Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Okay, this game blows. I know that a lot of people spent a lot of time on this game (well not really), and I know that I should be nice and all (NOT really), but the game still blows. Think Hydlide with a sword. And better music. Okay, well it doesn’t blow THAT much. You just walk around and kill stuff, and there’s no point to any of it, and it’s all just so bleh. It’s got a day/night cycle, which is sweet, but there’s no point to it, and it just goes back to day so quickly anyway, so it just ends up pissing you off. You might gain levels and stuff, and that character creation stuff in the beginning just MAY have some relevance to the rest of the game, but after about five minutes, you won’t really give a damn, and you’ll go back to playing your stupid Madden games.

It'd be hypocritical of me to complain that Final Fantasy 1 and Dragon Quest 1 on NES were too cryptic for me to enjoy, and then go on to brace myself through the entirety of this game just because it's a Namco game.

But you know what wouldn't be hypocritical? Finding this game difficult and cryptic, but liking The Legend of Zelda!

This is only really worth looking at these days just to see how Namco's Valkyrie came to be. Otherwise, just play the remake of this on Namco Anthology Vol. 2, and if not, skip ahead to The Legend of Valkyrie.