Reviews from

in the past

acho q eu sou uma das 5 pessoas que conhece e gosta desse jogo

esse jogo é engraçado demais vtmnc

incredibly silly game that i spent way too much time in

i wore an oni mask and shoved a gourd up my ass. then i kicked the shit out of british people only to get shot in the street by the government. then i went home and played way of the samurai four for windows and ps3

el mejor simulador de Samurai que jugué hasta ahora, el combate es divertidísimo pudiendo variar entre distintas técnicas de katanas, lanzas o artes marciales.
Es un juego enfocado en las elecciones de tu personaje, la historia se reduce a 4 horas de gameplay pero los eventos de una partida influyen en las siguientes, aun así, estas se van tornando repetitivas y al final terminan sirviendo solo para farmear y desbloquear el modo dificil o desbloquear todos los finales, tu mejor partida y la más entrañable será la primera.

Algo que odié es que solo puedes pelear con un npc a la vez, mientras que los demás solo caminan al rededor esperando a que lo mates o cambies de objetivo.

Exact definition of a roleplaying game. Your choices DO matter

Really fun, amazing amounts of replayability, dozens of endings, and lots of content for the player to experience.

This is a very great series. 4 was my first Way of the Samurai game.
I really enjoy the customization aspect of this game. If you are interested in creating your own move sets, this game has that. Forging your own sword is another feature I enjoyed.
The music is phenomenal, Noriyuki Asakura did an awesome job. If you have never played this game, just know he also composed the music to Tenchu.
Playing through the many scenarios was really fun. I enjoyed this game a lot.

Transcend humanity by canceling all the slices and disregarding the tournament only to be boiled in a giant pot.

Run through a village and throw yourself on a train just to take a photo and help reestablish the local hospital by sending funds to a 12-year-old British princess who only exists to invoke your inner father instincts and make you abandon your honor, gather your belongings and venture into the great land of Britain to never come back.

You can steal, kill and fuck in this game, would never have been able to in real life.

Will always love how japanese devs made the most creative stuff with the bakumatsu setting. It's like is the best historical moment to make anything you want. A hack and slash? Sure, here you have one. A RPG with turn based combat? Sure, why not? A RPG where instead of battle you just talk? Why the fuck not? A Rance game? A Yakuza game? Just go dude. And it's aways incredible. Way of the Samurai 4 takes everything good in the franchise and do a good mix that is irresistible to not play over and over. Will get a couple more of runs and I am sure that once I get enough with this one it gonna be a 5 stars.

Interesting, and you say that was only one of the endings?

On my hands and knees begging to the Lords That Be so that this game - and really the rest of the series - get a remaster for modern systems

and also a PC port that's actually pretty good (the one for this is fine but has issues, mainly in music loops)

Action adventure game that continues the series tradition of having you play as a wandering ronin that arrives in a town and through your involvement with different events reach a variety of different possible endings based on the people and factions you support. Large number of combat styles for swords, spears, unarmed, guns, and dual wielding with the better ones giving some cool (or amusing) looking moves. Easier to follow events than previous games and to see what choices lead where by looking at a branching narrative tree. Town, building related events, and things like your ability to understand foreigners can change based on actions in previous playthroughs. Hilarious and ridiculous dialogue choices, from what I remember this is least serious of the series. A number of side activities, though most aren't that interesting other than the four side quest chains.


This is a truly your way of the samurai, your way of life, and one of the best ways to spend your time in a video game.