn't all that interesting, but at least it fits the meta commentary of the rest of the game, so, that's not too bad I suppose.
Last but not least, I recommend you play it on PC if you can, the controls with either touchscreen or analog sticks aren't necessarily bad, but they do break the immersion of the game a bit.

All that being said, I would still recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a short and clever puzzle game and who can stand a bit of unfunny jokes.

Really, the worst part about the entire game is that people online joke when talking about the game like "What are you talking about? There is no game!" far too much. Looking at you, youtubers.

O primeiro There Is No Game parece muito com Portal (dadas as devidas proporções): um jogo bem curto, feito por um time muito pequeno, mas com uma ideia tão diferente e bem executada que se tornou um clássico, mesmo concorrendo com outros gigantes.

Hoje eu descobri que Wrong Dimension também se parece muito com Portal 2 (dadas as devidas proporções): pegar o conceito simples e explorá-lo ao máximo, transformando uma ideia em uma obra-prima.

Seja pela forma como conta sua narrativa ou pela forma como ele torna o gameplay de um point and click mais prazeroso, criativo e divertido, Wrong Dimension consegue quebrar expectativas e mostrar como há espaço para inovar e trazer experiências novas mesmo num estilo que existe há décadas.

E se possível, tente não ter nenhum spoiler antes de jogar, suas risadas futuras vão agradecer.

gosto mttt desse jogo principalmente da musica da gigi

Sights & Sounds
- The game has a very charming visual style to it with the occasional FMV
- The voice acting is pretty great. There's not a huge number of voiced characters (and in fact, two of them share a VA), but they're still good performances all around
- The music is mostly just serviceable background noise up until you get part where you get two vocal tracks in fairly quick succession. Both are fantastic, particularly the second one ("My Actual Code")

Story & Vibes
- The story mostly involves you trying to play the game while it tries to stop you from doing so. At some point, you release a dangerous glitch that you have to stop at all costs
- The whole game is hilarious. I haven't played a game that got me laughing this hard in a while. Genuinely entertaining throughout its entire length

Playability & Replayability
- For the most part, this is a puzzle game. You'll have to get pretty creative and aggressively mess around with everything to progress. Not all the solutions are obvious, but they're not so obscure that you'll get frustrated
- I'm not sure I'm going to replay it given that I got all the achievements, but I might revisit someday if I need a laugh. There is a chapter select after finishing the game, thankfully

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Won't tax your system badly
- It's a pretty short game, so take that into account when setting your price
- Played perfectly well on the Steam Deck thanks to the trackpads

Final Verdict
- 8/10. A hilarious game and well worth a playthrough for those needing a laugh

There is no game: Wrong Dimensions é mais um jogo Indie que conquistou meu coração. Sua abordagem é simples, é um jogo de point and click, nada mais. Porém o que se sobressai nesse jogo é sua história, que com certeza foi feita com toda a dedicação possível dos criadores para formarem essa incrível obra de arte.
O jogo aborda sua história de uma forma inusitada: Dentro dele há uma espécie de IA que fala com você (E inicialmente te odeia) e te pede para sair imediatamente do programa. Mas como todo jogador, você insiste contra essa IA e junto com ela vai desenrolando a plot do jogo. Os personagens são extremamente carismáticos e com certeza irá te oferecer boas gargalhadas, seu humor é repleto de ironia e zoação, o que o torna ainda mais perfeito. Até as próprias músicas são geniais, elaboradas de uma forma que tudo se encaixa perfeitamente.
é um jogo que com certeza vale a pena dar uma jogada, se divertir e curtir o momento. Não é um jogo extremamente longo e, sinceramente, não é necessário, pois é possível aproveitar completamente suas horas de gameplay. E fiz questão de platinar ele para me recordar do quão bom ele é. Enfim, é um jogo que sem dúvida vale a pena ser jogado.

A very meta game that plays off like an adventure one by implementing in different ways the "think outside the box" troupe. Its narrator tries to be comical with its gags and it mostly misses for my case though it has some really good lines here and there. At least it has good progression and the presentation is clean.

Although a bit short, a fun and humorous point and click with witty banter .

O melhor (não) jogo, um show de criatividade jogo que usa a metalinguagem do próprio gênero de forma divertida é criativa, que te prende facilmente do Início ao fim, com um dos narradores mais carismáticos.

Comedy is always subjective, but boy did this game fail to make me laugh. If pop culture references and stock gamer humor are your cup of tea, then maybe you will get more out of it than I. There are some genuinely fun puzzle set ups and and moments, but the plodding momentum, boring story, and tepid humor make those moments fleeting and far between. For a game only 5 hours long, everything you do feels like wading through molasses, puzzles constantly get interrupted by dialog/comedy moments, a large section in the middle half of the game is almost intentionally slow and boring as a meta joke, which turns out doesn't make it any less slow and boring!

There Is No Game feels like a project that has a fair amount of heart put into it, given that a chunk of its plot seems to be directly influenced by it starting out as a Kickstarter game that failed to reach funding. However, I can't say that heart translated into a game worth experiencing.

Remember Strongbad? This is who the 'Game' reminded me of and the humour was a little bit like that too. This was much better than I was expecting having not played the previous game. The puzzles forced me to think (literally) outside of the box and the fun commentary made it so engaging. The story went deeper than I was expecting and the soundtrack was surprisingly good (when I heard GiGi's song I immediately had to pause the game to look it up and listen again). Felt like it was just the right length too.