Reviews from

in the past

This is so stupidly fun with friends.

This one was REALLY fun! I love using the switch joycons for the crazy stuff you're experiencing in this game! Right next to gold as my top favourites!

Always a short but fun time playing through WarioWare. The motion controls work well for the most part and the microgames are creative.

This game made me do silly and stupid things but it wasn't that bad though. Just okay. Game is very short.

very good game, a great sequel to smooth moves, but 40eur? really?

Tuvo que venir Gerardo Reyero a explicarme que los Joycons tienen mas funciones de las que parece

move Joycons, show wario, life good

WarioWare: Move It! is a game that will leave you speechless, and not in a good way. The game introduces a new feature where the female TikTok text-to-speech voice narrates some of the actions, but unfortunately, it's execution has mixed results. I find the voice super annoying, with its exaggerated emphasis on random words and an overall uncanny tone. This choice has led to a polarizing effect, leading to me outright skipping videos featuring this voice. It's a shame that such a small aspect of the game can bring such negative vibes, overshadowing an otherwise enjoyable experience.

Score: 5/10

Was gonna give a 6/10 but the credits showing the devs favorite food made me boost it to a 7

Wario were does not work with motion controls.
The regular stages are fine but one you reach a certain speed is impossible. Because in some, heck, a bunch of the microgames you are just trying to figure out the controls of the microgame rather than executing them. And then are tho ones that are not consistent. Though, I still had fun during the last 3 main story levels, because there were no pose tutorials that drag on. in each stage there are 2 or 3 poses that you will use but there are tutorials that take like 1 minute each, why can't you skipp them? And the last extra levels were straight up frustraiting. I prefer wario were get it toghether and gold.


not being able to skip the explanations was aggravating. beat the main story, not doing any extras

This game was the sequel to WarioWare: Smooth Moves that I wanted since I was a kid. Microgames are fun and make great use of the Joy-cons. It's a pretty short game and the side content didn't really interest me.

Jogão, divertido demais jogar ele com meu namorado.

Amazing sequel to one of the best warioware games! Only issue I had with it as a whole was that I wished the game had more stages since the main story is really short. Besides that, a fantastic time!

When the controls work, it's a lot of fun.

Mi wario ware favorito (aunque me he cabreado muchisimo en varias ocasiones)

Some of the motion controls are a bit finicky but otherwise it delivers what you'd want from one of these games. Might be a step up from Get It Together because the games feel more satisfying to play.

This is about as close as I’m ever going to get to enjoying motion controls because they really fit in well with the WarioWare formula. This is clearly a Smooth Moves sequel and it does a good job replicating that while adding lots of new ideas. Most of the poses are fun, though a few of them I struggled to get to work such as the poses that uses the IR on the controller to read your hand. Presentation is fun as always, seeing the whole cast on a tropical island was cute and the micro games are as goofy as ever. Fun game I would play more of, I’m just never going to love motion controls so it ranks at the bottom of the franchise for me.

this game is like warioware smooth moves if it was ported to the nintendo switch, and instead of wii-motes you have joy-cons instead. i like the party mode a lot.

Basically everything you can ask for with a smooth moves sequel just wish the writing was as funny. Even for being the 10th (technically 9th) game in this franchise it still has boundless creativity left in it.

Muito bom principalmente pra jogar com os amigos, mas tem q ser amigos que já jogam, ele não é o mais adepto pra pessoas q n raciocinam rápido videogames

I played this game with my boyfriend and it's a blast. It adds on the motion gimmick from WarioWare: Smooth Moves, and even makes use of some of the joycon's unique features. This may be one of the only games I can think of to use the IR camera on the switch joycon. The gyro can sometimes be a bit finicky due to there being no sensor bar to recalibrate, however the game does a good enough job of keeping your joycon calibrated. Worth playing, especially with a friend!

WarioWare: Move It! is a great return to form for the WarioWare series, after the previous game feeling more like a big experiment than a realized video-game, I'm happy that this game feels like the actual Switch WarioWare game we've been waiting all this time.

I'll start by expressing my one and only disappointment with the game; It's a very short game.
Now the WarioWare series has always had short single player modes, but this time it's a bit disappointing because what they did was basically shove multiple characters into one stage instead of giving them their own stages.
Don't get me wrong, it's still there with the other WarioWare games in terms of length, but it's kind of sad not seeing some of the characters getting their time on the spotlight, particularly the Volt characters, and Crygor's family, and especially Lulu, who didn't get her own stage.

Aside from that, WarioWare: Move It! really feels like the sequel to WarioWare Smooth Moves on the Wii, in terms of gameplay and overall tone.

The mingames are all creative and funny, there are some returning ones, but the game does not rely on old ones to deliver on that micro game action that we all know and love.

I should mention that, this is a very funny game, I mean, they did the thing again with the dude talking about the new stances and it's as funny as in the Wii game.
The cutscenes are also very charming, It's a given in this series, all of the characters are so charming and fun.
Unfortunately, this will be the first Wario game without Charles Martinet doing the voice for him, which is a very big loss, I don't think anyone will ever match his level, let alone outdo him. That said, the new guy did an alright job.

This game is just fun, it's the actual Switch WarioWare game we've been waiting for.

Sehr sehr lustig. Macht sehr Spaß und sehr viele kreative Minispiele. Humor ist random und sehr viele Multiplayer Modi.

The 'Smooth Moves' sequel we deserve. Insanely wacky, ridiculously fast and hilariously fun - as WarioWare should be! Some of the forms are a little cumbersome to pull off in such short spaces of time (particularly "Pounce" and "Hand Model"), and occasionally the motion controls become unresponsive during the more frantic moments. But damn, I love this series! The characters are vibrant, the colours are popping and the microgames never fail to make me smile. Now time to get some more high-scores...

j'ai adoré le testé, il faut vraiment que je le fasse !!

I never really would have expected Nintendo to make a direct sequel to something like WarioWare Smooth Moves. Its so unlike them to target a specific game in a franchise and make a sequel based on that. Only a few games come to mind like Kirby and The Rainbow Curse and A Link Between Worlds. And this is definitely and proudly a sequel to Smooth Moves. Smooth Moves was probably one of my favorite games on Wii as a kid. I thought the way it used the Wii Remote was super novel compared to everything else that basically became waggle. I felt pretty immersed in the forms the game would tell you to hold the remote, even if it could probably work with just lower effort. I used to actually believe I was getting great exercise and losing weight while playing the cyclist mode. I took the dance microgame very seriously. Overall, Twisted is probably my favorite WarioWare, but Smooth Moves is such a unique and special entry in the series. So to have a sequel come out only a few years after Get it Together on Switch was pretty welcomed in my eyes and I was excited for it. Overall, I enjoy the game, but I can tell its not AS great of a feeling as I felt when I played Smooth Moves on Wii. I feel like everything's toned down a bit and it plays it a little to by the books. It kinda just is exactly what I expected it would be, which is fine. But after Get it Together kind of exceeded my lower expectations, it just feels like they put this together a little to fast. That said, I’m extremely happy the Switch generation didnt just come and go and a good WarioWare that takes advantage of the Joycons weird and quirky features DID come out. Things like dropping the joycons, using the IR sensors, the weird gyro things the joycons can do, even HD rumble, its all very unique to the Switch's hardware. They really do push the Joycons to the absolute limit of what they can do in these Microgames. I played the game to completion and took me a little over 10 hours so its decent length if you actually play for completion records. Loved the final minigame being the dancing callback to Smooth Moves. Happy this game exists, but could have been a little more in my opinion. (Played multiplayer a few times but not all the modes yet, just kind of the co op)