Reviews from

in the past

incredibly entertaining and charming puzzle game

Nunca pensé que un juego de ordenar cosas fuera a ser tan profundo

love love love love love love love love

Although it has a simple gameplay, Unpacking is a very straightfoward experience with beautiful art work and at the top, a story that is told by unexpected means, this game is the ultimate proof that characters speaking, don't always mean good story...

As gameplay and a videogame, I will not lie, and I will say that I was starting to get stressed/bored by the last two levels, but the little song at the end calmed me down, this is a very nice game for a very specific type of people, I recommend.


A los que nos hemos mudado de casa este juego nos pega fuerte

I didn't get a chance to finish this game before the Game Pass expired, so all I know is that you unpack some shit, and then you unpack some more.

It's a chill game and a way to keep yourself entertained, but I still don't know what it is about it that everyone loves so much. I probably will replay it this year and actually unpack its secrets hah ahahha haha haha hh j


This is a pretty fun game overall! Very nice and peaceful, more of an experience than a game. The achievements and 100% are very fun, and the game is also available on Game Pass!

The visuals are perfect and the controls are intuitive, even on a controller and not a keyboard. The audio gets the job done well and the subtle narrative woven throughout is nice to have.

Overall, this game is definitely worth playing and, even though it's not life changing or anything, it's a good time and puts a smile on my face.

Muito relaxante e divertido! Bom para passar o tempo.

it will either put you under terrible stress or relax you like nothing else, and i'm in the second category. this is the perfect game, i wish i could see more rooms

Es breve, pero te hace desear sentir así siempre, tal y como un abrazo de despedida. De un momento a otro puedes pasar de estar tranquilamente ordenando a echar una lagrimilla.

Relaxing and fun game to distract you from actually unpacking or cleaning stuff!

Fun little cozy game! Specially fun for couples to play, switching turns room by room. It’s chill, satisfying but can also be stressful in a sort of Tetris way. When the room starts getting packed and you have to stumble trying to fit everything it’s really funny. It tries to tell a story and I mean, it kind of works but it’s not anything crazy.

Worth it if you have Gamepass! Otherwise I think it’s overpriced a bit.