Reviews from

in the past

Maybe I'm slightly criticized, but this game is VERY good, and it's really cool to see the characters' perspective, but I still think they're very sensitive, like, being realistic, killing and stealing would be options that wouldn't leave someone completely depressed

Literalmente um Fallout Shelter depressivo. This War of Mine é um jogo que mistura gerenciamento e sobrevivência, se passando no meio de um conflito armado, onde você deve sobreviver e gerenciar um grupo personagens até o conflito se encerrar. O jogo tem uma premissa boa e vai tentar te deixar pra baixo a todo momento. A ambientação tem um tom bem pesado, os personagens, os diálogos e os acontecimentos são trágicos em sua grande parte e o jogo te pune bastante. A forma como a guerra é tratada tbm é boa, mostrando os horrores e as consequências do ponto de vistas das pessoas. Fica bem, bem repetitivo a partir do dia 25, acho que muito por conta da simplicidade da gameplay, que não aprofunda nenhum dos seus elementos, mas não é nada que estrague a experiencia. Fica claro que o principal ponto do jogo é a mensagem que ele quer passar.

War... [decks a senior citizen in the face and steals a broken cassette player from his house] hell

Addictive but also brutal. One wrong mistake will absolutely destroy you in this game.

Couldn't handle much of that. Every choice I make feeling like the wrong one. I get it's supposed to be like that, I just couldn't handle it. Hard ass game!

Fantastic gameplay. Would have loved a more intricate story though.

Bon jeu de survie juste le pve est nul à chier

Gets it's point across. War is miserable and horrible, specially for civilians caught in between.

Despite this, it has engaging parts, specially in the scavenging sections. The crafting and resource management has enough options to enable interesting choices. The art style and soundtrack are fitting for the intended mood.

completed the base game, and onwards to the DLC! wild that such a flawed experience functions as a...comfort game??

This War of Mine isn't your typical war game. It throws you into the civilian struggle for survival during a brutal wartime siege. You manage a group of everyday people, scavenging for food and medicine, and making tough moral choices just to get by. It's bleak, heartbreaking, and sometimes downright unfair, but that's the point. It's a powerful experience that will stay with you long after you put down the controller. Not a fun game in the traditional sense, but an important one.

Eu não tive estômago.
Tive a chance de procurar comida em uma casa bem estocada, mas para isso teria que assaltar um casal de velhinhos. Voltei de mãos vazias e desinstalei o jogo porque não era pra mim. É uma experiência brutal

this game has to definitely be in my tops, I've never felt so anxious making a decision in my life...

I tried the classic mode and then played most of the first story. The basic survival gameplay loop works well but something that didn’t quite click with me about gameifying the experience of a civilian in a war torn country. Obviously it’s done with more care than the direct military propaganda of the popular AAA fps franchises, but something feels really off about diminishing such a haunting experience down to a survival game with all the genre-expected gameplay tropes. I was min-maxing manmade horrors.

I think this game did its job because I got so disheartened by the things I had to do that I couldn't keep going.

Wasn't my kind of game. A bit too slow and aimless for my taste.

Zafa pero se puede romper muy facil

Um gerenciador de sobrevivência no meio da guerra magnífico

o jogo é extremamente difícil e tenso, mas é incrível de jogar

Hmmmmm mixed feelings about this one. I get the message it's trying to go for (I mean, it isn't exactly SUBTLE about it) but I don't remember being able to get too attached to any characters on a narrative level. Maybe that makes me a bad person LOOOL but I couldn't get out of the Gamer tm mind set of minmaxing shit and so I just tunneled in on the survival aspect. In my defense though, I think the game could've done better on the humanity aspect on a narrative level rather than just trying to depict the powerlessness of being a civilian caught in a war through gameplay.

A game you can only play in small doses...

doesn't do a good enough job of inviting emotional investment to justify hand-waving such light roleplay and mechanical elements, and that's without getting into the bugs that make both the game and emotional aspects trivial.

It's not a bad game or concept but I just couldn't get into it.