Reviews from

in the past

Gorgeous art style. Excellent voice acting. Great sound effects and music. Interesting, yet basic, puzzles.

Genre: Narrative Educational Experience | Released: 2022 | Platform: iOS and Android | Developer: Frosty Pop Games Inc. | Publisher: Netflix | Language: English | Length: 1 hour | Difficulty: None, narrative focus | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No | Accessibility Options: Subtitles, no fast movements required | Monetization: Netflix subscription needed | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Suffering, Poverty | Parenting Guide: 12+, I think it’s a great game for youth| How Did You Play It: I played it on my iPad| Did you need a guide: Oh gosh no | Mods: None

Is It Good: It’s an interesting educational experience, as a game it’s pretty bland but as a tool it’s has great strengths.

Back of the Box: 771 million people don’t have access to clean drinking water,

This is a True Story is a 2022 narrative adventure game based on real interviews about the arduous challenge of accessing clean drinking water for so many people. Less a game and more a interactive story, you guide a woman on her daily journey to the clean drinking water miles away from her home. With gorgeous hand painted backgrounds and characters mixed with strong voice over, the game often has the appearance of a moving piece of art.

The game goes into great detail on how the lack of access to safe water impacts every aspect of life. I found some of the ‘game’ elements slightly frustrating and ultimately unnecessary, but overall this is an excellent attempt of trying in some small way to demonstrate another life.

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Being thankful that I always have clean water by my side after finished this game.

Si bien resulta bastante lineal y donde los minijuegos no presentan mayor reto, uno tiene que agradecer que este tipo de pequeñas obras existan.

Se entiende que está proyectado para audiencias más que nada casuales o de corta edad, pero es refrescante ver personajes y ambientaciones bastante inusuales para el medio, con una aproximación honesta y que evita el tremendismo, que sensibiliza respecto a temas importantes.

Además, esas ilustraciones al oleo son muy bonitas.