Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 5/10

I have been meaning to play This War of Mine for a long time. When I found that This War of Mine: Final Cut was coming to PS+, I knew I had to give it a go. After a few playthroughs getting to grips with the game mechanics, I finally got the platinum trophy.

This War of Mine: Final Cut is a survival game that provides a stark reminder of the horrors of war. You control a number of survivors who have different skills and traits that can help or hinder your survival. In order for you to survive, you have to maintain the physical and mental health of your survivors. However, if you find yourself struggling to maintain this, you will have to decide whether or not you steal precious resources from others or outright kill them. Based on the decisions you make throughout the game, your survivors will voice their own opinion through their inner monologues, further cementing the positive and negative consequences of your actions. This War of Mine: Final Cut’s gameplay loop can be mixed up by creating your own story, changing a variety of settings including survivors, maps, weather, and length of the war.

Considering the trophy list, I never found myself bored with my time going for the platinum. There was always something I could work on in the moment and plan for in a future playthrough. The biggest hurdle of the game is understanding the mechanics and discovering what actions influences which stat. When you get the hang of it, This War of Mine: Final Cut is a straightforward platinum trophy.

The amount of hours I've spent on this vs the amount I've paid is insane. Well over 150 and it goes on sale for like, 2 bucks.

Your initial first playthrough, the game will feel miserable and you will have to make tough decisions. The first time experiencing this is very special.

Multiple playthroughs in, the tone of the game begins to change. You don't feel the impact of the game as much, but you instead get sucked into the mechanics and the skills of the various characters. It becomes less of a story and more of a game if that makes sense, but I mean it in a good way!

It took a long time on Switch but we did eventually get all of the content. If we didn't the score would be much lower. As a port it is just ok. I have had the occasional crash, but nothing crazy.

It's a really memorable experience that I can't recommend enough. Really easy to get lost and dive in deep to this one.

Outra obra que é mais uma experiência do que um jogo, com sua ambientação impecável e diálogos fortes, This War of Mine consegue te deixar angustiado e agoniado com diversas situações em que ele te coloca.

é um jogo peculiar, diferente do normal, tem versão mobile pra ele e me lembra levemente fallout shelter, é um jogo meio difícil, eu gostei,
tem uma história interessante, mecânicas legais mas que poderiam ser melhoradas, é bem bonitinho. recomendo, vale a pena se você
curte jogos de estratégia, gostei

I don't know what's going on and I haven't got the concentration to find out.

Touching story. One of the first gritty, serious video games I played and it left a deep impression at the time. I've since come back to it and it's still super solid.

Lo más divertido de este juego es ignorar los horrores de la guerra y meterte de cabeza en una casa con militares estilo Metal Gear para rebanarles el gaznate a todos y volver a casa cargando cincuenta metralletas

y probablemente con depresión

O conceito é muito bom etc porém muito repetitivo.

A great game, though I would really like if it had a spiritual sequel so its scope could be expanded. The concept of this game is so unique

gameplay isn't the greatest but the idea is very interesting and definitely challenges your morals

Some of the hardest decision you'll make, you get invested in this world and on the edge of your seat every decision.

This War of Mine: Final Cut é um game que cumpre totalmente a sua proposta. O título demonstra de uma forma crua o outro lado da guerra e como ela é prejudicial para as pessoas que querem apenas sobreviver. Logo, no jogo teremos que nos deparar com vários escolhas importantes que irão impactar diretamente na sobrevivencia dos personagens e com os acontecimentos ao redor deles.

Por fim, o game consegue ser uma lição importante sobre a guerra e demonstrar que ela não acontece da maneira romantizada que outros games costumam demonstrar. Portanto, mais do que apenas um jogo, This War of Mine: Final Cut é uma reflexão sobre humanidade e sobre as coisas que realmente importam na vida.

This game is near perfect in achieving what it sets out to do, making the player feel as if they have to survive a war, and it does it almost to a fault. The entire game is a completely stressful and almost miserable experience, at some point the only thing keep you going is the hope that the end is coming soon, yes the game makes you wish it is over as soon as possible and thats a good thing. There is one area however I feel the devs have went a bit too hard on, and that is character death. By the end of the game you will have to venture into some very dangerous places at night, and if you so much as click accidentally or be in an unfortunate position when a guard opens a door, you are pretty much dead, and your character stays dead, make the mistake (or get your players AI bug out) a few times and your playthrough is dead. I had to alt+f4 when I got spotted just so I could get through the final 3 days and finish the war. If this area was just a little bit more forgiving, this would've been a 10. (kinda shows how good the game is by how much I can talk about it lmao)

Uma experiência rápida, simples e eficiente. O jogo consegue, rapidamente, cativar e nos fazer embarcar em uma boa dinâmica de sobrevivência. As histórias são conflitantes e intrigantes, contudo a jogabilidade é simples — até demais, digo, de forma negativa. A sensação é que poderia ser mais. Ainda assim, vale a jogatina a curto prazo.

