Reviews from

in the past

Theme Hospital-like delivers on the promise at being amused by people with terrible but comical afflictions and then trying to help them.

Two Point Hospital is hilarious, challenging, and surprisingly addictive. Building up your wacky hospital, curing ridiculous diseases, and dealing with crazy staff drama is a ton of fun. It's got that classic management sim depth where you can really fine-tune everything, but with a lighthearted twist that keeps it from getting too stressful. Might get a bit repetitive for some, but if you loved games like Theme Hospital back in the day, this is a must-play.

Funny game for in between, i really liked the humor behind it.

Manejar la vida de los demás nunca fue tan divertido. Buen sucesor de Theme Hospital.

este é bem legalzinho dá pra se divertir

любимая игра, для того чтобы расслабиться и ни о чем не думать

A modern Theme Hospital, this game manages to keep the spirit of the original while also doing its own things along the way. The many different challenge hospitals lead you on specific paths, but you still have a bit of leeway to do your own things on the side as there’s not really a “fail”, just keep trying until you succeed.

Patients will arrive to your hospital with a manner of strange illnesses, most of which require special treatment rooms. You have to try and efficiently use the space you have, but also keep in mind that larger rooms make for happier patients. You’ll also have to manage and train staff members to be able to tackle issues quicker, with less deaths.

The different levels encourage you to focus on different areas, but once you have three stars you are free to maintain your hospital how you wish (or you can just ignore the objectives and do what you want).

A super fun game. Kind of reminds me of a modernized theme hospital.

A lot of fun, until it isn't. After a certain point, it becomes less strategy and more farming and luck.

nostalgia is doing some heavy lifting here but ill probs come back to it in a couple of months

Captures the spirit of theme hospital perfectly.

If you were waiting for an HD remake of Theme Hospital, then maybe keep waiting. This is a bare minimum hospital management sim that under delivers on gameplay to over deliver decoration.

Building the hospital is a tedious affair as you divide up the space and place the basic equipment, then you're introduced to the clutter - items the game categorises as 'decorations', most of which just exist to raise the hospitals 'attractiveness' and 'prestige' bars. They are largely gated behind a special currency that exists to drip feed you more clutter. Some of them give tiny bonuses to things but this is the only area any of the developer's innovation can be found as the rest of the game is pretty much identical to the 1997 release.

Gameplay gets old fast as you run into the usual management sim mechanics: balance your budget and wait to earn enough cash to expand your facilities to do more of the same. The game is littered with the same dad joke humour Bullfrog games were famous for which becomes tired by the 2nd of 15 levels, each of which follows the same formula of setting up the hospital and earning more than you spend.

Nothing special here sadly. The only substantive addition to this game is the aforementioned clutter system and when the developer's only innovation is on cosmetics that's a red flag. If you need proof look no further than the slew of cash grab DLC which can be sorted into three types: more of the same, reskins, and cosmetics. Sad to see another project with potential get phoned in and dumbed down.

I never grew up with Theme Hospital that much so don't have the nostalgic connection. The game looks good, plays good and it's good to kick back and relax however I got bored after my second hospital.

A really fine and fun game and spiritual successor of Theme Hospital, a game I loved back in the 90s!
It's about building and managing a number of hospitals with objectives to reach and features many "sicknesses" you have to treat. Of course the whole game is satire with weird illnesses and contraptions you use for treatment. It's your typical tycoon game with building, decoration, staff management and upgrades.
While I like the humor and the style, the game gets boring very quickly as there are 15 scenarios in the main campaign but almost all of them has the same objectives and the general gameplay loop gets very repetitive after you've unlocked everything halfway and some things are just really pointless (like the vaccination minigame). Making money and being profitable is also extremely easy once you mastered the basics, the only exception (and honestly the best part) is the state hospital which was the only real challenge I had.
The DLCs add some variety but not that much to warrant that much extra playtime.

Theme Hospital was one of my favourite games back on the days of the Playstation. But this one is just missing something.
Maybe it's because of my age, but I didn't have the same amount of fun playing Two Point as I had in the past with Theme Hospital.
Still a good game.

I really like simulator games and this one was good at it. This made me think a lot about what I needed to do.

It's pretty good but it's not Theme Hospital

keeps me occupied like a toddler with an ipad

O jogo tem alguns problemas com o GP's Office que foi resolvido com um patch que colocou uma opção na aba Policy (e que deveria ser o padrão). Sem essa opção, tem picos de dificuldade estranhos, com a opção, tem uma dificuldade fácil-mediana que pode apertar em alguns momentos.

Tirando isso, é excelente, engraçado e extremamente longo com todos os DLCs. Ainda não zerei, mesmo com cerca de 80h de jogo, e ainda falta muito. Porém o loop de gameplay é agradável o suficiente pra me manter jogando.

É muito engraçado e criativo, animações charmosas. Parei por um tempo pra jogar outros, mas voltarei em breve.

Words of tasks were incredibly small and jumping screens on console was frustrating. Seems like a game better on computer.

As funny and charming as Theme Hospital but (perhaps unfortunately) much much easier. At a certain point it gets boring on how easy it is because it borders on repetitive. Still a great play for those that loved Theme Hospital.

Quite amusing, but I didn't get a feeling for the interconnectivity of the placeable rooms. It felt simple. I'm sure there's a lot of balance in there and you'll need to adapt etc. but I just didn't see the point so called it a day.

Just far too simple for my tastes and today's market. Is this how Theme Hospital played? This seems like that except with no charm and, in every level, you just build a few of the same basic offices to get you started and then improving and expanding is just building more of the same. Then you buy more land and now you have to rebuild in order to not have a random hospital with wards and offices spread everywhere. You can finish the level and just move on, since the like 5 levels I played over a few hours could all be beaten long before you had 3 stars, but who wants to build crappy things and then run off to the next crappy build? Capitalism might, but I sure don't, so this game is not for me.

Good game but the patient ai is pure braindead

Lovely game with lots of personality, and fun.

You can make your own soundtracks

played it probably equally on switch and pc, maybe a little more on switch for portability

I have fond memories of theme hospital despite I'm pretty sure being pretty terrible at it.

I was then overjoyed to hear that they were ressurecting the series, it was nice to know that some devs hadn't forgotten it and wanted more.

I'm....shelving it though....I'm not sure if its that theres too many levels or maybe that the content for the game was more front loaded but in later levels and stars I've been left feeling like I'm just waiting for stuff to happen in fast forward.

Thats not to give the game any less credit or that I've had a bad time with it, if anything I suppose its almost great that theres too much of it, I haven't even bought dlc yet.

I'll probably be back some day, or maybe I won't, but regardless I've loved my time with it and I'm glad its here.