Reviews from

in the past

makes me feel even more nervous than stardew valley and animal crossing which i didn't think was possible. shutting my eyes and screaming I GET IT I GET IT I GET IT as the game reiterates that our lives are all intrinsically connected and we are all meaningful to each other and the world weighs so much and you can't put the cutting board on top of the cabinets what's WRONG with you

A meditative game or how to kill the perfectionist in yourself by cramming things in as you think is correct and then spending a lot of time correcting mistakes. The genre was slightly mixed up.

Медитативная игра или как убить в себе перфекциониста, запихивая вещи как на твой взгляд правильно и потом еще куча времени тратить на то, чтобы исправлять ошибки. Немного перепутали жанр.

Cute and good for people who like to organize and decorate.

muito relaxante, deixa o coração quentinho, no que se propõem é perfeito.

got too addictive i had to delete

imagine if i played this game in real life

as 11 horas que passaram mais rapidas na minha vida, jogo calmo, divertido e absurdamente facil de pegar todas as conquistas

• Os gráficos são maravilhosos e a pixel art é MUITO bem feita. Além disso, adorei a trilha sonora! Ela é bem simples, mas combina muito bem com a proposta do jogo e dá um toque relaxante.

• Uma AULA de narrativa ambiente. Mesmo sem nenhum tipo de texto, você descobre muitos detalhes sobre a vida da protagonista simplesmente desempacotando suas coisas e vendo pra onde ela se mudou.

• O FINAL É LINDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 A música que toca é uma gracinha e a arte que conclui o jogo me deixou com os olhos marejados...

• Considerações finais: não sou muito fã de jogos de decoração (quase hater), mas esse é um caso a parte! A estética, narrativa e outros detalhes muito criativos me fisgaram e foi uma experiência ótima. 💖

“Unpacking” is a beautifully crafted game that turns the mundane task of moving into a deeply satisfying experience. With its charming pixel art and a narrative told without words, it invites players into a zen-like puzzle that unfolds the life of its protagonist through the items they carry from one home to another. The game’s simple mechanics are deceptively engaging, offering a series of sweet surprises as you discover more about the character’s life with each item you place. “Unpacking” is a delightful journey through the intimate spaces of life, making it a unique and memorable addition to the library. It’s a game that proves that storytelling in games can be innovative and compelling, even in the quietest moments.

mimi mais pas assez de lore pour tout comprendre + y’a des objets je savais vraiment pas ce que c’était mdrr dur de reconnaître

Very cozy. I liked how the story telling is established through all the crap you hoard.

chill and fun and surprise gay!

Loved the concept but got easily bored

Unpacking is an oddly emotional chill experience. The whole game is about unpacking boxes as you move through someone's life – their college dorm, a shared apartment, even their childhood room. You never actually see the person, but their stuff tells their story. It's really short and simple, but unpacking each box is weirdly satisfying and it made me think way more deeply about my own life than I expected. It's a beautiful and unique little game.

A fun cozy game to sit down and play in in the afternoon, but not all too much to it

game tries to market itself as one of Those "cozy" type games, but ends up being frustrating in how the game forces you to follow these obtuse rules as to where you place objects throughout your (main character's?) apartment. very Whatever storytelling - it's an excellent use of the medium, but outside of that it's just kind of trite 🤷‍♀️ not much else to say

wish the game had a roguelike mode...

this is what i play when i just want to be a brain in a jar (compliment)

Um ótimo jogo de arrumar a casa, quartos, banheiros etc., é bem satisfatório e prazeroso jogar, porém jogar ele em uma tacada só igual eu fiz deixou a experiência enjoativa

Um jogo curtinho, simples mas bem relaxante, recomendo.

the lore and gameplay both have so much potential but gameplay execution is eh and lore is in limbo or being right there and hidden between pixels

Cute wholesome chill game with a small story which is implied. Love it