This game may have the heaviest atmosphere i have ever seen. It's tone, dialog, events and art design are extremely depressing, but fitting. I played for 7+ hours and got the grasp of it but really couldnt bring myself to play more. In fact, this is more of an experience rather than a game.

Jogaço, a gameplay tem umas mecânicas bem tranquilas de aprender e ir aplicando até o fim do jogo, a arte é bem bonita e em alguns cenários tem um traço diferente que me chamou a atenção, mas o que brilha aqui são as histórias e a lição sobre guerra.
É um bom jogo e eu recomendo bastante

Fiquei muito triste que perdi meus personagens por besteira, missclick do carai! Eu odeio jogo de sobrevivência e gerenciamento, mas esse jogo me fez gostar um pouco disso. Os personagens são gostáveis também, alguns, na verdade.

This one hurts me too much that the developers must cost A LOT in exchange.

A proposta desse jogo sempre me chamou a atenção, sendo muito divertido e impactante, todos os personagens que vc joga possui traumas, histórias, sonhos, e cabe a vc fazer eles sobreviverem em meio ao caos e guerra. Joguei no Ps4 e agora jogando novamente no Ps5, unico ponto negativo é em relação a essa versão não possuir nenhuma dlc, tendo que comprar todas, diferentemente da versão de Ps4 que vinha com uma dlc.

This War of Mine initially makes a strong impression - survivors fending for their lives, foraging supplies, food, and even staving off attackers not in a zombie scenario or post-apocalyptic hellscape, but in a realistic civil war in the fictional country of Pogoren. I don't believe such a scenario had been tackled before, at least not as famously, as in this game, so I was immediately interested. At first, the game had me entirely hooked, I was playing multiple multi-hour sessions at a time, and despite some initial troubles, I got into the swing of things pretty quickly. Managing my characters was fun and challenging at first. However, as time went on, I ended up realizing how shallow the game truly was both mechanically and thematically. Although the game attempts to show the true horrors of the civilian perspective of war, you don't see a whole lot and the moral choices you have to make end up losing their emotional effect pretty quickly. As it turns out, the mechanically advantageous choices are all the immoral ones, and on repeat attempts, there's practically no reason to go for anything else other than some self-imposed limitation. The game is, unfortunately, lacking in variety: the trader always has the same supplies, multiple runs will have the same areas to scavenge with no differences (there is some variance, but largely it's the same areas), you'll always have a cold front or a crime wave, et cetera. Once you've played maybe, six attempts, you've seen it all, and the game doesn't offer much more. The stealth, combat, and scavenging mechanics are all fairly basic and offer little depth. Even when it comes to the anti-war themes the game tries to push, it can't help but feel unbelievably surface-level and spoonfed to the player. The worldbuilding memos the player finds are too impersonal, and the character interactions are so threadbare that it becomes difficult to care.

At least the presentation isn't bad, the game is clearly low-budget but it has at times fairly striking art direction. The grim, almost monochrome, paper sketch style fits the tone very well and at the very least makes the game look as grim as it wishes it was. Asset quality is fairly low, but when compared to how pulled back the camera is, this is hard to notice even at high resolutions. Environments are surprisingly detailed and seem to tell better stories than the actual writing does. My only real complaint is the lack of anti-aliasing, which can make the game look overly cheap at points. The soundtrack is well-produced and can be suitably atmospheric, but I can't help but feel it's too overbearing and "epic" sounding for the kind of intimate stories this game wants to tell.

This War of Mine clearly has fans, but I didn't want to see the entire game through. While it was quite addictive at first, the simplicity of the gameplay and themes did not grab my attention for more than 15 hours. At least the art style is kind of nice.

Türü benlik olmasa da atmosferi ve müzikleri harika hatta muazzam. Sevdiğim bir tür olsa devam edeceğimi düşünüyorum ama maalesef o konuda içine çekemedi. Lakin atmosfer ve müzikler çok etkileyici.

Dei uma segunda chance, e nao me arrependi, é um puta jogo e passa uma visão realista de uma guerra que você não vê sendo representada em muitos jogos, extremamente divertido, as vezes te bota pra pensar, é bastante dificil tambem.

very good but very stressful and depressing so be wary


One of this game's greatest achievements is being able to convey both the horrors and gravity of modern warfare while also utilizing simple yet addictive game mechanics/scenarios that offer make it impossible to put this game down.

Tek sorunum ikinci bir oyun başlatınca da aynı mapin açılması keşke 1 tane daha map yapsalarmış.