Reviews from

in the past

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot (2019): Juego breve para RV, más cercano a una demo técnica que a un juego completo. No está mal del todo, pero estoy seguro de que sin la marca "Wolfenstein" ni lo habría tocado. Mediocre (5,75)

As a big fan of the Wolfenstein series, I was excited to try this. It's super short, so feels almost like an extended tech demo, but at the same time I was kind of done with it after 2 hours, so I'm not complaining. It was a fun unique experience, getting to pilot the enemy mechs I was used to blasting in the other games. I also liked the drone levels that emphasized stealth, which was pretty neat when you have full freedom of movement (the drone could fly anywhere) and while having a VR view. If any of that sounds fun to you, I think this game is worth a try.

I really tried to play this because it was pretty fun from what I managed to play and I knew that it was short. But damn it just kept glitching and lagging and crashing and it was a pain in the ass so I'm giving up. It looked like it was gonna be a pretty fun 2 hour mech game though.

Side note: This is the only VR game that has actually made me feel motion sick.

Didn't make me literally sick... that's the only praise I can give this forgettable VR game.