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Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II

Jul 20

Hamster Hunter
Hamster Hunter

Jul 19

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

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Caged Bird Don't Fly Caught in a Wire Sing Like a Good Canary Come When Called

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That Night, Steeped by Blood River

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This is the moviest game of all time. If you thought the first Hellblade didn't have enough gameplay, you are going to hate this lol.

Hellblade 2 has the most realistic looking graphics I've ever seen. They are absolutely incredible. And surprisingly ran really well on my machine? While games like Cyberpunk and Starfield lag, Hellblade 2 ran amazingly besides a couple of small locations. I didn't know it was possible for my PC to handle a game like this.
I don't think that super-ultra-realistic graphics is something that every game should be striving for. But fucking hell it's incredible in this game and is one of the key things that set it apart from the rest. The cinematic feeling throughout the game is just so cool. No HUD, no tutorials, no popups, nothing. It seamlessly goes from gameplay to cutscene to combat to create an experience with no interruptions.
The combat would've eventually gotten boring if this were a longer game, but due to the scarcity of it, and the pure awesome-sauce dripping from each encounter, I enjoyed it.

I don't have major issues with the game, just some things that I felt were a bit lacking and could have definitely been improved on. The cinematicness of it all does take away from gameplay. I feel there could've been a bit more to it without having it get in the way or being too complex or anything.
And the story in this game was a bit more all over the place. In the first half it felt really slapped together. Then it kinda starts leading towards some goal but nothing is really ever developed too much, especially the side-characters.

Looks like they will be making a Hellblade 3 so I'm very excited for that. I'm also probably gonna make a little video review for this game on the second channel (once I finish editing the main channel video).

Tried out the first few levels on game pass, wasn't feeling it :(

Hamster Hunter is buggy as shit, the single-player is barebones as hell, there isn't too much to do, the ending is anticlimactic, there's not much point to doing anything, it's really short - but you can make your own fun with it.

Doing the multiplayer with like seven people was sooo much fun. Just microwaving hamsters with the homies, messing with all the machines to figure out what they do, and one friend farming hamsters by repeatedly sexing them. The game also has probably the funniest emote I've seen.
A couple weeks after that, I decided to play through the single-player and yeah, there's not much to it.

But games like this make me want to make a game. There's a charm to its simplicity. You can tell it was just made for fun with a small scope, and the dev just put whatever they thought would be funny. It sounds stupid but I found Hamster Hunter really inspiring.