Reviews from

in the past

easily, unquestionably, without a doubt, the best episode yet. granted, this is from a mix of it being very good and most other episodes just being pretty alright but my point still stands.

some bits in the last third of the main story drag on quite a bit, but it's not umineko if there aren't prominent and unignorable pacing issues. aside from that, this is really incredible, tea party especially included

Me in a drive thru: "U-umm I want one B-Big Mac ple-"

Willard H. Wright on the passenger seat, screaming in my ear: "EARTH TO EARTH. ILUSIONS TO ILUSIONS. THE INGREDIENTS TO WHICH YOU SEEK CAN BE FOUND AT HOME."

ushiromiya lion i love you so so much. legendary tier character

amazing episode and stuff, but really, are you a boy or a girl?

Still my favourite penultimate arc in a story

still cant believe ryukishi put a trans icon and a gay relationship all in the same episode

I'm sorry umibros but this motive is not convincing episode 8 better explain it better or elaborate. Extra star for how hard the tea party went though, had me on the edge of my seat frfr.

there is literally no way a human wrote this

richter from castlevania's bizarre adventure

Incomprehensible. Easily the most unique and ambitious Umineko episode, presenting a fascinating spin on the formula, and revealing some intriguing truths. I don't think everything is necessarily truly perfect, and some of the reveals are a little awkward, but it all comes together beautifully. The ending before the tea party may feel a little sudden, but remember, it's not over until it's over.


i cried bc will threatened to pinch lion's butt at the end

Puta merda, isso aqui foi mais magnifico do que eu imaginava.
Ilusions to Ilusions foi sensacional e essa festa do chá foi coisa de louco de tão boa.

isso foi fácilmente a melhor coisa que eu já li na minha vida, é uma explosão de plot twist e a maioria das pontas soltas agora fazem sentido, é bizarro o nível que isso chegou

This is probably one of my least favorite episodes, but that's not to say its not without tons of merit. There are so many effective, relatable, poignant scenes in this. Its just that once you've sort of figured out where its driving at, it kind of dragged for me. I also want to complain a little bit about the epitaph, because I feel like the epitaph is one of the only things in this story that is against its themes. A lot of Umineko is having faith in the author that the mystery is solvable and if you never give up you should be able to find the truth and understand it. The epitaph is dangled over you like it is solvable, but largely it is not. It is possible but only if you're insane and you are a crack addict, bonus points if you are a native Japanese speaker, though even if you were I don't see how you're supposed to figure out even where to start until it is revealed in this episode. I appreciate how they made it clear in this episode that in the context of the story its mostly meant to be impossible, but the scenes that come before become a lot more frustrating to me, which again is exactly what this game is trying to condemn.

wow who couldve thought the shortest episode is the best one!

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only umineko could turn the state of relief from kyrie being cleared of the question arc murders into something completely different as the tea party pulled up the curtains and revealed her being the mastermind would've been mercifully less devastating

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In your 1986, did your dear brother Battler come home?

I dont think a single moment in fiction has made me feel exactly in the characters shoes so exactly without even realizing I was then the epilogue of this episode has, a complete sense of denial and "this cant be the truth i refuse to believe this isn't a lie" at the truth of what would of happened on Rokkenjima even if they had stopped Yasu.

Simply impressed how much I've come to like Ange Ushiromiya as time has gone on.