Reviews from

in the past

Fuck Yeah to literally everything about this. Plot, gameplay, voice acting, soundtrack, everything is next fucking level. I've played through it twice in its entirety and will no doubt do so again in the future.

A short, but fun and emotional puzzle game. Very reminiscent of the Ron Gilbert school of point and click lunacy with a couple of oddball puzzles (One of the first chapters feels like it was ripped straight up from a classic SCUMM style game and it's a fun send-up of the genre.) The game does drag a bit much in the middle when it makes you replay a level you just beat, but now integrating "Modern" Gameplay and design, and while it was cute at first, it definitely wore out it's welcome fast. Still, the game has a really strong emotional core to it that it's able to pull off really well, not to mention that it nails the ending really well and even made me a bit emotional. The game is usually $12, but seems to go on sale pretty consistently, but whether on sale or at full price, it's definitely an experience worth it that I'd still recommend.

Despite the awkward voice acting and sometimes quite dated or obvious humour, There Is No Game is a charming love letter to a wide variety of video games with some fairly clever (and some overly obtuse) puzzles. At around 4-5 hours long it's certainly not a slog, although some gags and segments run on just a few minutes too long sometimes.

+ Very creative and unique puzzle design that is a breath of fresh air for a point and click adventure game.
+ Tiered hint system helps the player out bit by bit rather than leaving you stuck or completely spoiling the answer.

- Awkward and slightly distracting voice acting.

Es sin duda la mejor no aventura gráfica que he jugado nunca. No lo recomiendo para nada, porque para eso tendría que haber un juegarraco, y no lo hay. Para nada. Cero por ciento.

angry Russian narrator screams at u for 5 hours. play the non game rn

It's a pretty cool puzzle game

4. Boyutu yıkan eğlenceli çerezlik bir oyun. Türkiye bölgesinde bug vardı. Bölge değiştirmeniz gerekiyordu.

O melhor (não) jogo, um show de criatividade jogo que usa a metalinguagem do próprio gênero de forma divertida é criativa, que te prende facilmente do Início ao fim, com um dos narradores mais carismáticos.

Nice to see a game jam game fully realized into a full-length product, but it loses some of the charm as you progress. As the novelty of it being a fourth-wall breaking game died down, so did my enjoyment. Thankfully, it's not too long!

Funny as hell, some meta stuff and noods to old games like

engraçado pra caramba, vários momentos meta e homenagens a jogos antigos

Прикольный стёбный инди-квест с типичными для жанра головоломками. Сюжетно выделяется не просто ломанием 4-ой стены, а её отсутствием. Ну и сюжет тут хорош, юмор классный, загадки с поиском способа продвинуться вперёд максимально оригинальны, также ломают 4-ую стену и радуют разнообразием. Каждый уровень отличается своей механикой и изучать её интересно. В жанре квестов это действительно крутой проект, но я не выношу жанр квестов из-за всех этих порой нелогичных головоломок и никакущего геймплея в целом. Моя сугубо субъективная оценка - 6/10.

Divertido, bonito y que no para de sorprender. Must play para todo el mundo.

It is starting to tiring me the premise of a story driven by the game being conscious of his condition and trying so hard to make a story out of it. Honestly, this one doesn't overcome the cliché, even though the execution is slightly different from other games that I have played. I mean, the concept is great and the first hour is enjoyable, but when it comes to the execution, it just fades away the more you play it. By the 4th chapter, I was already tired because the story was dragging for way too long. If the developers had shortened the content and went more straight to the point, this would be better. Also, the art of the game is not quite my style, but that's not my major complain about my experience (excluding the parody of The Legend of Zelda and the graphic style of Lucasarts games).

Não é um jogo ruim, mas sei lá, não curti a comédia dele, muito auto explicativo e piadas sem graça, o narrador também é chato pra caralho, não faz muito meu estilo, mas eventualmente eu tento de novo

A very meta game that plays off like an adventure one by implementing in different ways the "think outside the box" troupe. Its narrator tries to be comical with its gags and it mostly misses for my case though it has some really good lines here and there. At least it has good progression and the presentation is clean.

The game's writing and humor is amazing! Yeah, the puzzles and stuff were a bit difficult though, but ya know what? The game has some amazing humor.

Don't know why I'm writing a review when there is no game.

There is no review because there is no game.

Both the humor and the puzzles fall flat on occasion, but still a very clever game. I found chapters 1 and 5 to be way more interesting than the game homage chapters.

excellent game :) go into it blind!

Some clever ideas, but at points turns into try every combination of inputs, and has a bit too much waiting around for leisurely dialog to finish before it lets you play again.

>has an annoying obtuse adventure game puzzle
"haha isn't it funny how annoying and obtuse adventure game puzzles are"

Um jogo esperto e que brinca com você ao quebrar a quarta parede.

One of the sequels somehow better than the original

Melhor não jogo que já joguei