Reviews from

in the past

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So much said with very little words

Unpacking is a very short, very cozy, and yet somehow heart-wrenching title. The premise is exceptionally simple, you play a character who is unpacking into their new home at various stages of their life, from childhood to adolescence. Open the boxes, grab the things out the boxes, place them appropriately in the space provided, and you win!

To me, the gameplay loop could get a little tedious at times, especially in some of the larger levels. That’s not to say that getting everything in it’s right place wasn’t satisfying, it very much was, it’s just getting there could feel a bit of a slog sometimes, much like the actual act of unpacking.

But really that’s not even where Unpacking’s magic lies, this game does such an incredible job of telling a coherent story with the only dialogue being the footnotes your character annotates each “new home” picture with, which culminates to maybe a couple dozen words by the end of the game. The protagonist goes through the aching pains of growing up, making new friends, falling in and out of love, and exciting career opportunities, and you gleam all of this through the simple act of getting things out of boxes and putting them in places.

I was enraged when I was forced to put the diploma under the bed, I was concerned when it was revealed my character needed a cane to get around, I was giddy when I saw their table-top miniature had finally been painted, I nearly cried when I got the stuffed pig out for the very last time.

Make no mistake, this is a narrative game, one that trusts the player to understand what it’s trying to say, but Witch Beam have done such an immaculate job of telling the story that you really don’t need to do a lot of legwork.

chill game to turn off your brain to, not really my speed but its good at what it does and the story being told through belongings is a fun and interesting way to convey it

Bonitinho e relaxante, o jogo e curto então não dá tempo de enjoar, bom para passar o tempo

i really want to see new books :( this is a VERY enjoyable and relaxing game, i regularly start it over, and perhaps its only drawback is how short it is. let's go, lesbians!

Best panty-sorting simulator I've ever played

descobrir a história pelos itens da casa é uma graça, muito fofas alem de ser satisfatorio, porém muito curtinho

El primer juego que he completado por cuenta propia. Es relajante, entretenido y perfecto para personas que en la vida real les encanta acomodar (lo digo por mi jeje). Algo que me sorprendió es que poco a poco te das cuenta de que los distintos niveles cuentan una historia. Cada que cambias de casa y vas desempacando las cosas te percatas de que es la vida de una persona que va creciendo y pasando por distintas etapas, desde la infancia hasta la adultez. Es muy bonito ver cómo se va desarrollando su vida y te da alegría por todo lo que va consiguiendo hasta que termina el juego.

El único pero que le veo es que hasta cierto punto puede ser un poco cansado, y también el diseño del cerdito que sale en la portada no me encanta 🫢. De ahí en fuera es algo que volvería a jugar, y creo que tiene mucho potencial para que saquen más versiones que cuenten la historia de otras personas.

Nota: ¡El soundtrack me encanta!

makes me feel even more nervous than stardew valley and animal crossing which i didn't think was possible. shutting my eyes and screaming I GET IT I GET IT I GET IT as the game reiterates that our lives are all intrinsically connected and we are all meaningful to each other and the world weighs so much and you can't put the cutting board on top of the cabinets what's WRONG with you

Cute game to pass the time! Fun distraction and great for organization lovers!

muito gostosinho pena que é curtinho curtinho podia ter um conteúdo extra

Unpacking offers a unique idea in that it tells its story through the unpacking an unseen character's boxes in multiple stages of their lives, doing so in both Environmental Obstacles and a ever changing aesthetic. While its simply never going to challenge you, thats far from the point. Variety is lacking but theres not a lot you can do with its premise that unpacking DOESNT do.

Unpacking offers a unique concept focused on storytelling through the mundane act of unpacking boxes, but falls short in engagement and depth, leaving players wanting more substance and variety.

I haven't played this game for a long time, but I do recall being a really good puzzle game, makes me want to clean my room, or more so pack up and unpack.

Very cute game. Environmental storytelling at its best.

Jogo lindo, relaxante e surpreendentemente emocionante. Algumas partes foram um pouco chatas, mas como o jogo é curto, não me incomodou tanto.

This game. This game is delightful, the storytelling done through enviroments and well unpacking your stuff is stellar, the art is cute and while I am often not that fond of pixelart esque games this is a good exception.

A very heartwarming tale that you truly need to experience on your own. It is also very easy to platinum.

muito confortavel e gostoso de jogar