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Warlock's Tower has you play as Tim the Mailman as he attempts to deliver a letter to a Warlock in his tower. To stop you, the warlock places you walking puzzles that limit the number of steps you can take before dying. To prevent death, gems are strategically placed in room.

Your duty as a mailman is to master these rooms and the creatures within to deliver the Warlock his mail.

I thought this game was fantastic and I spent over 6 hours figuring out the puzzles.

While I did finish the game, I have yet to complete to 100% as the final Secret Floor is difficult to beat.

All levels completed aside from "secret" floors. Warlock's Tower is a retro-styled puzzle game, tasking the player with navigating the floors of the eponymous tower across a series of 2D rooms, filled with various switches, enemies and other obstacles. The key mechanic for most of the game is that the number of moves that you can make is severely limited and must be replenished through pickups scattered around each level. In the early stages this works quite well to generate a decent challenge, but by the later stages this restriction results in a rapid increase in difficulty, with large rooms that have pretty much a single solution that's very hard to map out - I'm not ashamed to admit that I resorted to a guide for a good number of these! As some respite, though, the final set of levels varies the mechanics somewhat (being vague to avoid spoilers) that makes the game much more enjoyable, so it leaves a more positive impression than it might otherwise do.

(If anyone is aware of a guide that covers the 'secret floors', please let me know!)

Warlock’s Tower
Developed by: Midipixel
Published by: Whippering ( @whippering )

Warlock’s Tower is a charming “retro” style puzzle game. The player controls a Postman, guiding him through obstacle filled rooms inside of a tower in order to help him deliver a letter to an “evil” wizard. The game follows a simple overarching rule, every step the player takes drains the postman of his life.

The levels are incredibly fun and get progressively more challenging. The mechanics are easy to learn but hard to master.

Warlock’s Tower is a nostalgic experience for fans of old school pixel art/8-Bit style of games. A great game that deserves more recognition.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review Score: 4/5

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. This game actually had thought put into it. It is a challenging puzzle game where you need to get to the exit with a set amount of moves. It starts off easy with small obstacles but near the end you have two characters to toggle between, movable objects and switches, enemies that move towards you after a certain amount of steps and the list goes on. There is very little to no room for a miss step.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 60 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Unless you are awesome at puzzles, use a video guide.
Trophy List Score: 5/10

The Platinum path requires you to beat the game and meet the different characters. It is that simple, however, the game isn't. The puzzles get extremely challenging and could easily take you 6 hours or more to beat naturally, so for the quick platinum, look at the solution for each room and just follow the path.

Happy Trophy Hunting!