Reviews from

in the past

The only game disk I've snapped in half out of frustration

I’ve came back to this game in an attempt to complete it 100%, picking up my 10 year old save game. It’s a great game, though the sensitivity of the controls can be unforgiving at times. But it’s definitely worth persevering with. Think of it like a modern day Stunt Car Racer and you’ll be fine – laying off the accelerator is just as important as keeping the pedal to the metal.

I completed this 100% over a period of 14 years! LOL

I feel it was play tested with a their party controller rather than the official Dreamcast controller as it seems to play worse with the official controller.

Feels terrible but I want to respect it on principle. Racing a 1998 Ford at breakneck speed feels like attainable wish fulfillment.