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in the past

Touhou's second Windows Era trilogy starts off quite strong with Mountain of Faith. While the game is mechanically simple, it runs pretty far with Touhou's basic ideas by having some of the best bullet patterns and especially pacing in the series thus far. The gameplay has had some changes still-- the way the continue system works is better than the previous games (an infinite amount; must restart the stage when using one) and encourages having a more intimate knowledge of the stage, which is great. However, I'm not a big fan of the bombs in MoF. They're too good and easy to abuse. Could've been done better.

The thing that puts this game above the others for me as a whole though is the presentation. It is consistently incredibly strong: the backgrounds are pleasing, the soundtrack is easily my favorite in the series to date, and the cast of characters rivals even Touhou 6's. Their sense of identity is very strong and while the series has always been good at this, it feels more realized than usual in this case. I particularly love Kanako, her concept as a greedy god is raw as hell.

All in all, game's great and I'm quite excited to see how Subterranean Animism will follow it up.


I can't elaborate further, but I think this is Ben Shapiro's favorite Touhou.

A pretty solid Touhou game, a nice cast of characters, excellent soundtrack and fun gameplay.

Bombs are tied to power in this game, which is... an odd change but honestly not one I'm too bothered with.

This game busts my balls like nothing else I've ever played. I still haven't managed to 1CC this on even the Easy mode; best I've managed was getting Reimus Bad Ending (ending No. 8). I may come back to this another day, but I kind of doubt it.

The music is fuckin' immaculate and the game IS fun, I'm just bad at videogames.

The gameplay is a little basic but nothing is wrong with that because the shooting good. The music I thought wasn't that great at first but really grew on me over the years and I love most of the tracks now.

It also gives us best girl Sanae that is a miracle.

Personally one of my favorites, but hell is very flawed

I find the hitbox to be a lot stricter in this one. In any other Touhou, a bullet could be kissing the tip of your dick and the game would just let it pass. Not in this one though.

While I appreciate the game giving you unlimited continues, a lot of other options and mechanics have been removed. Stage 4 is absolutely brutal and the boss of Stage 6 has patterns that are downright cruel.

If you're new to bullethells and possibly looking to get into touhou (and possibly dislike the gameplay of 6 as a starter,) then this is the game for you. Probably the easiest game in the series with mostly easy bosses, free bombs, and a new and friendly continue system. That isn't to say this game doesn't have its own challenges with some stages or bosses, namely stage 4 and Kanako's Final Spellcard. Overall, fun game and good entry point.

There isn't really a lot to talk about here, as Touhou 10 pretty much follows the strong series stapes of really good boss bullet patterns, excellent soundtrack, and a general amount of heart and charm.

The new faith system is the highlight here, having to balance power as both your bullet spread and your bombs makes decisions a lot more interesting. Getting out of bullet hell jail now has more risks to it in terms of damage output (bar Marisa-B's INSANE level 3) and in general it's more limited to keep yourself safe.

That being said, 10's a bit too easy. While I haven't 1cc'd it yet (won't take long, i'm really only having difficulty with the last stage), in general the first few stages are disgustingly simple in spread and approach that every run really just begins at stage 4. It continues to have ZUN's kusoge approach to difficulty pacing and ramping up design in this way, and I keep going into these thinking "man i kinda wish there was a stage skip." It ruins the purpose of a 1cc i guess, but it's so easy to rack up score and miss hits even on the harder difficulty that signing up to sleep through half the game effectively is a bit of an ask.

Still, pretty good.

Stages and Patterns are cool in this game, but the Bombs = Power mechanic I'm not a fan of. Best mechanic that this game introduced is the Faith Gauge by far which makes it fun to destroy enemies and collect faith. Cast is cool as usual, my favorite out of this one is Nitori, Aya, and Momoji.

Huge step forward from 6-8 in terms of stage and pattern design. First half is pretty much perfect, second half is weaker but finishes off with a major bang. Bombs are probably a bit too OP.

me when sanae: but u have my girlfriend!! snickers nefariously /thinks to self/ 'man, if this works, I'll get this cute girl to be my girlfriend and i'll ride the cool roller coasters! c'mon, luck be a lady tonight!' crosses fingers and gulps s-so.. adjusts collar and looks firmly what do you say to my proposal? waits patiently

Sanae and Aya were the absolute bain of my Lunatic 1CC. Other than that, it has such a great chilling ambient and music...

1cc normal
reinicio da serie com novo enguine
bom jogo na media e por algum motivo mais polido até mesmo que os jogos seguintes da serie
hino de touhou:

So this is the one. The start of Modern Touhou. All the games before this kicked ass but this time around there was a new engine and a little bit of a soft reboot on mechanics. This is a pretty good starter Touhou! The only mechanical thing I hate is the switch from limited credits to "unlimited continues but you have to restart the level." It encourages you to slam your face against the final level with only two lives trying to get a bad ending clear. Take it from me, restart and get there with a bigger stock of lives.

Even the manual for this one has ZUN being wistful about how all the things he loves about classic arcade games are considered evil now (By now I mean 2007 when this came out). The man likes tough and complex shooty games. So as a result the story this time is both the closest thing to normal in the Windows games yet, and a metaphor for being an indie game dev. It is literally "what if a shrine maiden could sell out?"

Kanako, a god from the outside world (Based on an actual Shinto shrine near where ZUN lives but that isn't overly important) is getting bummed out because people don't believe in gods anymore, thus reducing the faith she gains and therefore her power. So she decides to airlift her whole-ass shrine to Gensokyo and get youkai to be her followers instead. Also, she gains faith through playing which is left vague, so I choose to believe she was holding regular paintball tournaments.

Being dumb as shit, she decides to take over Reimu's run-down shrine and thinks it'd be doing her a favor, but it would actually destroy the barrier around Gensokyo and destroy the entire point of moving in the first place, so the two playable characters leave to solve the problem by beating up a goddess and being an asshole to everyone they meet on the way.

The setting for the game is largely outside during the autumn this time, and the graphics are much improved, so things get legitimately very pretty for a shooter with this level of tech. Later on you get some enemies popping out of a waterfall and such, which is more complexity than previous games, and the music is very mellow and outdoorsy. All the stage themes bar none are very memorable bangers even before you get to the bosses.

Speaking of those, even the first couple of jokers stay on-theme this time as you fight some minor gods of harvests and misfortune, and then a kappa and tengu boss as you ascend the mountain itself. Aside from the first two, every one of them is a super memorable and popular character that everyone loves. Sanae the rival shrine maiden is probably my favorite Touhou though she doesn’t really start getting good until next game. I do think of her in this game as being like, the normal person who is working for the giant awful company that Kanako represents.

Even though you win, the rules of fighting in Touhou mean that you can't actually get rid of an invading god, so Reimu decides she wants to learn to live in harmony with Kanako and let her have the youkai of the mountain as followers. This decision to try and be friends will immediately backfire hilariously in the next game.

The extra stage has you going back to the shrine to find the other god, Suwako, who used to rule a country she'd built until Kanako invaded and stole the shrine from her. Now she does all the actual work and Kanako does the marketing. Suwako is one of my favorite extra bosses in the series, with a nice level of difficulty.

What really gets me here is that for once we have a repeating theme of these characters fighting against being supplanted by something newer and larger than themselves. Kanako specifically points out that Brands and media conglomerates have replaced the gods, she colonized Suwako in the same way and she tries to do it to Reimu to kick off the plot. She's just slightly sympathetic while also being the most straightforwardly evil person in the series so far. And that's how it is! You can avoid selling out, but you can't actually upend the entire system on your own! It's not that this indie shmup is like going all in on anti-capitalism directly or anything, but the preoccupation with old ways of living and how modernity has obliterated them is only going to intensify from here.

I took count of how many times I lost to Kanako and her Mountain of Faith spellcard which ended all those 1cc runs. It was 69.

Nesse jogo eu aprendi que as coisas mais preocupantes nesse mundo são cachoeiras, sapos e pilares gigantes. Sanae


Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Solid game, but nothing special about it compared to the other touhou games, at least in my opinion.

Der Anfang einer neuen Ära.
nachdem Teil 8 es mit der Kompläxität übertrieben hat, ging man hier ein paar Schritte zurück und liefert nach Teil 2 das mechanisch simpelste Spiel der Reihe.
Mit der Bewertung tue ich mich etwas schwer. An sich ist es ein gutes Spiel, nur habe gefällt mir die Mechanik mit den Bomben nicht und zum anderen habe ich ein etwas frustrierendes Erlebnis mit dem Spiel, da man auf Easy IMMER das schlechte Ende bekommt, egal ob man Continues benutzt hat oder nicht. Glücklicherweise ist das das letzte Spiel, dass einen so für das Spiel auf Easy bestraft. In den nachfolgenden Teilen bekommt man lediglich nicht die Extra Stage, auf die ich eh verzichten kann, da ich die nicht spiele, da ich zu schlecht bin.
Insgesamt gutes Spiel, jedoch Punktabzug wegen persönlichen Ansichten und Erlebnissen.

Just... Momiji inubashiri is in this game.